Andre Michon



6 years, 3 months ago



Name Andre Michon.
Age 24.
Height 5'5.
BirthdayDecember 29th | ♑
Species Human.
Gender Male.
Sexuality Gay / Asexual.
Pronouns He/him.

  • General design elements.
    • Andre has dark, curly hair reaching down to his shoulders. When he's occupied with something and would prefer it stay out of his face, he usually ties it up into a bun.
    • Brown eyes. He wears glasses.
    • He's black.
    • 75% leg.
    • He's around 5'5 and slouches constantly.
  • Personality.
    • Andre is socially apathetic in a similar way to Laila, though he finds himself warming up to others he can see himself in pretty easily.
      • When he isn't actively avoiding socialization with other people, he can be pretty funny. He remains the "chill friend" for the most part, though he can be pretty introspective.
    • He's a very dedicated person, and he'll do anything for the people he loves.
    • However, in the case of his mother, he's having a very hard time forgiving her and that's partly attributed to a lot of bitterness on his end.

The child of two gifted psychics, Andre possesses three natural psychic gifts, and he is best known for his accurate and well-controlled clairvoyance and telepathy. As far as natural talent goes, he is quite possibly the most talented psychic of the current generation.

That's isn't saying much, psychic ability is increasingly rare and it's hard to differentiate between a genuine psychic and a particularly convincing con-artist, but it is a distinct possiblity.

Andre's mother, Cécile, was twenty-years-old when Andre was born, and she wasn't ready to be a parent. Andre's father, Jacque-Narcisse, was nowhere to be found by the time he was conceived; and thus Andre was put in the custody of his uncle and godfather, Ed, who remained his primary caretaker for the entirety of his adolescence.

Ed subscribed to the philosophy that psychic abilities shouldn't be used to "cheat through life" whereas Andre's mother regularly finds out which dying rich men are starting up and when would be a good time to date them in order to take advantage of their funds. Both of them have made an attempt to influence Andre's opinions and usage of his own psychic ability.

For a long time, Andre had an internal conflict about this, and eventually figured he would take a middle ground, not actively using his powers to find an advantage in life, but not rejecting them entirely.

This is working out for him, mostly.

In the end, Andre has little interest in doing much of anything with his abilities. Instead, he finds himself content living with his best friend and aquatic boyfriend and sleeping on the couch despite living in a two-bedroom home.

Currently, he is assisting Laila on her quest to cure her siren's curse and acting as a casual observer to actions going on around him.


  • He has tried out a few different labels before coming to the conclusion that he was gay and is thoroughly embarrassed of one point where he referred to himself as sapiosexual and said shit like, "I'm attracted to anyone with a brain," and honestly he could kill younger Andre.
  • He was a chronic overachiever until high school, wherein he just kind of fell out of it and did very average.
  • Andre has bipolar disorder, specifically bipolar II, and suffers from chronic migraines.
  • He's really good at reading people, for the most part.
  • A master at poker face. It's a side effect of his resting bitchface.
  • He's simultaneously a night owl and an early riser. He lives a paradoxical existence.
Psychic-specific abilities.
  • Clairvoyance; Andre is very adept with this ability and has no trouble seeing into the future or looking back at the past.
  • Telepathy; Andre is also really good with his telepathic ability, along the same lines of his clairvoyance. This is attributed to the fact that he was raised by Ed, who has similar abilities.
  • Telekinesis; he's not good with this at all. It's very spontaneous and he doesn't have a good grasp on exactly how to work with the ability.

  • Bad reality television.
    • Everyone has a guilty pleasure, okay? Andre's just happens to be shows like Rea(l)ove and The Bachelorette.
  • Aesthetics.
    • Andre maintains four different blogs with vastly different aesthetics. He's a pretentious gay.
      • His most followed blogs include one where he only reblogs pastel posts of the sun and moon, and one where he only reblogs dark, edgy gifsets of water and the ocean.
    • His general aesthetic as far as clothing goes is neutral tones with zero chance of getting him seen in public.
  • The color red.
  • Cats.
  • Winter.
    • He's a winter baby, but even aside from that, the cold is nice and he appreciates it better than the sweaty summers. He doesn't like to adapt or wear anything that doesn't cover 90% of his body.
  • His datefriend.
  • His best friend.
    • Don't make him choose, he'll combust.

  • Things getting too serious.
  • Awkward social situations.
    • Those things tend to go hand in hand, if you're wondering.
  • His mother.
  • Psychic stuff in general.
    • It gets very exhausting sometimes, keeping up with other psychics and the history behind them.

Laila Karnofsky. Friend. 🌟

Laila reminds Andre of himself, which is weird. He's not exactly sure how he feels about it. On the one hand, he thinks she's a cool person, and it's nice to have someone who he feels he can personally relate to. On the other hand, his general insecurities get in his way all the time, and he can't help but project some of that onto her.

Despite this, he thinks Laila is interesting, and he envies her boldness. He considers her a friend, and maybe even a particularly good one. He feels like she really gets him, and he really gets her in turn.

They're very similar people, and Andre feels it's a little conceited to say he thinks Laila's journey and confidence in it is praiseworthy, but it's true. He wishes her the best and considers her a friend by the end.

Troye Bernstein. Friend. 🌟

Andre has a lot to say about Troye. He's one of the rare genuinely good people in the world, as far as Andre's concerned, and thus he's worthy of respect in that regard. He's also just a cute, good guy to be around.

They have a lot of discussions regarding topics they feel strongly about, and when they aren't talking about their experiences with their sexuality or complexities in gender presentation, they're probably talking about cute guys. Or gushing about their partners. They're very simple dudes, all right?

Andre would be lying if he said he didn't have a little bit of a crush on Troye, but he stands by the fact that almost everyone attracted to guys would have a little bit of a crush on Troye. Hell, even Achilles has a little bit of a crush on Troye.

Florence.Friend. 🌟

Andre knows that Florence is initially distrustful of him, but honestly he is nothing but intrigued with her. He finds her emotional development fascinating and prefers to watch it unfold rather than take an active part in it.

He considers her a friend, and finds her really entertaining and charming. He also finds her kind of tragic, but that's neither here nor there. At the end of the day, Andre really appreciates Florence's take on life, which is not incredibly serious or driven by a specific cause.

As she grows to trust others and develop friendships and a love life, this gradually shifts to fighting for those people, and Andre couldn't be happier about this development. Though his completely neutral expression might not express it well. At the end of the day, Andre really appreciates Florence's take on life, which is not incredibly serious or driven by a specific cause.

Nerys Spring-Selborne.Best friend. 🌟🌟🌟

Nerys is Andre's best friend, and his love and respect for her runs deep. He cares about her more than he does anyone, and he believes her to be the smartest person he knows.

She's always been there for him, and in turn he tries to steer her in the right direction when it comes to looking for things that make her happy rather than things that help others.

He feels that Nerys deserves so much happiness and he hopes that he provides at least a fraction of the joy she has in her life. Their friendship is incredibly fulfilling and Andre considers Nerys his platonic soulmate.

He'd die for her, if he had to.

Achilles. Datefriend. ❤

God, Andre could talk about Achilles for hours. They're phenomenal.

If he were a poetic guy, he would talk your ear off about how much joy it brings him to be around them every day. If he were still an artistic guy, he would draw pictures of them. Unfortunately, words are hard for Andre to find, and art isn't something he practices anymore. Still, he's very much a sentimental man, and that sentiment seeps into every interaction he has with Achilles.

He's very much in love with them, and it hurts his heart to think about them returning to New Atlantis and their relationship being severed, but he doesn't want to tell them that. He feels like it would be selfish, wanting them to stay when there is a home waiting for them.

If Nerys is Andre's platonic soulmate, Achilles is certainly his romantic one.

Z. Friend. 🌟

Z's attempts at annoying Andre are kind of laughable, as Andre can't help but think of them as a little kid trying to get any sort of attention available to them. Though they can be obnoxious, Andre actually remains pretty indifferent towards them. This gets on their nerves and he knows it, but he doesn't mean anything by it.

Andre personally empathizes with Z's struggle with depression and does his best to keep from being outwardly negative or disdainful toward them, unless he is clearly joking or exaggerating. He tries to balance this with another principle―not treating Z like they're a little kid who needs to be carefully handled, as it frustrates them―and mostly succeeds in keeping their relationship neutral.

Billy Cloister. Disliked. 💢

Andre finds Billy very obnoxious, and not even in a vaguely entertaining way like he does Z.

Even aside from that, he doesn't like how Billy acts like he knows him. Andre's a generally secluded guy and he certainly isn't looking for this guy's understanding.