
1 year, 7 months ago


Burns, aka Prototype C-59
(age specific to the time of the Prototype escape)
6'6, 6'8 with the heeled boots she always wears
Gender + Orientation: 
trans woman (she/her), bisexual biromantic (leans sapphic)

Burns is as bright and intense as her obviously fire themed everything would imply, being confident, loud, and extremely goofy. She loves getting up to stupid shit and hanging out with her friends, she yells everything she says most of the time, she calls people dumb nicknames. She's extremely cool and swag and hot, and absolutely knows it. She's also powerful, having pyrokinetic abilities that she can control precisely enough to basically weld stuff with her brain, although she didn't always have good control over them. She used to be a scared, angry kid, made by Epimetheus as an experimental weapon. She used to lash out constantly, hurting people just because they were there and she was in pain. She doesn't like thinking about that, and she's long since grown past it, her testing’s done and she just messes around and shoots the shit with her besties now. That was, until the other Prototypes - lab experiments like herself, but largely younger than her, scared and dangerous kids - escaped. They put the facility into chaos, clawing tooth and nail to reach the surface, and she decided immediately she had to help them. She'd never seen the outside herself, after all, and the other Prototypes were so desperate and so hurt and so hopeful despite it all. She'd do anything to get them out, and to stick by her friends, even when it means hurting people, even when her friends make stupid decisions or don't tell her important stuff. Even if she's scared of losing control, of her own anger, she'll keep fighting for the people she cares about.

Notes on powers: 

Burns only has pyrokinesis, no telekinesis like Buddy has. She can spontaneously warm/combust things nearby, approximately things in the same room as her but situations vary. She has far better control over her powers than Buddy, both generally and in terms of like, fine motor control, but very occasionally does things accidentally when she's upset. In common with Buddy, she gets migraines if she overuses her powers, is sensitive to the cold but thrives in warm temperatures and sunlight, and ambiently radiates heat. Her heat/fire resistance is more extensive to Buddy’s, though she's not completely immune, and her heat resistance developed asymmetrically with her pyrokinetic abilities. Her scars were accidentally self-inflicted during a breakdown at a time her out-of-control powers’ heat was able to outpace her own heat resistance. Even though she's able to manifest fire with mental focus alone, she prefers to manifest it in her hands and treat it as a physical attack, hurling fireballs at people or even breathing fire, if she has to fight. That doesn't scare her as badly as the detachment of setting someone alight without moving a muscle. She's not immune to spicy foods like Buddy is, but does greatly enjoy them and would enter a ghost pepper eating competition for fun.



[pre-escape] Her best friend. He's a total dork and kind of a wuss, but he's funny and cute and smart with his tech stuff - she likes listening to him ramble, working together on projects, just goofing off... he worries about her too much sometimes, and she still doesn't know what happened for him to arrive at Epimetheus one day, shaken and pathetic looking and newly missing an arm, but they spend most of their time together and she loves him dearly. He lends her his goggles when she uses her powers, so she doesn't hurt her eyes, and they just hand the things back and forth constantly. It’s a silly little routine, but she hasn't minded it enough to get her own in something like four years.

[during escape] Her best friend, even if they weren't hanging out as much recently, even if he never told her about what had happened with Bright Sparks Labs and Buddy and everything until he'd already let the kid get hurt over it, even if he's so goddamn scared he isn't thinking straight- Buddy's powers are a lot like hers, and he said he would never be afraid of her but she's not fully sure, and that on its own hurts like hell. She won't let him do anything stupid, she won't give up on him. Every time she goes to burn something and he's not there, she thinks of him, wishes he was by her side, passing her his goggles and making some dumb joke. 

[post-escape] Her best friend, and also boyfriend. He's still an anxious fool, but he's gotten better, significantly so. After everything that happened, they both got better at communicating - indeed, that's how they realized they'd both been obliviously in love with each other for years. They live in a mildly shitty little apartment with C and Souldozer and, eventually, Buddy on weekends. They goof off, they work on silly projects together, they do odd jobs around the neighborhood. …She never did get her own goggles.


her and Jacob's beloved headcrab. She named it herself, and can often be found playing with it and feeding it treats. It seems to prefer her over Jacob, a fact Jacob is jokingly indignant about. Even she has to admit it can be territorial though, she's had to wrangle a furious Souldozer into an overturned milk crate to keep it from maiming visitors more than a few times.


her good friend! her main man! her bestie! her favorite crazy motherfucker!!!! C’s great. Very funny, good for arm wrestling and throwing across rooms for fun. (Jacob’s a little too.. fleshy and breakable to throw about too willy nilly.) She knows C’d have her back in a pinch, too, C’s a solid guy regardless of C’s frequent devious pranks. She and C and Jacob are kind of the ultimate squad ever. 


[during escape] the kid Jacob used to take care of, the one he's so damn scared over. When she actually met Buddy, he seemed terrified and *nice,* painfully so, it made her want to cry just looking at him. He's a scared kid, he only started having friends a couple weeks ago and is already prepared to die for them, he has an earnest, desperate optimism she didn't have when she was younger. She needs to do right by him, not just because they're both fire-powered and dangerous, not just because he's her best friend’s estranged kind-of-son - He's a good kid, and he deserves to get out and see the sun like he wants so badly. He's so hopeful, and she needs to make sure that doesn't get crushed. 

[post-escape] Jacob’s kind-of-son, her kind-of-son too at this point. She’s helping him practice his magic, he’s getting so much more confident and his control’s getting better by the day. He’s come out of his shell a lot in general, he’s still skittish and doesn’t like to be alone, but it doesn’t get to him as much anymore. He sees the sun every day, it seems like that makes them both a little stronger and happier. Him and Jacob both missed each other, even with everything, and she helped out with the diplomacy of convincing the other prototypes they could trust Jacob to be around Buddy. She likes having the kid around herself, even if she has to watch her voice so she doesn’t startle him or hurt his ears.


friend!! She and Charles go way back (see: a couple years before Jacob arrived at Epimetheus), and she was with the rest of them for a fair bit of the escape. Charles had her own shit going on after they got out, but she visits semi-regularly to chill. 

[Relationships to be added: Ruben, at least a couple more Prototypes]