
1 year, 7 months ago


Buddy, aka Prototype #112
7. He was grown in a tube, developed abnormally, and has a lot of trauma, the way he thinks and acts varies in maturity but he's ultimately a kid.
(age specific to the time of the Prototype escape)
3'6, he's still growing though
(height specific to the time of the Prototype escape)
Gender + Orientation:
About as much of a cis boy as a biologically sexless horse grown in a tube can be (he/him), asexual aromantic

Buddy is an anxious and troubled kid, but fundamentally kind and incredibly brave. He lives with the crushing guilt of having killed a dozen people, including his sibling, in the Bright Sparks Labs Incident, although he doesn't really remember the event itself. After four years of loneliness and misery and failing tests, the facility was put into disarray by a mass escape of other lab experiment Prototypes. Suddenly finding himself with friends and hope, but imminent danger at every turn, Buddy became incredibly determined to protect his newfound family. He wanted to use his magic to save those he loves, instead of hurt them, and to reach the surface, finally seeing the sun like his sibling had wanted him to. He’s incredibly scared of hurting his friends, or failing to protect them, and can often be overwhelmed with panic and misery. Even with his fear, he's determinedly optimistic about human nature and the possibility for a better life. And luckily, his anxiety improved once the Prototypes successfully escaped and weren't in constant peril, and he grew more confident in his control over his powers. He isn’t great with social cues, but is very affectionate towards his friends, physical contact like a hand on his shoulder or a tight hug able to ground him when he's overwhelmed. He's naive about a lot of things, particularly anything outside the facility, and is generally childish, but he can be deadly serious and knows how capable of killing he is. He likes drawing, eating whatever plants he can get his hooves on, and anything cozy and warm.

Notes on powers: 

Buddy's powers are just real life my little pony unicorn magic, I cannot pretend that there is a rational explanation for them. However, they do have clearly defined limitations and mechanics. He can perform telekinesis, levitating or applying force to objects or people, or spontaneously manifest heat or start fires. He can only do magic on things in basically the same room as him, within eyeshot basically (not exactly that, because he can do magic when his eyes are closed, and often does.) He can perform limited amounts of magic at a time before he starts getting a migraine, and while he can force himself to continue past that point, that's not sustainable and he'll eventually pass out from the pain and exhaustion, anything he's doing fizzling out when he loses consciousness. The loss of stamina is directly tied to the quantity and intensity of magic. Lifting more or heavier objects, warming things to higher temperatures, or applying greater force to objects all increase his rate of exhaustion. His powers act erratically under stress, his horn glows and sparks when he's anxious or scared, and he often does things out of panic without consciously intending to. His horn always glows orange when he uses magic, more brightly based on the intensity of magic and how stressed he is, as do any objects he's picking up, or anything he's applying heat or force to (if its part of a larger entity, like tugging on someone's arm or dragging a table by one leg, only the part he's applying magic to glows.) His horn and affected objects or people are also ambiently warmed by magic use, even when that's not the main thing he's doing. Buddy also generally has a high body temperature and radiates heat, as well as being soft and fluffy - he's like laundry fresh out of the dryer, all the time. He's highly resistant to high temperatures (and spicy food), and his fur is highly fire resistant, though not his mane and tail. He is very sensitive to the cold, however - lower temperatures lessen his magical stamina, and sufficiently cold environments will completely wipe him out, exhausting him and making him unable to think clearly. Warmer environments, and especially sunlight, increase his magical stamina and are more comfortable for him. 

Also, he has a cutie mark, which I can rationally justify even less than the magic. He got it during the Bright Sparks Labs Incident, as just a stylized flame, and after escaping and seeing the sun for the first time, rays of light or sunbeams appeared radiating off the flame. He was not conscious of the change either time, and only noticed later.

Oh yeah also he says everypony, anypony, somepony, etc. every single time without fail, is seemingly incapable of saying the non-pony alternatives, and just gets confused if this is mentioned to him. Presumably there is some kind of engineered hardwiring in his brain that causes this.



His sibling. They're dead because of him, they have been for over half his life. Even if he barely remembers what happened, only sort of remembers what they were like at all, their death is still a permanent hollowness in his chest, a guilt he'll never fully let go of. He does remember they wanted him to see the sun, how warm and beautiful the world was outside the facility. He needs to get to the surface, whatever it takes. it's the least he can do for them.


[during escape]

The man who raised him. Like with Gerrie, he only half-remembers him, mostly that he was nice and tried to keep him and Gerrie safe, explained stuff to them - and the fear in his eyes when he found them during the Incident, the way he stumbled over himself running away, leaving Buddy alone. He was still scared when he saw him years later, enough to hurt him, trying to take his magic. Buddy just wants him to be nice again, to realize how hard he’s trying to help people instead of hurting them.


Luckily, Jacob did realize, getting some sense talked into him by his friends, and apologizing to Buddy soon after they escaped. They managed to reconnect over time, and eventually Buddy started staying with him and his family over the weekends. He's still a bit of a mess generally, but he undeniably cares about Buddy, and they missed each other. He tells funny stories, and lets Buddy help him out with projects, even though he doesn't know how a lot of stuff works and drops things a lot. 


[during escape]

Jacob's friend, another prototype. She has powers like his, but is so much braver than him, and there's a kindness in her eyes that he trusts completely, even when she's loud and it hurts his ears. He wants to be cool and strong like her, and know what he’s doing like she seems to.


Jacob’s.. girlfriend, now, though he’s not entirely sure what the distinction is. She’s helping him practice his magic, getting used to using it for stuff that isn't scary, gaining more control. She’s really nice and cool, and he knows she’d keep him safe no matter what, even if she’s not actually infallible. She lowers her voice when she talks to him, as not to hurt his ears, but still slips up sometimes when she's excited. 


Jacob and Burns’s pet crab thing. It attacked him and hurt him pretty bad when they first met. When he next saw it, they were careful it wouldn't do that again, and once they'd all escaped and had more normal living situations they gave it a less dangerous claw-thing, for everyone's sake. Despite their best efforts, it took him a long while to feel safe around it, especially with how unpredictably it moves.


[during escape]

The scary security guard that tried to hurt his friend Gooby. He isn't really sure why, something about organs, but C had trapped them and was attacking Gooby and throwing everyone around, and Buddy was panicking and.. killed C. Tore C into pieces. His friends tried to keep him from seeing the body, and he was too out of it at the time to fully realize, but he understood what had happened as soon as he was more in his right mind. He didn't want to do that, it scares him that he could without meaning to, even if C was hurting people. 


Jacob and Burns's friend, C’s lived with them since the escape - C came back in a backup body after dying, and chilled out quite a bit. C and Buddy were both a bit skittish around each other, understandably, but once it was clear that C wasn't planning on attacking anyone else, and Buddy wasn't going to magic blast C again if he could possibly avoid it, they got along pretty well. C gives good hugs (cybernetic noodle arms.) and is very funny. C often only knows marginally more about how things work than Buddy himself, and makes shit up in response to questions, which Buddy generally takes at face value. 

Buddy's favorite sibling, though he wouldn't say that. They'd do anything to protect him (and the other Prototypes), and vice versa, and both have gotten hurt or hurt others protecting each other countless times. He feels safe with them, despite their sharp and frightening appearance, and worries about them when they're not around. They and Buddy share a dedication to keeping their loved ones safe at all costs, to the point of self-sacrifice, though once they've all escaped that instinct is less immediately relevant. Pitch still makes sure he's okay, though.
One of Buddy's siblings/fellow Prototypes. They're dangerous, like him, venting smoke and sometimes exploding. He cares about them, wants to help them and keep them safe as much as with any of his other siblings, but they're... confusing, a lot of the time. They say stuff that isn't true, make mean jokes, it seems like they think *everything* is mean jokes sometimes. He tried asking them for advice a few times, on keeping from hurting people or staying calm when things are scary, but they didn't really have anything that they could in good conscience recommend to him. Its not like they weren't hurting people - Buddy got the scar on his front left leg from them, a bit of shrapnel hit him when they exploded. Buddy doesn't hold it against them.


another Prototype/sibling. Serpt and Buddy don't get along very well, it's cynical and mean and hurts people for no reason, though Buddy does wholeheartedly believe it can get better. They were separated from the others and had to work together for several days at one point, Serpt antagonizing and belittling him and continuously trying to commit murders, but Buddy wouldn't back down even when threatened with abandonment and refused to let it kill people unnecessarily on his watch. He did seemingly manage to prove himself in Serpt’s eyes, it backed off on the murders (while Buddy was around, at least) and stopped calling him a coward or threatening to leave him behind. Buddy is still wary around them though, and they don't see eye to eye on much. He doesn't understand how it could resign itself to hurting people, nevermind enjoy it, though its not like Serpt seems very happy.

[Relationships to be added: Gooby, Frenzy, Dittotype, Lilac, Leo, 110, 111, Screen, probably more]