Jacob H. Garrison



1 year, 7 months ago


Jacob H. Garrison (the H stands for Harrison, though he tells most people it stands for Henry out of fear of being relentlessly bullied)
(age specific to the time of the Prototype escape)
Gender + Orientation:
cis man (he/him), bisexual biromantic

Jacob is nothing if not a Normal Guy, being an affable, somewhat pathetic, and relatively nondescript man with a passion for mechanical engineering, classic sci-fi movies, and shooting the shit with his friends. He's nearly always working on some project or another, whether its a new version of his own arm or some goofy and usually useless robotic creation, or helping out a mechanically inclined coworker with their own endeavors. He tends to worry, often to a detrimental degree, and to avoid and procrastinate problems until they get so bad he's forced to deal with them. Generally speaking, he is easily undone by fear. At 26, he found himself looking after two strange, inhuman children created by an eccentric scientist, while working what was supposed to be a handyman job at an up-and-coming scientific research facility. Three years later, one of the children lost control of his powerful magical abilities and killed several people, including his Prototype sibling. Jacob couldn't handle the situation and fled, leaving the child - Buddy - behind, abandoning him when he needed him most. Even years after the incident, with new friends and in a new facility, he couldn't move past his fear of Buddy's powers, trying and failing to remove his magic by force. He only hurt Buddy, and damaged his relationship with his closest friend (and longtime crush) Burns, in the process. He realized how badly he'd fucked up soon after, Burns and others pulling him out of his wildly unhelpful mindset, and he promised to do right by Buddy despite his fear. He is, ultimately, a good man, however long it took him to become a good kind-of-dad to his strange little horse kid. 



[during escape]

 The kid. His kid, kind of - he gave him his name, raised him and his sibling as best he could for the first three years of their lives, stayed up for long nights sitting by him because he couldn't stand to be alone. Then the kids got out somehow, ran into some guards before he got there, and Buddy just - broke, or something. Tore people to bits, set fires, Jacob hadn't realized how powerful the magic Dr. Cicierega gave him could be, or how dangerous. It terrified him. He didn't know what to do then, so he ran, and four years later he still doesn't. He tried to get rid of his magic himself, with a modified prototype tube, the only thing he could think of to do. It didn't work, just hurt him. He feels so bad for the kid. He's so scared all the time, he doesn't deserve any of this, he hurts just to look at. Buddy shouldn't be this powerful, shouldn't be this able to kill, this volatile, this *dangerous.* He doesn't know what to do about any of it.


His kid, or something like that. A good kid. He's brave, and kind, and he never gives up, and hell, he's smarter than he is a lot of a time. He missed him, despite it all. It took a while for him to be sure of his own ability to care for Buddy, to even be around him, took longer than that to convince the other Prototypes to trust him. Burns helped with that, as did Buddy - he'd been pestering his siblings to let him visit him and talk. Somehow, the kid missed him too. Now, a solid couple years after they all got out, Buddy stays with him and his friends over the weekends. They all get along well enough, and it's.. not easy, of course parenting isn't, but he thinks he's doing alright.


The other kid. The plucky one, the clever one. The one Buddy accidentally killed, in his disoriented panic, during the incident. Jacob remembers what they were like, their headlong enthusiasm for life and learning, their mischievous nature and penchant for getting their brother to help them with their troublemaking (he was loyal enough that it didn't really take much convincing.) It doesn't seem like much of anyone else does, though. No records, no recovered body, with Dr. Cicierega dead it doesn't seem like anyone's left to remember them, besides him - and Buddy. Buddy only vaguely remembers them, he was quite small when they died, after all. He asks about what they were like pretty frequently, and he tries his best to answer. It hurts, but its better than letting the kid fade away completely. The least he can do is remember them.

Dr. Cicierega 

The lady who made the two Prototype kids, back at Bright Sparks. She was a genius from what he could tell, with the making whole little guys out of science goo and all, and only a bit older than him. She was.. Enthusiastic, driven, a force of nature almost. He never knew her that well, even after three years of caring for the kids, bringing them in for tests regularly. He honestly felt a bit intimidated by her, with all her mile-a-minute talking about science shit he didn't understand. She died in the incident, apparently. He only found out about that later, wasn't sure how to feel about it. Giving the horse magic powers was a damn stupid idea, but jesus, she didn't deserve to burn alive for it.

Dr. Cicierega’s hardass sister

 He's not sure her name, they barely spoke before the incident, and only once after it, when she marched into his workshop, asked him what he'd seen, and threatened to kill him. He fully believed that she would. He doesn't know what her deal is, but she seems like a real nasty piece of work. Even before the incident, she didn't seem to like him, the Prototype kids, or for that matter, her scientist sister.



His best friend. She found him not long after the incident, when he'd just been transferred to Epimetheus, still recovering from a recently amputated arm and thoroughly shaken. He didn't tell her about Bright Sparks, any of it - afraid Epimetheus would come after them both - but she never pushed him on it. He adores her, her sharp-toothed grin and her scratchy, powerful voice and how she always moves like she owns the place. She helped him build his arm - the first iteration and nearly every version after it. Her pyrokinesis is precise and powerful, almost scarily so, but he knows she'd never lose control, never hurt him or anyone else. He mostly just worries about her hurting herself. He hands her his goggles whenever she's using her powers just in case, even if she claims her eyes are probably fireproof.

[during escape] 

His best friend, that's why he couldn't tell her anything. Because of the possibility of Epimetheus finding out, but more because he didn't want to know what she'd think of his half-thought-through plan to neutralize Buddy's powers. It didn't work, of course, and he had to tell her, and she was worried, and angry, and hurt. He doesn't know what to do, doesn't know how to talk to her anymore, can't stand how she looked at him. He knows he's being stupid by running away, but that kind of only makes him feel worse. He misses her so bad, just wants to hear her voice again, to have everything be fine.


His best friend. And his girlfriend, somehow. She stuck by him, didn't give up on him when he was being an idiot, and they got out of there, together. He honestly still thinks she's out of his league, it took him a while to comprehend that she really loved him back. They got a place together after the escape, and they goof off, and work on little projects and make terrible jokes, just like they did before. It's.. really incredibly nice. He’ll do his absolute damnedest not to mess it up again.


 He and Burns’s friend, they got to know C after C kept showing up in his workshop for a series of increasingly absurd cybernetic repairs. C was made in Epimetheus, same as Burns, and seems to have had a rough time of it, but that doesn't stop C from being the funniest motherfucker alive and. C picked up on his crush on Burns extremely fast, but luckily just lightly made fun of him for it. Like Burns, C hadn't come by his workshop for a while before the Prototype escape, and by the time he saw C again C’d been killed - by Buddy - and kicked into a backup clone body. This was kind of unimaginably stressful to find out about and made him panic spiral, although according to C, C deserved it at the time. C ended up escaping the facility alongside him and Burns, and staying with them afterwards. C’s kind of a terrible roommate, but they are too and they all get along well regardless.


 He and Burns’s ornery pet headcrab. It seems to like Burns a lot more than him, but he’s mostly only jokingly mad about that. It’s well taken care of, but still not entirely tame, and has a… penchant for chaos and bloodshed. Jacob didn’t bother to redesign its overly spiky prosthetic claw when it stabbed him in the shoulder bad enough to send him to the medical wing, but it stabbing Buddy during the escape sent enough of a memo to get him to do it.


A friend, arguably more of a comedic straight man than him, despite having lionfish arms, and maybe necromancy secrets? He's not entirely sure. She stuck with him and his friends for much of the Prototype escape, but had her own goals to pursue after they got out. She still visits sometimes. Jacob doesn't actually know her that well.


One of the prototypes at Epimetheus, and one of Buddy's friends. They followed him around a fair bit when he was in bad sorts and apart from his friends - he didn't know them, but they’d heard about what happened with Buddy and had a field day politely harassing him about his failings as a father or whatever. It did end up motivating him to find Burns and apologize, if only to stop getting made fun of. After the escape, when he reconciled with Buddy, he saw them around a fair bit. They still make fun of him, but less pointedly than before. They seem nice enough beneath all the snarkiness, and Buddy likes them.

[Relationships to be added: Ruben, Pitch]