Odie Milo Grey



6 years, 3 months ago


【 Name 】 Odie Milo Pierce【 Alias 】 Milo
【 Gender 】 Agender【 Affiliation 】 Vanguard
【 Height 】 5'2"【 Role 】 Hero
【 Age 】17 years【 Alignment 】 Neutral Good
【 D.O.B. 】 November 03【 Ethnicity 】 Japanese-African American
【 Hometown 】 Mossley, Nevada【 Type 】 Emergeant / Deified

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A quick summary of your character.

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Write about any quirks or habits your character has that may be observed.

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Describe how your character talks-- speaking habits, accents, etc.

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Odie's mother was a second generation immigrants to the United States, and met their father growing up. Odie's parents moved with friends to a small town in the middle of Nevada for a business startup which winded up being surprisingly successful. Odie was raised with very little cultural connection to their heritage, much like both of their parents. Although they loved their parents, their parents were both very busy and demanded much of Odie in regards to contributing to the family store-- Odie ended up slightly rebellious and wildly independent, refusing to be saddled with the responsible of inheritance.

Yricho the Deity

In the town Odie grew up in, Yricho the deity was summoned and sealed in the town in order for it to prosper. Odie encountered Yricho underneath the town, and was eventually moved into releasing the deity. With the help of their friend and mentor, Silas, Odie was able to break the bonds tying Yricho in the town. Yricho took Odie as its host in order to survive, but with Odie's permission.

Silas was blamed by the townsfolk for destroying their security. He allowed himself to be captured and killed to give Odie and Yricho a chance to escape, and the two fled the town. Odie tracked down Silas' contact, Harper, who took them to Saint City.

In Saint City

After joining Harper and his family, Odie took the Grey's surname and settled in, more than pleased to be offered the opportunity to live among other Emergeants. Although the Grey family generally tended to stay neutral in city matters, Odie found themself encountering Vanguard's teams a lot in the field during various crisis, and eventually joined them after requesting permission from Eilam. After "graduating" from training, they entered the field as a solo agent, stubbornly refusing permanent partners as they considered Yricho their "partner". 

Yricho took an interested in Otis when he joined the Vanguard however, and because of this Odie requested to be teamed up with him. Quickly, Odie and Yricho discovered Otis' emergeant ability to amplify the abilities of others. They agreed to keep hush about it as long as Otis didn't mind staying with them, as Otis' ability seems to be able to heal Yricho in emergency situations.







Odie acts as a host to the deity who calls themself Yricho. As an amiable partnership, Yricho allows Odie to borrow some of their abilities.

Yricho's Shadow

Odie can summon their deity, Yricho, as an apparition. Yricho can move up to around 50 meters away. This poltergeist mirrors all of Odie's movements, and Odie can see through it. While using this ability, Odie doesn't see/feel/hear through their own body, which can leave it defenseless. If Yricho's shadow is injured, Odie is also injured, and vice versa. The main advantages are swift movements and being able to squeeze through cracks.

When using Yricho's eyes, Odie sees the astral forms of other people.

Yricho's Shroud

Odie wears Yricho's Shadow around their own body, bolstering their offense and defense. Although more cumbersome than using Yricho's Shadow, this ability reduces their fragility and allows them to fight for extended duration. Odie is able to leap great distances and even crush rock with their punches.

Yricho's Reflection

Yricho can appear in mirrors and travel from reflection to reflection. Their time away from Odie is limited to about an hour within city limits, and shorter at a further distance. While they are away, Odie cannot borrow any of Yricho's other abilities, and Yricho cannot interact physically with matter. As they are apart, Odie cannot see through Yricho's eyes, but Yricho and Odie can vaguely sense where the other is.


Milo Harper Grey

[ foster parent ] Harper was a friend of Silas' and the person who brought Odie to Saint City. Harper and Odie share a comfortable silence with one another, and Odie has adapted many behaviors from Harper. Odie thinks that his quiet nature and eagerness to help others is really cool. Odie appreciates that Harper doesn't try to control Odie's future.


Reuben Castell-Grey

[ foster parent ] Odie lives under the Castell-Grey roof, with all the mentors that it comes with as well. Odie is enamored with the idea of acting in the name of justice, and idolizes Reus a bit in that regard. Much of the court jargon they misuse comes from mimicking Reus. Although Odie admires Reus, Odie is not guaranteed to listen to Reus.


Eilam Castell-Grey

[ foster parent ] Eilam is probably the most reliable among reliable parental figures in Odie's life. Odie was the slowest to warm up to Eilam, being apprehensive and originally thinking that Eilam was the most likely to place expectations on Odie, but Odie has grown to enjoy a small back-and-forth of sass with Eilam. Odie does admire Eilam's intelligence.


Silas Pierce

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Otis Rhee

[ vanguard partner ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
