Lance Lafayette



1 year, 5 months ago


Name Lance Lafayette

DOB July 19th, 1925

Age 18+

Sign Cancer

Gender Male

Birthplace Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Height 5'5" (165 cm)

Residence Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Build Thin

Occupation Army Private (Paratrooper)

Eyes Dark Blue

Orientation Homosexual

Hair Auburn

Demeanor Unpredictable


HTML Pinky

Lance was born into poverty to a mother who never wanted him (and frequently made it known to him), and a father who did, but who was so deeply buried in his depression that he couldn't show him the love and attention he needed. His dad committed suicide when he was eight, leaving him solely in the care of his mother, who physically and verbally abused him, and drank so heavily that she had a very hard time holding down a job and making enough money to support them. Naturally, this caused Lance to grow into a depressed, bitter, angry teen who hated everything and wanted nothing more than to escape somehow. He never paid much attention to the news, but when he began hearing more and more of the war he decided to join the army and left without a word to his mother. Being thrown into combat thousands of miles from his miserable situation, and taking out all his aggression on enemy soldiers, has so far been a thrill to him, and he could care less if he makes it out alive. (And if he does, he's never going back home!)



He never seems truly "happy" and is also quite moody, sometimes he's very cranky and pushes everyone away, even snapping and yelling at times, otherwise he's simply indifferent. When in an "okay" mood he's fine hanging out and talking with others, even enjoying their company. While he isn't "shy" he doesn't freely open up and talk about himself or his personal life either, but is usually fine with getting into it if asked. For much of his life he has been haunted by dark, violent thoughts he can't ever seem to get out of his head: visions (or maybe "fantasies" is a better word) of himself killing people in all sorts of ways. But once he actually kills someone for the first time it's almost a relief, finally getting to experience it, and it's a rush like nothing he'd ever felt before. He'd been used to hiding his homicidal ideations from others, thinking he was crazy and would be hauled off to the nuthouse for it, but after everything he's seen in the war he realizes the world is full of sick fucks and he's far from the worst. He's fine with talking about this too, and doesn't bother to hide the excitement he feels from killing enemy soldiers. (And the edgelord in him likes seeing people's reactions.) He doesn't smile or laugh much, but when he does it's usually related to something awful along these lines, it comes as no surprise he has a dark sense of humor.


His default facial expression is a blank stare, he is often deep in thought when not engaged in anything else. He dislikes making too much eye contact with people and will usually avoid it (though he does like staring people in the face when killing them...) As stated above he doesn't smile much, a smirk is about all he'll usually give, if anything. Whether he is angry or not he often frowns during conversation. He also smokes cigarettes often, kind of using them as a distraction to keep his hands busy. And speaking of his hands, whenever he gets any blood on them he likes to leave it a long time before washing it off.


His voice is fairly deep, at least maybe more so than most would expect from him, and a little bit gruff/hoarse. He has a thick "Cajun" accent, and sometimes talks fast, which makes some people have a hard time understanding him. (He hates people commenting on his accent, and also hates repeating himself.)


Likes: Violence, blood, seeing the world outside his hometown, cigarettes, stealing things, sweets/candy

Dislikes: His mother, his headaches, most people, having to repeat himself



Hair: Reddish brown, short & shaggy, with messy bangs that reach down to his eyebrows. It curls upward in the back and sticks out on the top of his head.

Eyes: Very dark, indigo blue, sometimes with dark circles underneath

Build: Very thin, lanky, with scrawny arms and legs, his ribs are also visible. He also has very little body hair.

Scars/Body Modifications/Other distinguishing features: None!


His army uniform is usually spattered with blood, when not wearing a jacket he always has the sleeves of his shirt rolled up. Out of the uniform he dresses about as plainly as it gets, white t-shirts and jeans or shorts. In cold weather he may wear a jean jacket or flannel.













  • Lance is a very old character from a very old, discontinued story of mine (literally 20 years old), that I'm "recycling" for another storyline because I can. :p I tried to keep his backstory as close to the original as possible. Maybe one day I'll add a separate tab about it.
  • In his original story he first starts smoking when given a cigarette by another OC in the story, in this one, he just started stealing them from his mom in his early teens.
  • He speaks a little bit of Cajun French, though not really enough to carry on a full conversation
  • He gets frequent migraine headaches, which can be debilitating at times, but for the most part he's able to suffer through the pain and go on with his day.
  • Lance has no idea his dad killed himself, and probably never will. For whatever reason his mother (maybe because she has a hard time accepting it herself), only told him he was shot, without ever saying who actually pulled the trigger.
  • Though he is proficient with a firearm he chooses to use a knife whenever possible...
  • Due to growing up without having much food around he's in the habit of forgetting to eat for long periods of time, and eating ravenously when he does. He's also not especially picky about food either, but sweet things are his favorite.