Marlena (Black Nettle Jelly)



1 year, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Marlena lastname


June 26

Magical Girl Title

Black Nettle Jelly


Team Jelly


Active MG




Venom Shock, Paralysis




Red-Orange, Charcoal Purple gradient


Magical Girl on Team Jelly with a venom shock rapier. Her main color is a reddish orange that gradients into purple. 

Marlena is the haughtiest of the group, and not without justification. She's very proud of her power and beauty, which in addition to contributing to her role as prima ballerina, also net her a lot of popularity among City residents as a Magical Girl. Her rapier allows her to inflict venomous stings on her targets, and later, the ability to cause lingering paralysis. Marlena is a very skilled MG and is often able to take down multiple monsters simultaneously. Her main drawback is her magical stamina, for which she must take frequent breaks to replenish.

Marlena's strength and popularity puts her at odds with Claudia, since the latter leads their team, while Marlena is the leader of the ballet troupe that much of Team Jelly (including Claudia) hails from. Marlena even considered going solo for a while earlier on in their MG careers out of frustration, but was convinced otherwise by the team's manager, who was primarily concerned for Marlena's safety and recognized that her stamina weakness would leave her vulnerable if she patrolled alone. There's also the inherent stigma of splitting up thematic teams, which in the wake of the Team Fairy debacle, Marlena is especially sensitive to. Aofie would have been Marlena's pick to form a new duo, but that might create some bad blood among the ballet troupe, and bad press as an MG. Talk about messy! Marlena is doing her best to stay close friends with Aofie, regardless of how complicated things have gotten.

Despite a rocky start to both of their careers, Marlena's and Claudia's antagonism toward each other has settled into a friendly rivalry, as both of them have learned from their experiences as Magical Girls. Claudia has learned to be more confident and take pride in other aspects of her life besides being an MG, including ballet, which Marlena recognizes and appreciates. Meanwhile, Marlena herself has learned to share the spotlight now and then, as well as find ways to use her strengths besides just to be better than or in charge of everyone else.


Originally Marlena had acid powers, but while working on her design, I learned that part of the scientific name for the Black Sea Nettle (Chrysaor achlyos) comes from the Greek "Chrysaor" which translates literally to "he who has a golden sword", so I knew what I had to do. A rapier specifically was chosen because modern foils conduct electricity to track where and when they make contact with an opponent's suit, and jellyfish are often associated with electricity, so I thought the parallel was neat!