Gale Evans



6 years, 3 months ago



Name Gale Mason Evans
Age ???
Build "Thin"
Species Demon
Gender Male
Sexuality Homosexual
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation Boss of Alec
Creator Kichip
Height 4'10
Design Notes

  • Has stitches in his eye that tend to get messy
  • When he unstitches his eye there is a mouth underneath
  • He can see out of his eye
  • When he does open his eye, he isnt blind as he has hidden eyes elsewhere

Gale is very cocky and reckless, often not putting things into the context they should be put into. He does have other abilities to help him fight besides his eye, but he rarely uses them as Alec is his bodyguard. He is very controlling and doesn't know his limits on people and what they need to survive.

Key Features

  • Has scars all over his hands
  • He rarely ever unstitches his mouth
  • Has some piercings that he had given himself because he saw them on humans and thought they looked 'interesting'
  • Pointed, large horns
  • Grey-ish sickly skin with dark circles under his 'eye'

Gale was summoned by a cult who wanted revenge on all of those that had wronged him. They didn't know that they summoned the wrong demon and gale actually had no intent of helping humans, and couldn't be contracted. All they did was pull him from the vast emptiness of his world. He had rid the cult of their lives and summoned another demon who he promised to help out if they had helped him in return, Alec.

Gale and Alec target a middle aged man named James, the only person in the world with a chemical in their brain called 'Exothemias'. This chemical allows demons to influence your body and shift you into one of their own. They cant do this other wise without the chemical, or it will just turn the human to dust or melt them inside out. However, they need the humans consent to this issue, which they can get by either willingly passing it over or to break the human and have them give up their will and pass in their consent. They plan to use James as a carrier of their demonic disease because the chemical will allow him to infect humans that do not carry it.

Luckily, both of the demons are careful planners and often think through their plans multiple times. Alec is more of the strength in the group then Gale, but Gale can be a bit more reckless which can help them in certain cases as he can take others by surprise with his abstract train of thought. They target the people closest to James in order to help weaken him before they actually target James himself.


  • Binge Eating
  • Logan (AMAOTH)
  • Places that aren't crowded
  • Having power over others

  • James
  • Elijah
  • Tommi
  • Chasing 'Games' with his targets
  • Luvia

Alec | Close

Alec works for Gale and honestly doesn't mind the fact that he has to do most of the work for the man. He actually enjoys doing it since his normal life doesn't have many interesting factors. They are very close.

James | Hated

James hates Gale as he had been the demon who had 'killed' his brother and tormented Tommi. He wants to rid himself of Gale, but Gale always has his ways of coming back, much to the mans dissapointment.

Elijah |Hated

Elijah had mistaken Gale for an angel (since he had put a disguise spell on him) so when he helped him, it had gotten him stuck through a spiral of misfortune which started with Gale possessing him and burning down his house, supposedly killing all of his family.

Luvia | Hated

Luvia and Gale have some background where he accidentally fucked up her plans and ended up sticking her in the vessel of a little girl who had a priest for a father, so it made it worse on her to carry out her plans since any wrong move and she could be expelled from her time of existence.