


6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


-Full Ears (C) -Normal Eyes -Standard Body and Paws -Orchid Tail (UC)


-They can be drawn with an humanoid face if desired uvu



A mysterious peep that spawned in certain abandoned ruins of a temple for the gods built by humans in ancient times, in a hidden place the middle of the Worldford Forest

Consider themselves the guardian of the ruins and doesnt let anyone in there, afraid of strangers not treating it with the respect such a sacred place deserves (and the precious and mysterious info it has within...)

The only story they know its the one that is written on the walls and scripts of the ruins, so most of their life they are not very aware of how the times have changed asdf, but thanks to talking the people that end up there sometimes (and an phone one of the lost there sfagf) they have a better grasp, but stills they have a mostly warped perception of reality hhghghh

They are a calm and composed peep with usually smooth manners and pretty humurous too thats also the mischievous type, loves to prank and fool everyone that go near them (and people usually falls bc of their natural charm)

They are also very secretive and unreadable, aloof and easily annoyed by people and things they dont like

  • Decieving
  • Glowing things
  • Worms, snakes
  • Decaying stuff
  • Being respected and praised for their hard work
  • Warm-colored crystals
  • Intruders in the ruins
  • Vandalism
  • Giving explanations
  • Not being taken seriously
  • Being the fooled one >:)

This bich is trying to perform an ancient ritual to bring to the Temple a powerful monster from The Other Side (Cthulu-like) that will give them powers equally to the Gods themselves (this is some very old cult-shit info written by humans that was guarded in the temple, and obviusly they ate it up), and they are Almost There, only missing a piece.....

How funny it is that they later discovered that that piece was precisely that Vullowisp they tricked into being forever lost in the forest months ago...........................and is nowhere to be found. Fortunately, that fool "lost" one of their possesions at the temple at thanks to that (after lots of attempts) Mirage finally knows where they are....and will pay them a visit :)

However, what they dont know that someone DO knows about their plan, and is already looking to stop them.

  • They like to keep the things other people left behind when they fall for their traps, has a collection of all kind of trinkets
  • Their hobbies include ilusionism, collecting rocks/gems/chrystals, pranking lost people and breeding all kind of worm-like critters
  • They are interested in interiorism but doesnt practice it much their living space is still ruined,