Zora Faustino



1 year, 5 months ago


Zora Faustino

Called Zora

Gender Bigender

Sexuality Butch Lesbian

Pronouns She/Her/He/Him

Age 25

Race Filipino

Role Dishwasher + Assistant Cook

Theme Song Name

HTML Pinky


Zora is a quiet and introverted butch who works at Rock N' Roll Rivera's as a dishwasher and assistant cook.

When he's not at the diner, he's at his apartment, usually making himself tea and relaxing with his cat, or at the gym, working out with his headphones on. You could probably describe him as the 'strong yet silent' type.


Height 6'0

Build Wide shoulders, muscular

Eyes soft brown

Skin Tone Almond brown

Hair Color Raven black

Hair Style Very short, borderline buzzcut

Demeanor Introverted, shy, stern


  • Zora has hairy arms
  • Her piercings are rarely taken out or changed to something different.
  • Always has dark circles under his eyes
  • Zora has a bit of chub around his belly/gut.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

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Zora loves the little guys. A tiny, fluffy, and loving friend.


Zora wants to become a professional chef in the future!


Green tea, chamomile, oolong - she owns all sorts of tea.

Outdoors-y activities

Hikes, nature walks, camping - Zora loves spending time in nature.


Having to deal with rude customers

She needs a whole break afterwards to de-stress.


Makes her feel too feminine. Like a doll.

Excessive violence & gore

She walked in on her Great-Aunt watching a slasher film once and felt sick.

Dislike 4

List something they dislike then give a small description about it/why they like it.




Zora grew up in the Phillipines, but moved to Nevada to get away from home, eventually landing in Rocosa and finding a home in Silver City. She found comfort and new family there, and was finally able to express herself in a way she hadn't been able to before.

Childhood and teenage years

Zora is the eldest daughter to a Filipino family. As such, she had very heavy standards placed upon her. She never felt comfortable being feminine, wearing dresses, or styling her hair. Instead, she often found herself play-fighting with boys, playing sports, or going on adventures into the nearby wilderness where she'd come back dirty. Her parents dissaproved heavily of this, and kept trying to make her more feminine. As Zora approached her 17th birthday, the parents started to discuss her 18th debutante party. There were multiple issues with this; not only did Zora refuse to wear fancy gowns, but she didn't have any female friends for her entourage. All she had were male friends and her parents did not deem them worthy for suitor status.

One night, while Zora was out playing football with her friends, her mother was cleaning her room and found her diary. In it, there was the lovestruck ramblings of Zora. However, the target of her affection was another girl. When Zora got home, her parents were furious. If it wasn't for Zora inheriting her father's size and stature, there would've been violence. This was the final breaking point for Zora. That night, she packed up all her belongings and left. Using the money she had saved up, she fled the Filipines, heading to Nevada to live with her distant great-aunt and her family. She never looked back.

Finding himself in Nevada

Zora moved in with his distant great-aunt who had also been estranged from the family. Once his aunt heard of his situation, she took him in immediately. Zora took up odd jobs and other things while he waited for his work visa to become a green card, earning his keep and helping his great-aunt's family as best he could. It was during this time that Zora learned more about being a lesbian, and - more specifically - being a butch. He learned about he/him lesbians, presenting masculine, and how it was okay to not dress feminine despite being born female. As such, Zora started to identify as a butch lesbian, being more open about his sexuality. He also adopted a cat from a kill shelter, naming her Itty Bitty, which helped a lot with his anxiety.

Once he had his green card and was able to go where he pleased, Zora looked for more work. Aiming to go to culinary school one day, Zora thought that, maybe, it would be best to join somewhere there was a lot of chances for success, or for someone to notice him. It was then he saw Silver City and went there, hoping for a chance.

Working At Rock N' Roll Rivera's

Zora's luck was terrible. Nobody wanted to hire her, and it all went downhill quickly. Soon his savings were nearly up and Zora was out of options. It was on one of these days back from a desperate search for opportunity that Ms Rivera saw Zora on the curb. She invited the poor girl in and the two got talking. As it turned out, Ms Rivera needed a dishwasher and possibly an assistant cook. As such, Zora was hired on the spot - Zora was a bit take aback, but felt relief for the first time in weeks.

Zora works a lot as a dishwasher, not having to talk to a lot of customers. When there aren't dishes to do or when there is an influx of customers, Zora is also helping to cook. As Zora saves up money for culinary school, Ms Rivera serves as a teacher of sorts, teaching Zora all kinds of interesting recepies and trade secrets. During these lessons, Ms Rivera became like a mother to Zora, becoming a figure that Zora never had - someone to believe in her.

The cute waitress

When Zora started to work at Rock N' Roll Rivera's, a waitress/server showed up at around the same time. Poppy was stunningly beautiful, talented, and - most importantly - kind. Needless to say, Zora was smitten immediately. She believed Poppy was the most perfect girl ever, but was too shy to make the first move out of fear of failing.

As Poppy and Zora skirt around the issue that is their budding romance, others look on in desperation and exhaustion, wondering how long it'll take before the two finally confess and get together.





Poppy Scarlet

Coworker, Crush, Future gf & wife

Zora had a crush on Poppy since they first met. She's kind, beautiful, and talented - to Zora, he feels like she's out of his league. His self-esteem prevented him from confessing his feelings for almost two years. Eventually, though, he confesses to her, and the two become official.


Ms Rivera

Boss, mother-figure

Ms Rivera practically took Zora in off the streets, and for that Zora is forever greatful. Not only is she pleasant to work with, but she's been an excellent mother-figure to Zora, helping her down the right path and supporting her always.


Itty Bitty

Cat, best friend

Zora got Itty Bitty from a kill shelter and they've been close ever since. They match each-other's energy, calm and collected. Itty Bitty is a lot more social, though. Traitor.



Poppy's weird little brother

At first Zora saw Alistaire as an annoyance - most people do, to be fair. But then Poppy and Alistaire started to form a sibling-like bond, and Zora realized just how important Alistaire is to her. As such, Zora has essentially welcomed Alistare as one of their own, a member of his & Poppy's weird little family.