


1 year, 6 months ago


Snow Valley (Slowed + Reverb)
Yume Nikki OST

01 — Profile

Name Samuel "Sam" Eilwood
Species Human / Elf
Gender Non-binary (they/him/her)
Age ?? years old (Jan 25)
Height 5'7" / 170 cm
Sexuality ???
Occupation x
Partner Dallas
Voice canon x

  • @ sam001:

  • hello... again

  • 25 years old, Non-Binary

  • Friends: 1/0/0/0...

02 — Personality

Sam is calm and patient, being a good listener. They can be empathetic and kind-hearted; he is careful with his words, knowing how you'll react. Sam comes off as encouraging and happy to most others; some people, he lets his exterior shell down and allows some of his depression to show. She is always hiding how bad it is.

  • journaling

  • baths

  • chocolate chip cookies

  • summer and winter

  • sleeping

03 — Background

Sam doesn't really share their background to others.

However, you're an exception because you're not inside the universe.

Tries to find pleasure in anything, despite the fact that they have to constantly watch their friends die over and over again

i've seen you murdered and your face won't stop giving me flashbacks

Sam is emotionless; in space alone; dying again; suffering

Sam just wants a friend. He wants someone who will understand her, truly. Please help me?


Sam is the constant in Limbo. There are hundreds- thousands- millions of Alternate Universes of Limbo and World X. Sam is in all of them.

In a way, Sam is also the caretaker of the Alternate Universes. All of them.

Evvery time Sam dies, they are reincarnated into another Alternate Universe. This AU can be as similar to his birth world with just a few differences, or it may be a struggling post-apocalyptic world; maybe it's a magical girl fantasy; maybe it's a torturous world of fighting with their 'friends'; maybe it's a world where everyone lives, or maybe it's one where everyone dies. There is no choosing.

Every time Sam sleeps, they are taken into another AU for this duration. It's a random one, like the previous paragraph shows; it can be as sweet as pie or as acidic as poison. Sam will appear for a little bit, just to keep the Universe stable, just to show up. In this, he can also proceed to die in the AU. The cycle continues.

Sam can enter the 'Station,' a voided area of nothing but eternal blackness, portals to an AU, and ghosts. Every day, Sam has to go into this Station and volunteer his time into whatever Universe she chooses, or doesn't. He may get trapped in this AU for longer than he he wanted to. But if he doesn't go into that AU - that AU may die a slow, painful, unstable death. And Sam will watch her friends die, slowly. And Sam will die slowly, painfully - and then wake up afresh. Like as though it never happened.

This is a curse. Long since obtaining it, it no longer matters how or why it chose Sam.

In the TRUE origin #01 World X Universe, Sam appears every few days to their friends. This makes sense since, well, there are endless AUs to go through, and little time. Sam won't stay around for long, and anyone can tell that there's something wrong with Sam. But he can never tell. Only certain people are able to have the knowledge of Sam's curse, without breaking the Universe by gaining this knowledge.

04 — Trivia

  • Sam has a lot of intelligence and knowledge, but they're often clouded by depression.

  • Sam lives in constant hell. It's hard not to feel that way.

  • Sam will (pretty much) always keep the same memories, feelings, and knowledge that they've learned in an AU, even after death. This makes it confusing to enter every AU; what have they told her friends in this one? What do they know about him? Does he already know this language, or this fact, or this memory in this AU?

  • Sam pretty much knows every language.

  • Samuel is the original one. From Sam though, formed 3 other common variations, although they're not the full list. There's Sammie, a version that often appears in futuristic settings. There's Sammy, a version that often appears in medieval settings. And there's Same, a version that often appears in post-apoc settings.

05 — Relationships


Dallas is, somehow, the first person that the curse will let Sam share his knowledge with about his curse. After revealing it, Dallas was able to enter the Station. He loves Sam, and they're in similar situations, so they understand each other perfectly. Dallas waits for his return in the Station every day, and comforts him afterward.


Greyson is commonly a friend in Sam's Universes. There's a certain sweetness and gentleness about Greyson that Sam finds calming, and apparently the AUs too, as more often than not, Greyson is a friend and not an enemy. Makes it all the worse when Greyson is beating Sam to the ground with a baseball bat.


Chita, like Greyson, is usually Sam's friend, and he can trust her. She has this relaxing aura and doesn't prod at Sam to reveal anything he doesn't want to. The AUs like to break Chita though; more often than not, she's a victim to some crimes or torture, and has terrible things happen to her. Sam always feels bad that he can't help.


Something about the Universe likes pairing Sam up with Marion. He believes that pre-#01, before the true World X, there were some AUs that existed where Marion and Sam were similar friends in a strange world. They may have been much different, but friends nonetheless. Sam thinks, then, that the Universe liked this concept, and since then, Marion is always the first person Sam will encounter in a Universe.