Sam (Sammy (medieval AU))



1 year, 6 months ago


Soldier, Poet, King
Cullen Vance

01 — Profile

Name Samuel "Sammy"
Species Human / Elf
Gender Non-binary (they/him)
Age ?? years old (Jan 25)
Height 5'7" / 170 cm
Sexuality ???
Occupation x
Partner x
Voice canon x

  • @ sam1855:

  • hello... again

  • our worlds are very different

  • 29 years old, Non-Binary

  • Friends: 1/0/0/0...

02 — Personality

This Sammy is empathetic, and attuned to observing the world. He can be very passionate about others and the things they like or don't like. Doesn't take criticism easily. He can easily get angry or upset when something (friend, territory, belongings) are threatened.

  • riding bikes

  • reading

  • potted plants

  • deserts

03 — Background

Sam doesn't really share their background to others.

However, you're an exception because you're not inside the universe.

This version of Sam - Sammy - is usually involved in Alternate Universes of medieval, pre-modern times, and magical scenarios.

Often, Sammie is featured as a traveler, messenger, or explorer.


Sam is the constant in Limbo. There are hundreds- thousands- millions of Alternate Universes of Limbo and World X. Sam is in all of them.

In a way, Sam is also the caretaker of the Alternate Universes. All of them.

However, this is a heavy job for one individual who has to go through an endless number of AUs. As such, three common Sam variations emerged, who can also enter the Station and volunteer themselves to different AUs.

Are they as real as Sam? Maybe. Maybe not. But they share the same fates as Sam - they can die; be reincarnated; sleep; etc. They even have their own 'origin' home Universes to return to. They are not allowed to enter the true origin #01 World X Universe, though.

04 — Trivia

  • Sammy is one the most active versions of Sam. They're very athletic and muscular.

  • He's often found at taverns, villages, or exploring the forests.

  • Sammy, due to exploring different AUs, has sometimes needed to use modern technology. But they're not really good at it, and often forgets how to use it.

  • There's a theory that this Sammy actually existed during the real past-world Limbo.

05 — Relationships


In Sammy's world, Marion is a force to reckon with, and Sammy likes that he's on their side. Marion looks a lot different in the past - almost monsterish - but Sammy treats him no differently.


In Sammy's world, Spring is a lot more quiet and subdued. This is largely due to his dysphoria, but Sammy tries to treat him kindly. He's helped Spring still bulk up and be strong, and in turn, Spring helps protect Sammy's home.


In Sammy's world, Chita is a sweetheart and has taken in many orphans and poor kids to feed. She's essentially the mother of a village, and Sammy really respects her efforts.


In Sammy's world, Baileys has had some, frankly, awful things happen to him. Sammy tries to treat him kindly, but Bailey is usually not going to live a very long life.