Sam (Sammie (futuristic AU))



1 year, 6 months ago


Up (Explicit)
Cardi B

01 — Profile

Name Samuel "Sammie"
Species Human / Elf
Gender Non-binary (they/her)
Age ?? years old (Jan 25)
Height 5'7" / 170 cm
Sexuality ???
Occupation x
Partner x
Voice canon x

  • @ sam3586:

  • hello... again

  • if i want to indulge, let me

  • 26 years old, Non-Binary

  • Friends: 1/0/0/0...

02 — Personality

This Sammie is thoughtful, having a lot of ideas and dreams to share. She prides in being intelligent and strides to improve her thoughts, but won't brag. They will easily get addicted or obsessed with anything that will take away the heavy sadness for a while.

  • alcohol

  • card games

  • gold jewelry

  • slot machines

  • daytime

03 — Background

Sam doesn't really share their background to others.

However, you're an exception because you're not inside the universe.

This version of Sam - Sammie - is usually involved in Alternate Universes of futuristic technology, wealth, and cyberpunk scenarios.

Often, Sammie is featured as a fancy, rich gambler.


Sam is the constant in Limbo. There are hundreds- thousands- millions of Alternate Universes of Limbo and World X. Sam is in all of them.

In a way, Sam is also the caretaker of the Alternate Universes. All of them.

However, this is a heavy job for one individual who has to go through an endless number of AUs. As such, three common Sam variations emerged, who can also enter the Station and volunteer themselves to different AUs.

Are they as real as Sam? Maybe. Maybe not. But they share the same fates as Sam - they can die; be reincarnated; sleep; etc. They even have their own 'origin' home Universes to return to. They are not allowed to enter the true origin #01 World X Universe, though.

04 — Trivia

  • Sammie is one of the more intelligent versions of Sam. She's very smart and has tried to think of theories to escape from the curse, but to no avail.

  • They're often found at casinos, bars, and similar venues.

  • Sammie is a heavy gambler. She also tends to indulge in money and food.

  • In some of the more cyberpunk settings, Sammie definitely has replaced some of her limbs with robotic prosthetic versions.

05 — Relationships


In Sammie's world, Bon is not that much different. The two fit in together, being rich and drinking and gambling. Bon doesn't have a lot of good things to say but Sammie enjoys her company nonetheless.


In Sammie's world, Spring's family was already rich. As such, the fire was on public news, and so Spring's abuse was a lot less so. Spring (and Bailey) have grown up with paparazzi, and they've donated to charity so often that it's made Sammie do it, too. Spring has a bit of narcissism though, so Sammie doesn't enjoy him too much.


In Sammie's world, Magin was hired as a 24/7 maid for someone. Marion and Sakkel didn't make it due to the poverty. Magin is alive, as she always is. Sammie can swear that her Magin looks sad, though.


In Sammie's world, Yun's parents (who are already rich in the OG world) are even more rich, and are somewhat famous due to being the heads of a large pharma-company. They give Yun more attention, moreso because they're afraid of the the news if they won't. As such, Yun grows up lonely, since she won't encounter the family. However, she has medical treatment.