


1 year, 5 months ago



Mercedes huxley 

|| Mercedes 

|| 20

|| unknown

|| female she/her

|| whatdoiputherehelp

|| college student


Mercedes has no verbal filter. She says everything that comes to mind, insult, joke, random fact, compliment. She swears a lot, but its a habit she wants to break so she constantly tries but it ends up turning into more swearing. Mercedes is chaotic and messy and usually pretty strange, especially with people she just met. She's a bit awkward and says weird stuff. She means well but she wILL say something kinda rude and she WILL immediately regret it and say smth random and weird to try to redeem herself. For the good stuff though, she's kinda good with comebacks (sometimes) and her sense of humor adapts pretty well with who she's talking to. Whenever she's drunk the "no filter" part gets so bad that its creepy. Mercedes has no responsibility over what she says or does whenever shes drunk.


58247089_EqTRLMY13ZlDaU4.png Most of Mercedes’ childhood was spent in a relatively poor neighborhood in the countryside. She lived with her little brother and her mother who got sick often and couldnt work most days. This made their family resort to stealing. They would steal money from strangers, crops from farms, medicine from cargo trucks, and they were good at it. When Mercedes turned 14, their town was raided by (dunno yet, figuring it out) and they jumped into one of the cargo trucks of the people escaping. Lucky for them, this truck was full of food produce and they lived in it for about a week before getting noticed and kicked out. After wondering for a bit they found a family owned restaurant who sheltered them in return for helping around the house. It was probably some of Mercedes’ best years. On the side Mercedes has started a lemonade stand and various other stands to make money along side her brother and in a few years they were able to send her brother to a public school. The oldest son in the house they were living in started tutoring Mercedes and she quickly realized that she loved learning. theh she joined university bla bla WIP



seashells seashells seashells long ass talks reading fantasy novels snow

  • She's always liked things like art, craft, makeup (even though she doesnt do much of it anymore,) and acting.
  • ye


kale buses cooking

  • She doesnt like romantic attachments. She thinks their stressful.

notes & trivia

  • Mercedes likes to make weapons and toy spy gadgets that actually work. She experiments with them and tests them out randomly so fufill her inner child.
  • in her room, Mercedes has a cork board that has a detective case on it. only this is a case she thought she cracked when she was seven years old, a neighbors missing mail and foot prints back to another house, but it has ended up being a stray dog that thought the packages were chew toys. she still has it up.
  • Mercedes buy's two copies of one book, one to annotate and one to simply read. she sometimes cuts out her favorite quotes or blocks of text in a book and sticks it to the walls in her living room. a menace.
  • she made her own snow globe when she was younger, one with sea shells and fairies. it perfectly sums up her three favorite things.
  • Mercedes has a really bad dating history. Once her friends set her up on a blind date at a carnival and she ended up getting punched in the ribs for making a political comment that her date didnt agree with.
  • Once or Twice, Mercedes broke her act when she was trying to bribe someone of their money and ended up getting chased by the cops.
  • Mercedes reaallyyy likes fishnets. she owns so many. stocking fishnets, arm fishnets, black, pink, green. white and more.
  • Mercedes has boxes and cans of seashells around her room. sometimes she'll show off the prettiest ones or her favorite ones to people that visit, or pit them on display on shelves (mrssxdb)
  • Aliases: Merc (by her brother and Beau), Mercy (by Beau)
  • Mercedes gets sick really often and usually ends up in the local hospital. She's befriended every nurse and every long term patient there.
  • Mercedes doesnt like ketchup because it made her throw up once when she was five and now she cant stand the taste.

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Beau Falldock best fren

they originally found each other in a bar. shares drinks, talked, slept in the same bed that night yada yada ya and then pOOf thEy WEr bESt frEinds. they also found out they go to the same university. slay. and they got closer over time and became inseperable and cus mercedes doesnt live in a dorm, she would usually crash at Beau's for convenience