[Browbird] Max



6 years, 6 months ago


Maximilian Belmont Briar



Young Adult




Mechanic | Delinquent






Max is a troublemaker through and through. While the bird grew up in a small loving family he was still exposed to delinquency, lying, crime and violence. His parents did what they could to keep him and his brothers safe and not be overly exposed to their pasts, but the pair wasn't entirely successful. Max, while difficult, didn't completely turn out irredeemable. He's just a product of the situation he grew up in.

The browbird has a deep love for mechanics and ship systems. As soon as he was able to leave home he got a gig at a garage where he both fixes ships and illegally upgrades them for races and other illicit means. The bird is still keen on violence, theft and bad life choices but on the flip side he's generous, empathetic and tends to look out for the underdogs.









  • Fireworks & festivals
  • Large cities
  • All kinds of ships
  • Old movies
  • Junk food


  • Isolation
  • Early morning
  • Being doublecrossed
  • His hair being touched


  • Type: Standard
  • Aspect: Wind (common) || Fire (common)
  • Crest: Space + Heavens (rare) || Prismatic & Spark effects
  • Horns: Beast (common)
  • Tail: Razor Tail Tip (rare)
  • Additional Traits:
    • Faux Wings (common)
    • Dragon Whiskers (uncommon)
    • Sparkles (rare)



Total. Hellion. RUN.
Max was raised by his parents rather than being moved into a communal nursery like most browlets are. Both Cain and Sinatra struggled a lot to make sure they could keep up with the browlet but they managed somehow! His destruction became infamous when Sinatra decided to dedicate a weekly segment of his radio show to parenting, his experiences, struggles and triumphs with his son. Max, as he's aged, has resented that he was documented in such a way.


Max was always getting into trouble at this age. He constantly tried to pick fights or wander off, which led to his parents getting far more overbearing and protective of the young bird. They desperately tried to shelter him from the lives they'd lived and were still entrenched in, but unfortuantely fell short. He eventually learned ways to get around the pair and how to sneak around the city at his own leisure. It wasn't necessarily safe, but he did have a good track record of not getting caught by his parents or anyone else he decided to torment in the streets.
His favorite places to go were the wide open drive in theaters that had "come back in style". Ships and strange vehicles of all shapes and sizes filled the large field that seemed almost out of place in the city. Neon lights and junky food ended up being a magnet to the young bird. Several workers there expected to see him at least once a week, so he often got to watch parts of movies for free with a snack before he had to run home and pretend to be asleep.

Young Adult | Current

The streets were as familiar as the back of the bird's hand. He knew the cities inside and out and he thrived in them. Wanderlust completely overtook Max and he quickly learned how to drive a number of vehicles and pilot small solo ships so he could get around to explore things further.
His parents, still worrisome, laid off due to him not being under their roof any longer. Max loves them both but he definitely fits the role of the kid who doesn't call home often enough. He had too many things to do! Like sticking his nose into gang affairs and other illegal matters, or stripping prolific crime lord's ships. He tries to keep his delinquency on the down low from the everyman, and for a day job he works as a mechanic at well known garage.
If only he didn't have such questionable taste in men... His life got far more complicated when he met the wrong bird at the wrong time.

Adult | Future



  • Wind: Much like his father, Cain, Max also developed the wind aspect. He's a nimble bird that's hard to see in a fight and even harder to get a hold of. He also uses his wind magic to create storms if he gets fired up enough. With the sparkles of magic that constantly fall from his fur it's nothing too difficult for him to pull off if he's fired up.
  • Fire: Max's second aspect is fire. He uses this magic far more than the wind, and he absolutely loves it. He's often conjuring fire just to play with, or to light a smoke with, and for practical purposes at his job. He'll gladly wield fire in a fight though and has no qualms with burning someone.
  • Synchrony: Both of his aspects being synchronized is a terrifying sight to behold if on the receiving end, as the combination becomes a chaotic lightning. It's Max's favorite way to fight and show off. He zaps people and creates static for fun, he can make gorgeous sparklers to dazzle, and he can bring down bolts to shock someone where they stand. The possibilities are endless for him! Often when he combos both aspects he crackles and sparks while he moves. He has the reputation of being a very flashy fighter.


  • Max works on all sorts of vehicles and knows how to strip them clean. Ship parts go missing often in his city, oops.
  • Despite insisting he hates Sinatra's radio show he still listens to it while working in the shop from time to time.
  • Max's boss is an older browbird who ended up becoming a bit of a psuedo-mentor to him. She keeps a close eye on him and tries to keep him out of the worst troubles for his parent's sake.
  • Much like his dad Max has a good singing voice and it was assumed he'd form the Speech aspect as he aged. Much to Sinatra's dismay he never did.
  • Max is a terrible flirt, which has gotten him into trouble far too many times.


Bishop [ Partner ]

Max's nerd streamer boyfriend who has a love of old tech, much like him. They both have a delinquent edge which makes them a good pair. The two met while Max was hunting for a rebound after Crescenzo. He didn't expect to stick with him, but they hit it off and eventually moved in together.

Crescenzo [ Ex-Boyfriend / Friend ]

Max and Crescenzo dated without knowing of either's history. As soon as Crescenzo learned that Cain was Max's parent the two mutually ended it, as there were far too many complications to ignore. They check in one another often and remain friends, as while the break was necessary they didn't enjoy ending things. The two were a match made in hell though as they were both keen to enable one another. Max was also spoiled rotten, which aggravated many of Crescenzo's crew.

Sinatra [ Parent ]

The helicopter dad with a radio show. Max and Sin's most common form of communication is screaming at one another. They very rarely see eye to eye and it's a pain point between their already strained relationship. Both care for one another, but it's a frayed rope on a good day. Even when in agreement they normally speak with a raised voice and talk over each other.

Cain [ Parent ]

The cooler dad with a mysteriously dramatic past. Max is not above giving Cain as much sass as he doles to Sinatra, but given the bird is so much more stoic and quiet he's less entertaining to try and get a rise out of.

Merlot [ Sibling ]

The younger bratty brother. Max endlessly teases him for being the middle child. The two are actually quite close though and are often meddling in one another's business. Merlot also hangs out at the garage Max works out fairly often to get a break from life and catch up. They frequently give one another bad advice, especially when pertaining to relationships.

Fiore [ Sibling ]

The youngest sibling in the flock. Max is trying to teach Fio to be more rebellious, with poor results. They don't see one another super often but when they do Fio definitely sees Max as "cool".

Mars [ Friend ]

Bishop's older brother, and a good friend of Max's. He's laid back and prefers a party over responsibilities, so naturally they hit it off.

Virgil [ Utter Headache ]

Virgil is Crescenzo's right hand man and very rarely did him and Max get along. Virgil could not stand how enabled Max was and how he distracted his friend and boss from the most basic of tasks. The two fought often, though it was onesided as Virgil is far more adept than Max is in combat. It's always a bad day when Virgil shows up in the garage for something.