The Maldedrom (Maldeclones)



5 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name



Uses the Latin alphabet to distinguish members (Maldeclone G, for example)


None (referred to as female)






Celestial Being/Robot mix


Varies. Typically 15-17 feet, ~3200 lbs




Varies. All of them are very durable, strong, and share the Maldedrom's powers, though.


General Info

The Maldeclones are the many, many rambunctious daughters of the Maldedrom, created and perfected for various purposes. 

While most of the Maldeclones have different armor colors and 'ears' - and maybe some extra changes if they're lucky! - their main distinguishing feature are their masks. Whatever expression is shown on them dictates the personality of the clone, and just about every major emotion is covered. If, somehow, you are still unable to figure out the emotion on the Clones' masks and are also full-on colorblind, you can tell them apart by the weapon they're carrying!

As they are much smaller than the Maldedrom, the Maldeclones can be humanoid and wear the "full" set of Maldedrom armor. They can also talk like a normal being; their voices sound like some kid mic spamming Half-Life HECU lines, but soft and feminine (not so much in the cases of D and I, but still). 


One day, around 7 to 8 billion years ago, the Maldedrom wanted to talk about technology with a now-long dead species of aliens. The problem was that, at the time, she only had her giant octopus goddess form, and the aliens had a massive stigma against octopi-like organisms and giant, shadowy gods. Quite specific, huh?

As you can probably tell, this meeting did not go over well. At all. Thankfully, the Maldedrom learned from this! Apart from putting in a greater effort to learn more about the cultures of potential contacts, she decided to make larger variants of her "Maldrones" that could talk to empires and individual people. 

The end. What a nice, short story!

(For the record, Maldrones are robots powered by a Shadow soul which help maintain the Maldedrom and various Shadow bases. There are several types as of writing this description, and the Type 1 is, essentially, a human-sized version of Maldeclones A and C with less armor. (There are more Maldrone types, but I'll only reveal one for now. The Type 1A 'drone is basically the Flatwoods Monster - eleven feet tall, floats using a big engine, has a spade-like head.))

Fun Facts

  • Apart from diplomacy, the Clones are used to fight either on her behalf or to protect her from any major threats. They can also repair damage, but only if it's pretty severe. Small repairs are what the Maldrones are for.
  • Originally, the Maldeclones wore the exact same armor, with only their masks being different. They started to recolor and modify their armor after the Maldedrom created the Sadness 1 and Love clones.
  • In addition, they can change the face on their masks to match their current mood (but not change their designated expression outright, thank goodness). The Maldedrom can do this as well, but she prefers not to.
    • Rin can do this, too, as they stole their mask from a Maldrone.
  • The Maldedrom can possess a specific Clone and use it as a puppet of sorts if they so desire. However, the possessed Clone will usually chew her out after the fact. These arguments are quite a spectacle to watch...
    • Because of this, the Maldedrom has created a spare set of Maldeclone armor to possess when need be.
  • In the rare case that a Maldeclone gets destroyed, the Maldedrom will just grab their soul and put it into an identical body. It will take two weeks to do so, due to the alloy used for the armor.
  • There have been attempts to create more Maldeclones beyond J, with one of the following emotions as its basis; vigilance, pride, jealousy, mischief, and apathy. This has ended in failure every single time.
    • Allegedly, a working version of one of the emotions (the exact mood is unknown) had been completed, but scrapped due to varying issues. It probably didn't help that the Maldedrom was using her as a test for a new (also scrapped) version of the Maldeclone armor.
  • Look, if you want more details on the Clones, just visit their profiles, okay? Cool.
    • Also, I'm not doing relationship links between the Maldeclones because of how unbelievably tedious it would be. Just know that, despite their occasional fights and arguments, the Clones really do care about each other. Even D cares about her sisters, though it's a tiny, minuscule amount.
    • (Links to other non-Malde characters are fine, though.)

Useless Stats

Please note that these are averages gathered from the stats of all 10 Maldeclones.

  • Strength: 8
  • Intelligence: 8
  • Endurance: 8
  • Speed: 9
  • Charisma: 8
  • Magic: 8
  • Leadership: 8
(Thanks for not being an 8, Speed.)