The Maldedrom



6 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Full Name

The Maldedrom


Malda, Day's End, The God of New Tongues


None (referred to as female)


Older than the universe




Celestial Being (similar to Shadow People)


Varies. Smallest form is 1,600+ feet tall, 320,000 tons


Lawful Neutral


Goddess of Change, Technology, and Wealth


General Info

The Maldedrom is a powerful god that's made out of goop and metal. As the abilities info thing says, she's the goddess of change, technology, and wealth. She's a much more passive god than the rest of the Pantheon, but when she gets involved in something, she tends to go overboard. (For instance, she killed most of Earth's old species with asteroids.)

The Maldedrom technically doesn't have a voice, but instead copies the voice of the last being to speak to her and uses it for a conversation. Then, the person they talked to has their voice copied for the next convo.


Before the universe was created, there was one entity, and it was the God of New Tongues. Every god/celestial being was a part of it, but the Maldedrom was the one that did most of the heavy lifting. The God decided that the void surrounding them was a waste of space, so it went to work on something to fill the space. (This became the universe.) Everything went absolutely fine!

That was, until one of the beings within the God of New Tongues, Ganvarrare, went rogue. They heavily disagreed with what should be in the void, so they split off to create its own project. Ganvarrare only managed to create a pocket dimension - separate from the void/universe - before they were caught by the God of New Tongues. They were heavily punished (and technically killed) for their deviance. 

As time went on, the God of New Tongues created the Shadow People, as it wanted to test out its species creation powers. At first, there were only four shadow people; they were called the First Harand/Jaleli/Benris/Tukuska. As time went on, the rest of the race was filled out.

The God of New Tongues, not wanting to use too many of their beings for the First Shadow People, re-used the soul of Ganvarrare for the First Harand. This resulted in Gun'harand, who proceeded to kill the original god of time and ruin everything. Fragments of Ganvarrare landed on various planets after their death, such as Blyssia.

There was one caveat, though - New Tongues made it so that there were a finite amount of eyeballs, and prevented any more from being made so that they couldn't dominate the universe. To Shadow People, eyeballs are what give them their humanoid/bestial form, so they have to get them from willing donors or the deceased because of this.

Once the God tested all of its powers, the Universe was officially created and worked on. After a few billion years, it got too big for the God to manage alone. And so, it was decided that the God would split up into individual components. The Maldedrom arguably got one of the bigger shares of this split. And so, things died down in terms of action for the Maldedrom - mainly, she just makes sure empires don't get too powerful, and kickstarts smaller ones.

There's more to this, by the way, but I can't share it with you right now.

Fun Facts

  • The Maldedrom allegedly runs at least one of those “Lo-Fi Anime Beats for Studying” livestreams.
  • Being a god, the Maldedrom is too focused on work to have hobbies. Despite this, she likes to mess around with uninhabited, dead planets.
  • The armor that the Maldedrom is wearing is made out of a lead-osmium alloy. This also applies to the Clones.
  • Nobody has ever seen the Maldedrom without her mask. And never will, as she smites people who see her true face.
  • She once offered to help humanity by giving them all-new technology. Their response? Attack her. She's never worked with (or liked) them since, apart from a few individuals.
  • Very rarely, the Maldedrom will use an avatar (of varying species) to kickstart major events in the universe. Depending on what it is, she'll resort to some pretty dirty tricks to get it done.

Useless Stats

  • Strength: 10+
  • Intelligence: 10+
  • Endurance: 10+
  • Speed: 4
  • Charisma: 7
  • Magic: 8
  • Leadership: 10