Maldeclone A and C



4 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Full Names

Maldeclones A and C


None (A), Sunbeam (C)

Creation Order

First and second


16', ~3200 lbs


True Neutral (A), Lawful Good (C)


Neutrality/Seriousness (A), Happiness (C)


Mace (A), Zweihander (C)


General Info

Even though they're a bit generic now, and overshadowed by their more vibrant siblings, Maldeclones A and C are still some of the most important Clones out there. After all, they are the eldest children!

Maldeclone A is, quite unsurprisingly, lacking in the emotions department, and it's damn near impossible to get her to show even a hint of a different emotion. She's no-nonsense, says whatever's on her mind, and is quite frankly boring.

On the other hand, Maldeclone C is incredibly kind and cheerful, and actively goes out of her way to make people happy. If you have a problem of some sort, you can tell her all about it, and she'll try to solve it or make things better for you.


Unlike some of the other Maldeclones *coughSadnessandInformativecough*, these two have a pretty simple history. They were created as part of the "First Four" Maldeclones, and originally, they were meant to be larger Maldrones who would help strengthen the connection between the Maldedrom and the Shadow People. Maldeclone A was designed with decision-making and seriousness in mind, while Maldeclone C was meant to boost morale and help people out.

Over time, though, the four Maldeclones would slowly gain true sentience from working with the Shadow People, possibly due to the influence of their souls. The Maldedrom noticed this, and decided to officially name the Clones as her daughters instead of just being large Maldrones. In addition, she would create more Clones over time, which would explore more emotions and also be fully sentient from the very start.

(Unfortunately, this did mean that the First Four (with the exception of the Informative clone) would help the Shadows less, working for the Maldedrom and, sometimes, the other gods of the universe. But at this point, the Shadow People had just met up with their first few alien races, so it wasn't too much of a loss.)

And that's pretty much it, in terms of the backstory of Maldeclones A and C. See, I told you it was pretty simple!

Fun Facts

  • As they were the first two Maldeclones made, they were initially given the designations of A and B. However, then-C and D (Questioning and Informative) claimed that C was made before B, and that they should be Maldeclone B! 
    • To shut them up, the Maldedrom swapped the designations of Happiness and Questioning around. Happiness didn't mind this at all.
  • Despite the others doing so, Maldeclones A and C have never modified their armor in any way. A is secretly conflicted on whether to change it or not, while C is perfectly happy with how it looks.
  • Maldeclone A is scared of showing any expression, as she thinks that she'll be punished for doing so. Even though the Maldedrom would never do that. C is completely fearless, in comparison.
    • (Note: The rest of these facts apply to Maldeclone C as A does not have any favorites or hobbies.)
  • Maldeclone C loves all animals! She can see redeeming qualities in pretty much all of them. The only ones that she ain't as keen on are mosquitos.
  • In her spare time, Maldeclone C likes to decorate rooms in the Maldedrom and do gardening. She also likes to swim, which is quite tricky considering her armor...
  • While she claims to love any color, Maldeclone C absolutely loves reds and blues. I wonder why.

Useless Stats

  • Strength: 8/8
  • Intelligence: 9/8
  • Endurance: 8/8
  • Speed: 8/9
  • Charisma: 6/10
  • Magic: 8/8
  • Leadership: 9/9