Romantic Ships: TNT (Meteora X Price)



Basic info

Age When Together 19-Up
Gender Male (He/Him)
S.O. Homosexual
Blood Type Rat/Tiger
Race Dalinese
Height 5'3'' (160cm)

Feelings towards Price













Current relationship


Desired relationship




Meteora and Price originally met after Meteora joined DNA, the group that Price started in efforts to completely flip the status quo of the world. At first, Price planned to allow Meteora to be just another cog in the machine that he was running, but, well, Meteora turned out to be sweet and kind. Meteora often checked in on Price, to the point that the terrorist had ended up getting very, very attached. As time has gone on, the two have fallen into a messy relationship together. Price is determined to protect Meteora from the world and Meteora is just as determined to protect Price from himself. They aren't afraid to show just how much they love each other, no matter who might be looking.

Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down

Mm... Take it easy, troublemaker... People are probably staring already with how little you care about them watching.

Fuck, I hope they do. I'd like them to see just how lucky I am to be with you.

Relationship dynamic



The Heart

The Brain

Affection through words

through actions


Chill going

Does stupid things

Calms other one

Goes into fights

Uses diplomacy


Not tactile


Love at first sight

Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Makes food

Can't cook

Big Spoon

Little Spoon

Borrows clothes

Lends clothes

Was in relationship(s)

Has no experience

Dynamics Extended

Meteora's Dynamics

Meteora absolutely adores Price, though he sometimes prefers not to express that since he worries it might stroke Price's ego a bit too much. He didn't realize just how far in he'd fall with Price when he joined DNA, since he frankly thought he was a jerk when they first met. Then again, Price DID plan to kill him at first. Regardless, the two spent enough time around each other to grow close, and now Meteora just wants to do what's best for the guy. Meteora tends to worry that Price is pushing himself to hard, and will usually be the first to call him out if he seems to be suffering or is acting too much like a jerk. Price doesn't always deal with the call outs well, but usually realizes any mistake he makes later and will apologize and thank Meteora later. Meteora sometimes jokes that his ability to make Price see past his ego is the best magic he has.

The two are a particularly touchy-feely couple, with Meteora being quick to hold Price's hand no matter who is around and having no issue with PDA. Meteora isn't too bothered by Price taking the lead on most things, just so long as Price is willing to back off to listen if Meteora is uncomfortable or disliking anything. Meteora has always been a bleeding heart, and so he thinks it's no shock that he ended up falling for Price. There's others who find their relationship more shocking, but Meteora is always quick to scold anyone who thinks Price isn't good enough for him. He says he can see something in Price it seems most just can't or won't... Which he says might just take lacking vision to see.


Your ego really is your biggest flaw, Price. Maybe people just don't want you to be with me because they don't like you getting nice things. I think it might be some sort of jealousy, but... Ah, I just made it worse, didn't I?


Oh, you most certainly did... I mean, it's not as though I didn't know that people were jealous already, precious. However, you've got it all wrong! The jealousy is toward me getting to have you when they don't...

Price's Dynamics

If anyone asked Price when he first met Meteora, he would have called him a nuisance. He hated losing a bet to Meteora. Given the option, he would have put him in the ground, but his group got attached, and so there was nothing he could do. Then he himself started spending more time with the small mentalist and realized just why his men had gotten so attached. Price now would say that Meteora is one of the kindest people he's ever met. His big heart makes Price absolutely melt. Meteora is one of few people Price feels he can speak truly genuine words to and doesn't even have to hide his real feeling. Price is such a closed off person with his feelings that that makes Meteora mean more to him than he can truly ever even expression, but he tries as hard as he can.

Price has ended up incredible protective of Meteora, often sticking very close to him and glaring at anyone who he thinks might so much as be rude to the guy. He's not afraid to do terrible things in the name of protecting the man he loves... Meteora consistently reigns him in, though. Price often says that Meteora acts as something of a moral compass for him, and he does appreciate it, though he may complain the moment. He tries to make up for his sometimes bad attitude by being very doting and sometimes outright spoiling Meteora. He gets him lots of gifts and doesn't hold back on any sort of affection, regardless of any given crowd...


Did you get me another blanket...? But I already have so many! I appreciate it, though. This one is so soft! Thank you, Price.


I noticed one of your others was fraying a touch. I thought it might be wearing and become less comfortable to the touch, so something new is nice. Let me know if you need anything else, alright?


  • Price has always been fond of little things, such as small figurines, tiny flowers, and little animals. He is flustered when pointed out this continues with Meteora, who is so much shorter than him- a full 1'2'' (36cm).
  • Meteora occasionally calls Price a troublemaker lovingly. Price, however, likes to use nicknames that might remind Meteora of the worth Price sees in him.
  • Price grew up not really cooking for himself, and Meteora is used to buying food as it is easier for him than cooking... As such, neither of them make food. Price likes to take Meteora out when he can anyway.
  • Price often relies on Meteora to assist him when he starts questioning his own thoughts and motives. Meteora always is honest with him, though Price is still worried. Meteora comforts Price more than most might think, as Price's confidence is sometimes more just an act...
  • Meteora is definitely polyamorous and often expresses interest in potential relationships with others. Price is a bit easily jealous, but trusts Meteora more than enough for that. He might also have a few feelings toward others he can't quite put his fingers on too...

Other Partners




Best Friends

Meteora and Price both think of Sik as being incredible important to them, it just so happens that they don't feel that in the exact same way. Meteora is pretty affectionate with Sik, and Price will sometimes awkwardly admit that Sik is the one he feels the least jealous of. It's just the way their friendships works! In the end, Price is sort of happy to be able to share anything with Sik, including their mutual lover.

Sik is usually pretty kind in response, though perhaps a little too willing to give up his time with Meteora. Meteora often scolds that sort fo behavior, and Price is fast to remind his best friend that he deserves just as much as he does himself. Apparently, Sik and Price are very open with each other about Meteora and his various... preferences. Meteora is very flustered about this, but he's well aware what happened when one of them suddenly seems to learn something that the other was the only one who knew.





Meteora adores Vadis, though at first that is more of a concern for Price than a good thing. Price assumed that Vadis would grow easily tired of Meteora, but Vadis instead thought him interesting. Price was worried because he knows better than most what "interesting" can mean for Vadis. There was a long time where Price wanted to protect Meteora from Vadis, but knew good and well that he shouldn't pressure Meteora too hard... It took Vadis's death and revival to fix things.

Now days, Price considers Vadis a friend, even if he's a touch nervous about things still. He sees Meteora and Vadis's rather genuine love for each other and the passion they pour into their relationship, and it does trigger his jealousy more than he'd like. Vadis assures him that Meteora cares just as much for him, though. Meteora also tends to reiterate. Things can be a little shaky, but they seem to be working out alright.





Both Price and Meteora both get very tired of people mistreating Ilron, who they see as kinder than anyone could really see. Price has long referred to Ilron as a friend worth keeping, and isn't exactly surprised that a bleeding heart like Meteora ended up falling for him too. Meteora is open with Price about any and all feelings, and so was quite quick to discuss the relationship with all sides. All three of them are pretty comfortable with things, though Ilron is always a bit shocked by Price's jealousy toward him... He just does't think he's worth it.

Price gets frustrated with himself over his jealousy toward Ilron more than others, as he wants Ilron to know that he's worthy of that sort of thing and that his snake-like appearance isn't an issue. Problem is, he is usually bitter that Ilron is taller than him and is pretty sure that Meteora likes that. Meteora has laughed at that accusation quite a lot and thinks it's more that Price doesn't like feeling below anyone. He's said before that if Price wants, Ilron could probably solve that and Ilron has agreed... Price is just a bit shy about it for some reason...




Friends/Minor Crush/Soul Tie

Meteora is head over heels for Eros, and Price would be lying if he said he didn't have some sort of feelings floating about in his chest. Meteora has tried very hard to encourage Price to reach out to Eros about what Price describes as a confusing crush, but Price is a bit too nervous to do so. He thinks he's hurt Eros by taking his memory and worries that the unintentional power he holds over the tattooed berserker might make a relationship difficult.

Still, Meteora is encouraging openess slowly. Price appreciates the kindness on both sides, and Eros is completely unbothered by flirting with both openly- if not doing far more. Meteora is happy to have any number of his lovers around at a time and tends to encourage Eros to try to get Price to talk about his heart more. Price just worries that the two moral compasses might be being corrupted in his hands. Then again, now that he's tied to Eros through the Perfect Knight Project, there's little he can do to hide his worries or feelings from the tattooed berserker. At least Eros seems to find it charming.





Price considers Xay a good friend, but the kind of friend that perhaps it's a bit fun to compete with. When he assigned Meteora to him at one point, he never expected the two to get as close as they did. Meteora quickly fell for the zealot, though, and isn't going to waver on that. He made sure to inform Price of that, and Xay made sure to chuckle and remind Price of which one of them gets to see Meteora all intimate when he's praying more often... Price took that as a challenge.

Price and Xay like to brag about the more increasingly kinky or fun things they get to try with Meteora and the sides of Meteora they have seen that the other hasn't. Meteora just stands around flustering and wondering if the two even realize just how much they're getting to him. Still, Meteora loves them both and figures as long as the competition is friendly there's no major issue with them enjoying it.





Meteora and Soras have had feelings for each other from quite a young age. Price envies that, but also finds Soras a touch annoying. To be fair, Soras also absolutely finds HIM annoying, so the feeling is mutual. The two argue over Meteora the most out of any of his lovers. Poor Meteora gets tired of it quickly, but might admit that seeing the two bicker over him is a good boost for his confidence sometimes. He still would rather they get along a bit better, though.

Despite their bickering, neither says the other doesn't make Meteora happy and they actually are pleased enough with how each other treat the mentalist. They just actively clash personality-wise, with Price being arrogant making Soras want to punch him and Soras being lazy making Price want the same. The two actually do get a kick out of physically fighting, and if Meteora is watching sometimes things can take odder turns. Meteora enjoys that, at least, and Price and Soras seem to as well... Just in a different way.

Basic info

Age When Together 24-Up
Gender Male (He/Him)
S.O. Pansexual
Blood Type Pure Owl
Race Sigmarcian
Height 6'5'' (196cm)

Feelings towards Meteora













Current relationship


Desired relationship
