Romantic Ships: TNT (Meteora X Ilron)



Basic info

Age When Together 19-Up
Gender Male (He/Him)
S.O. Homosexual
Blood Type Rat/Tiger
Race Dalinese
Height 5'3'' (160cm)

Feelings towards Ilron













Current relationship


Desired relationship




Meteora and Ilron met when they were far younger, but Ilron wasn't keen on letting himself be seen at the time. Still, he saw something in Meteora that was familiar to him and wanted to help him out. He ended up helping Meteora get through his Knight's test, and Meteora often thought of the stranger he'd met who just... disappeared after helping him. Years later, the two met again after Meteora came to DNA, and Ilron was shocked to see the young man Meteora had become. The two discussed what had lead to both coming here, and what they thought now. Time went on, feelings became more apparent, and eventually the two started dating. Now they've been together several years. It's obvious to those around them just how much they value each other. Ilron often comments that there's no kinder man in the world, and Meteora says that he could say the same for Ilron if people didn't hurt the snakeman so badly so often.

Linkin Park - Somewhere I Belong

Your scales feel a little rougher today... Do you need to soak? We could hop in a warm bath together. I'd be nice to get a bit of time to relax with you.

Sss, don't tempt me, love. You know that I'm easy to rile up. A warm bath sounds wonderful. I'll make sure to keep you close so you don't drown.

Relationship dynamic



The Heart

The Brain

Affection through words

through actions


Chill going

Does stupid things

Calms other one

Goes into fights

Uses diplomacy


Not tactile


Love at first sight

Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Makes food

Can't cook

Big Spoon

Little Spoon

Borrows clothes

Lends clothes

Was in relationship(s)

Has no experience

Dynamics Extended

Meteora's Dynamics

Meteora has always found Ilron fasicnating. He thinks he owes him quite a lot, as he's pretty sure he would have died during his knight's test if Ilron had come around. He didn't love Ilron lying about his identity, but he now understands exactly why he did it. Most people are clearly very afraid of Ilron- calling him all manner of horrible things and shying away just because of how he looks. Meteora is more than capable of seeing that Ilron is more than just his snake-like exterior... Though he also doesn't quite get why so many people find that part frightening either. He thinks that Ilron is quite attractive from the few times he's managed to get an image of him.

There's a lot of general chatter and confidence building Meteora tries to do with Ilron, though he knows not all of it is effective. What matters in the end, though, is that Ilron knows that his love is very genuine. Any questioning Ilron brings forth Meteora is quick to refute. He can be a little snappy about it these days, but doesn't mean harm by it. He just wants to be understood and believed. He also often admits that Ilron makes him feel at home, which is something that he never really felt before joining DNA... It's a nice bonus to being so compltely smitten.


I really do love the way you look, Ilron. You should pull that hood down so I can tussle your hair more often. It's such a nice soft in contrast to your scales...


You compliment me too much. I'm going to start turning red. Besides, the hood makes it easier for me to hide when I'm out in the forest like this... Ah! Ss... Alright, fine. A bit of petting is doable...

Ilron's Dynamics

Ilron never really thought he was worthy of love. He thought he was lucky just to have a group that tolerated him at all. When Meteora joined and he recognized him, Ilron's first instinct was to tell Meteora he shouldn't be there, but when he heard what Meteora had been through he changed his tune quickly. Hearing another person outcast just like him made him angry, bitter, and maybe just a bit sympathetic. He was adamant that Price not hurt they guy, and when Meteora fully joined DNA, Ilron took to bringing Meteora out in hopes of teaching him how to protect himself.

Those outings eventual lead to a kiss, and a kiss lead to deep feelings seeping in. He was so scared he might hurt the sweet man, but Meteora insisted he stop worrying and just let himself be loved. Ilron still struggles to believe he deserves this, that it's real, but he truly does love Meteora and wants to protect him the best he can. He can often be found snuggled up against the small mentalist just actually relaxing- something that's a bit of a rarity for him. To say he appreciates the physical affection doesn't each touch the truth. The poor snakeman couldn't be more touchstarved if he tried.


You're leaning into my hands again. Are you cold? You sort of feel it... I could grab a blanket.


No, no. This is fine. I'm happy just like this. Just don't move your hand for a moment... I'm trying to relax.


  • Ilron isn't completely sure Meteora fully realizes JUST how tiny he looks when standing next to him. Meteora obviously realizes he's taller, Meteora comments on it pretty often, but in some moments he stands by him and seems shocked when others view their height as notable different... Ilron doesn't really mind, though.
  • Ilron is often worried that his venom will be an issue when kissing Meteora. Meteora insists that it'll be fine, as he's been poisoned so many times by now it probably doesn't matter. This doesn't make Ilron feel better.
  • Techincally, Meteora sometimes gives Ilron blood, but Ilron is comfortable with the idea of it being called worship. Meteora just laughs that off and says that it's no big deal, since Ilron requires it to complete his job as an Eva.
  • Meteora didn't realize that Ilron was touch starved for quite some time- instead assuming that Ilron was just being accomodating to touch being his best sense for understanding things. Ilron swore that was still part of it when he admitted to just liking being in contact.
  • Meteora sometimes will just pick up and mess with Ilron's tail. Ilron is very flustered by this, but has never complained despite it...

Other Partners





Meteora speaks very earnestly with Ilron about his feelings, and admitting those he had for Price was one of those things he struggled to bring forward a little more. Ilron was a bit shocked, but perfectly fine with the relationship and even referred to Price as a good friend, if a bit of a jealous one. Much to his surprise, though, Price seemed not to show strong jealousy toward him, and so Ilron has had no issues with his meta. There are times where Meteora will have to tell Price not to grumble to himself, but Ilron usually brushes it off, saying it's impressive a handsome guy like Price is intimidated by a shambling snake. That usually results in both Price and Meteora scolding him at the same time.

Price sometimes will get onto Ilron for putting himself down too often or for relying a bit too much on Meteora for support. He's good at reminding the snakeman that he has good friends he can go to as well. Meteora is always massively excited to see his two boyfriends out and about just hanging out, and encourages them to be happy whatever that might mean. Ilron sometimes chuckles and reminds Meteora that Price is still jealous of his height, but Meteora says there's not that big of a gap there anyway. Ilron isn't sure if Meteora knows just how much or little there a gap there is or if he's just trying to avoid a fight.





It's obvious that the three of them have a lot in common, and there's a comfort between the three of them that can only be disturbed by a sudden loss of temper by Sik or Ilron being particularly depressed. Sometimes Meteora worries that Sik's attempts to push Ilron not to hide are a little to rough, but Ilron usually insists that he appreciates Sik's sentiment regardless. It's nice to know there are others who feel isolated for their looks... And maybe who struggle to look in the mirror because it reminds them of the terrible things others have said. Doubly so when there's a lot of love between the three, just not the same type all around.

Sik occasionally approaches to plan ways to make Meteora fluster, as he's realized that Ilron enjoys that sort of thing so long as it's brought to him directly and not sprung on him. As such, the three sometimes all go out together and Ilron plays along with Siks plans, all while Meteora questions when the two managed to plan somthing without him realizing it. Ilron finds the whole thing to be an absolute joy, and is glad Sik is comfortable enough with him to include him.





Meteora used to worry an awful lot about Ilron and Vadis actually getting along, as Ilron seemed to avoid the half-golem at any chance he could. The only times Meteora could get the two to even speak for a longer period of time was on a job, and that hardly seemed to work well. Ilron just seemed unable to get past what Vadis had done to his mind, and considered him a danger. Ilron often expressed his worries when Vadis wasn't around, but Meteora didn't want to just throw away his feelings even when things seemed bad.

Time changed Vadis, though. Ilron saw the broken man who emerged from the shell he'd built and felt horrible for not realizing how buried he'd been. Now the three of them will often sit and talk. Ilron is particularly gentle with Vadis, always worried about claws pushing into metal or skin a bit too hard or words striking a bad nerve. Meteora insists he not worry too much and Vadis does as well. All three have learned to care in their own unique ways.




Close Friends

Eros is this incredibly friendly, caring presence. Ilron had become close friends with him early on in his time in DNA, and was actually quite happy to see Meteora end up in a relationship with him. He and Eros often discuss their respective relationships with Meteora, which does embarrass Meteora a touch, but not enough to be an issue of any kind. He's pretty happy the two are so dang close, actually. It makes dating both of them a pretty simple process!

Really, though, there's a good bit all three have in common. If any one of them is down, the other two often try to pick them up. Eros seems to usually make the most plans and actively invites the two out. He never so much as bats an eye at any stares anyone passes their way, and Ilron doesn't have words for how much that means to him. Eros also is rather open to most things, which means the two ends up messing around here and there. Meteora really doesn't mind that either.





Xay has always had a somewhat open look on things. He's very open to Ilron and Meteora being together, and Meteora and Ilron were both a little shocked by just how nonchalant the zealot is about it. Ilron appreciate it, as he's wasn't sure if Xay would be angry when he turned out to be a reincarnation of one of his God's brothers... Xay reacted pretty dang well to it, though. In fact, it changed nothing at all about how he treated Ilron, nor his relationship with Meteora or Ilron. Instead, he just said it was good to have another Vile Beast for a friend.

Meteora is always happy to see the two chatting, as it seems Xay is the one most knowledgable on what Ilron really is. Ilron takes comfort in knowing someone close to him can help with this new state of being. Even more so in that person who can give him that comfort often providing it for his boyfriend. Xay's perfectly happy to show anyone any ropes, and so he often helps both Meteora and Ilron out with a wide variety of interests. The three like to go on triple dates every now and then.





Meteora is always nervous bringing around any member of DNA to see Soras, but Ilron seems to have made a decent impression. Soras isn't too judgemental- though it took him to get past Ilron's looks. Ilron was nervous around Soras at first and a bit aggressive, as he saw Soras a threatening knight from Dalin, but over time the two have worked out many of their differences. Ilron has realized that Soras WAS a nationlist, but that ideal was clearly shattered when he realized Meteora was alive.

Ilron often notices that Soras is a bit clingy, but there's usually enough space that both he and Soras can fall asleep on top of Meteora if they want to. This usually leaves Meteora trapped with no escape, but the small mentalist finds it more charming than troublesome. It's actually a lot of fun for him to sit out in the warm sun and let Soras gaze up at the sky and Ilron warm up...

Basic info

Age When Together 24-Up
Gender Male (He/Him)
S.O. Panexual
Blood Type Pure Snake
Race In
Height 6'10'' (213cm)

Feelings towards Meteora













Current relationship


Desired relationship
