Romantic Ships: TNT (Meteora X Vadis)



Basic info

Age When Together 19-Up
Gender Male (He/Him)
S.O. Homosexual
Blood Type Rat/Tiger
Race Dalinese
Height 5'3'' (160cm)

Feelings towards Vadis













Current relationship


Desired relationship




Meteora and Vadis's relationship started particularly rough. Since Vadis forced back his emotional output with magic, he couldn't really bring himself to care for the small mentalist. He was really only interested in Meteora's magic, and more if Vadis could build up a stronger immunity to it. The two started out doing experiments together. Meteora notice something in Vadis many didn't- a creaking twitch in his hands here and there- movements as though he wanted somewhere deep down to grab onto something and never let go... Meteora pushed on that thread of emotion he sensed, and for a while it only resulted in suffering for him. He fell hard for Vadis, and Vadis felt nothing for him. After his death and revival, though, Vadis's emotions broke free and crashed over him hard enough to overwhelm. He broke. He wanted to prove to Meteora that his feelings were real... These days the two are an exceptionally loving couple. Meteora is a bit clingy with Vadis and needs validation, and Vadis provides in excess.

Three Days Grace - Infra-Red

I still remember how difficult things were starting out. I could feel those little twitches in your fingers when your magic was trying to push back your heart. I... I'm glad everything worked out. You and I have really come a long way.

I'm just still sorry I was so cruel for so long. You deserve better than a cold touch and hollow stares. Thank you for forgiving me. I'll be sure that I make up for it tenfold.

Relationship dynamic



The Heart

The Brain

Affection through words

through actions


Chill going

Does stupid things

Calms other one

Goes into fights

Uses diplomacy


Not tactile


Love at first sight

Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Makes food

Can't cook

Big Spoon

Little Spoon

Borrows clothes

Lends clothes

Was in relationship(s)

Has no experience

Dynamics Extended

Meteora's Dynamics

Having feelings for Vadis has absolutely been rough for Meteora in the past. There have been times where he would curl up in his bed at night and cry his eyes out over the way his heart tore for the human golem hybrid. He swore he could see some kindness in there- actively expierenced it even, but sometimes the icy responses Meteora got to saying "I love you" were just too much. He couldn't shake the feelings in his heart, though. Now days, he's very glad he didn't give up. He knew he was right about Vadis. It just took a good bit of suffering to get him bac to his actual normal.

The past coldness has left a bit of a mark. Meteora always worries that even now that Vadis's mind isn't blocked off with magic, something might switch back. Vadis tries to eschew these worries by being notably kind and affectionate, and Meteora does appreciate it quite a lot. They end up being a very visible couple, with Meteora rarely letting go of Vadis and Vadis glaring at anyone who questions his heart. Meteora feels nervous with him still, but he's still fighting that off and more than willing to say that he knows Vadis has felt this way deep down for a long time. Now he's just determined to make sure people don't hurt the soft person Vadis tried to hide.


Can you hold my hand? I can't stop shaking and I swear there's someone staring at me... I can just feel their eyes on me. I hate it.


It's not you they're staring at, it's me. Don't worry. Just hold onto me tight and I'll make sure they don't bother us.

Vadis's Dynamics

There's a lot of guilt seeped into just how much Vadis loves Meteora. He wants to protect him, to show him that he's something truly precious, but he feels that he's caused him more pain than he ever wanted to cause anyone. Vadis sees Meteora as someone who was willing to put up with him at his very worst, and as such plans to prove that his change is genuine. He's very vocal about his love, even if he turns bright red while talking about it. He compliments any little thing he likes and praises in such an excess that others sometimes seem to find it tiring. Vadis could care less about anyone's complaints aside Meteora, though.

If Meteora is uncomfortable, Vadis does sometimes take it a little too hard. He's fast to try to compensate for any perceived slight, and Meteora often has to remind him to just be himself. Vadis is physically frailer than he seems in the non-metal parts, and flinches away from some touch because of chronic pain, but he's adjusting and learning that Meteora isn't going to hurt him. He appreciates how gentle Meteora can be with him. He's just also a bit embarrassed that it's necessary still. That's just another thing that Meteora is trying to assist with overcoming.


Hm? What was that noise? I heard that. Did you push your human parts too far? Please, Vadis, I don't want you hurting yourself overworking...


No, no... I just tweaked some of the tubing in one of my arms and it stung a bit. The adjustments are a little complicated and I'm still perfecting them without the full numbing of my old body.


  • Meteora actually ends up with some nerve damage in one arm during the last arc of the story, and Vadis offers to replace it. Meteora is often shocked just how human the new arm feels despite its metal shell and just how often he forgets he lost the original in the first place. Vadis is very proud of that.
  • Early on, Vadis often researched ways he might could fix Meteora's eyes. However, he determined he didn't want to alter the way Meteora had adjusted and more was afraid that the replacement might cause lasting damage considering the magical input it would require to Meteora's brain.
  • Meteora was the first mentalist that Vadis was able to work with closely, since Price refused to assist Vadis with any sort of research. As such, Vadis is exceptionally comfortable allowing Meteora to use magic on his mind.
  • Meteora is flustered to admit that he has learned to recognize the specific metal and magic mixed alloys Vadis uses by touch just because he's held Vadis's hands so often. As such, he can even tell if someone tries to replicate his inventions.
  • Meteora pays particularly close attention to the slight creaking of metal that comes from Vadis's hands, since he knows that Vadis's hands are the most expressive part of his body. This is yet another reason that Meteora likes to hold his hands.

Other Partners





Price didn't largely approve of Meteora and Vadis's relationship early on. He told Meteora that he trusted him if he insisted, but was exceptionally protective. Meteora used to argue with Price being notably cruel to Vadis, as there were times when the guy treated Vadis less than human. Vadis said that the only reason he really stuck around DNA and followed Price's orders was because he knew Price could kill him, and wasn't fond of the idea of dying. He planned to find a way to overcome him eventually...

Things have shifted now, though. Price has seen Vadis with his emotions back on the forefront and apologized for the cruel behavior he showed in the past. Meteora adores Price and Vadis both, and both are accepting of each other. They've become close friends, though there's still a touch of tension that Vadis doesn't fully understand. He knows Price is a jealous sort, but he can't quite place what other thing has Price wound up.





Sik and Vadis used to but heads- especially over Meteora. Meteora usually insisted that Sik should leave Vadis alone, but Sik was direct with his threats toward the half-golem. If Vadis hurt Meteora too bad, Sik would kill Vadis without question. Vadis knew this and kept it in mind when it came to any experiments he did with Meteora in the past. He still thought of Sik as a useful companion, though, as the two were terrifyingly effective on any jobs they were sent out to work for DNA.

Now that Vadis can feel again, he and Sik have cleared the air a good bit. Sik relates to Vadis's crippling pain, and Meteora often insists that the two help each other where they can. The three actually get along exceptionally well, with Vadis and Sik both being willing to discuss if there's trouble going on with each other or Meteora. They don't at all seem to struggle with sharing.





Ilron used to be deeply uncomfortable with Vadis and Meteora- particularly the relationship. If Vadis was there first, Ilron would skulk away only to talk to Meteora about his worries later. Meteora struggled to convince him that the inhuman aspects of Vadis were alright, and Ilron hated the breaking of nature more than he could put into words. Vadis thought the snakeman was useful, but saw his relationship with Meteora as a flaw... Things weren't the best for a while.

When Vadis's emotional output was fully restored, Ilron suddenly realized just how much magic the inventor had poured into his mind. He began to sit and talk to him about the feeling of confinement he had suffered with. Meteora would often sit with both, listening and trying to aid both with their worries. Now days, it's apparent all three care an awful lot about each other- some just in different ways than others. Meteora is just happy to see his partners getting along and is even happier that they seem to actually care about one another.





Meteora has always been obvious about the fact that Eros is the member of DNA who cheers him up the easiest, and while Vadis wasn't able to do anything about it in the past, he was somewhat jealous of that aspect. He and Eros would often be teamed together in order to fully take advantage of their enchanter abilties, but Vadis saw him as a slacker. Eros never seemed bothered by his seriousness or even callous behavior. Vadis found such things odd. It was a weird relationship, and even more so when it seemed Eros was one of few who trusted Meteora when he said he could sense some sort of emotion in Vadis just under the surface.

Now, Eros often pulls Vadis to the side to check on him and Meteora both. All three seem to suffer with similar anxieties and the ability to relate on those is comfortable. Vadis and Eros can relate and regretting a part of their life that they have a hard time associated with their current self, and as such can be found lounging and reminenscing in their haze. Both also love Meteora and awful lot, and Eros likes to offer Vadis tips on romance, much to both Vadis and Meteora's embarrassment.





Xay used to actively threaten Vadis here and there, much to Meteora's distaste. Xay expressed that what Vadis was doing was counterproductive and that taking away his feeling was a stupid choice, but Vadis would usually just comment that he didn't expect understanding from a zealot. Xay didn't even mind what he was pretty sure were attempts at insults, he was just bothered that nothing he did could wind the guy up. He was even more bothered that Vadis would take blood from Meteora that would be better used elsewhere.

When he saw Vadis truly break, though... He changed his tune quite a lot. Xay began to reach out more often and even started offering ways to curve the pains Vadis felt. He started using the word friend for the half-golem and even asked Meteora to check on him or go with him on the worse days. Meteora adores Xay and knew good and well that he was kinder than he let on. Now things seems far more stable...




Friends/Small Crush

To say that Soras hated Vadis at first would be the understatement of the century. Soras wanted nothing more than to slaughter Vadis for his originalt treatment of Meteora and would frequently say that Vadis was the worst kind of monster. Vadis didn't seem to care in the moment, but Meteora would try his best to defend Vadis, despite everything. Soras only calmed and let Vadis go if Meteora became upset... But he still hated to see the man he'd fallen so deeply in love with hurt and taken advantage of by someone he saw as nothing but a monster.

After Meteora was tied to Vadis in the Perfect Knight Project, things changed up a bit though. Vadis was a completely different person with his mind unaltered, and Soras had seen a lot more of what his Kingdom did to the world. It still took a bit of convincing for Soras to calm, but Meteora was up to the task. Now days Soras helps Vadis out with small projects, and Vadis is fascinated with him. Hell, Vadis has even admitted to a mild interest in Soras, he just isn't quite sure how to word it or if it's a good idea to pursue. Meteora thinks it cute.

Basic info

Age When Together Adult
Gender Male (He/Him)
S.O. Demisexual
Blood Type Deer/Hyena
Race Vaghl
Height 6'1'' (179cm)

Feelings towards Meteora













Current relationship


Desired relationship
