Prof. Otto Natlich (Young Otto)




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During his more youthful days, Otto was extroverted and bright-eyed but not always as mature and wise as he'd like to admit being. The young freckle-faced Swabian was more of a lax, sometimes lazy prankster with a seemingly insatiable appetite for anything delicious and hearty. That fast metabolism isn't what it used to be nowadays. Anxious to leave the only-child solitude and parents who never made an effort to understand his desires and goals, Otto bounded for the realm of higher education to be among his people.

Growing up in the mechanical industry of his hometown, it was only a matter of time before he would become interested in pursuing technological advancements. Despite what some peers and family members believed, he was destined to change the world with his own invention someday. But his reason was more for the superficial purpose of sticking it to those who didn't believe in him. He had no idea how much time and dedication his vision would require, and this would prove to be his ultimate challenge.

Art by RockShun.