


1 year, 5 months ago


The Score

01 — Profile

Name Okami
Nicknames 'Kami
Age Roughly 40
Gender Female ( she/her )
Height 34"
Abilities Accute Hearing, Flight
Species Mutant (Wolf/Bat)
Orientation Straight
Role Murder Mom

I never claimed to be a good person... but I know how to protect the things I care about.
  • Scars on right side of face, across muzzle and chest, and on right shoulder

  • Large, bat-like ears

  • Much larger than other characters in the story (about three times Eight's size even once he's full grown!)

  • She's just watching the plot play out from the shadows, waiting to see if she needs to jump in and protect her son. Slowly, she's learning that he can handle himself.

02 — Personality

Hostile, Distrustful, Protective

Okami is very aware of the dangers that the world can bring. She wears the worst of her world in her scars as both a memory of what she has survived and the things that she has been forced into in order to survive. She has lived her life under the assumption that anyone she meets is a possible threat, and this leads to her hostile, distrustful nature. However, once she finds something that she can trust, there is nothing in the world that will take it from her. She will go to the ends of the earth without remorse if it means protecting someone that she loves.

  • Eight

  • quiet

  • warm sun on her wings

  • being aware of her surroundings

  • traps

  • the texture of dried blood

  • loud noises

  • humans

03 — Background

Early Life

Okami was raised by humans in a laboratory. She was used in an illegal, unsanctioned experiment and mutated into a half wolf, half bat creature. She was one of the first successful attempts of this type of gene splicing… however, the laboratory she was created in was a small, hardly funded, unethical place. She was kept in terrible conditions and often experimented on in hopes of creating more creatures like her. After a year or two the lab came under higher scrutiny and one of the scientists decided to get rid of the evidence of the unsanctioned experiments that they had been performing… which, of course, meant getting rid of Okami. This scientist sold Okami to a friend of hers, a man who ran an illegal dog fighting ring. The man gave Okami her name, and forced her to fight in the matches. Okami quickly became the most feared fighter in the circle, and would constantly be pushed harder and harder. Soon she would be fighting at odds of four to one, or fighting creatures twice her size. Still, she never lost, thanks to her mutation and her sheer survival instinct. After three years of this cruel life, the fight ring was discovered and dismantled by the local police force. Through the initial confusion of the dismantling, Okami managed to escape. She was finally free, and swore to never be captured by humans again.

A New Chapter

Okami's time in the ring left many physical and mental scars on her, and she was constantly distrusting and solitary. However, that changed when one day she was discovered by a small burmese kitten. The cat had been raised by a laboratory and experimented on similarly to the way Okami had… however, unlike her, his laboratory had been a safe place. He enjoyed his time there and had only left because he followed one of the scientists home. Okami did her best to ignore him but the kitten followed her at a distance no matter where she went. Slowly, the two developed a bond, and Okami ended up somewhat adopting the small kitten… or maybe he adopted her. Either way, Okami is as protective of Eight as if he was her own son, and will do anything to keep him safe. When his laboratory burned down she rescued him from the flames, and they have been surviving together on the streets ever since.


Nowadays Okami still lives in the city, not far from where Eight and Safia live on the outskirts. She is getting older, slower, but to her surprise it does not scare her. She feels satisfied with her life, and death has never been a foreign concept to her… that does not mean she does not have any life left in her though, and she does not plan to stop fighting.

04 — Fun Facts

  • She hates the name “Okami”, as it was given to her by the people in the fight ring. Because of this Eight always calls her “Kami” as a shortened version that she only associates with him.

  • The scar on her shoulder is actually a burn from one of the times that Eight’s abilities got out of control.

  • While she does have wings, Okami hardly uses them. They are mostly a show of intimidation.

  • Okami is one of my oldest characters ever, and first appeared on my channel back in 2017!

05 — Relationships

Adopted Son

Okami is extremely protective of Eight. Ever since Eight managed to wiggle his way into her heart when he was a kitten, she has been willing to sacrifice anything for his safety. She can often be overprotective or overbearing if she is concerned about Eight's safety, but she has begun to back off and allow him to live his life more.

Eight's Very Loud Friend

Okami has a... tolerance for Opal. Initially when she heard that her son had met a literal alien and was hanging out with her, Okami was freaked out. She was extremely concerned about Eight hanging out with something that could be dangerous. Then she actually met Opal, and some of her fears were abated when she realized that the quarileon was probably harmless. She is no longer wary of Opal's otherworldly nature, but she does always dread when she and Eight hang out purely because of the headache that Opal gives her.

Eight's Mate... after hesitant acceptance

Initially, Okami was very wary of Safia. It was hard enough for her to warm up to the idea of Opal, so when Eight came home professing his love for an interdimensional outlaw? A wanted fugitive? At first, Okami was completely against it. Even when she finally met Safia months later, the crisalli's blatant sarcasm made Okami dislike her even more. But eventually, after a lot of time and bonding moments that they both knew were constructed by Eight, Okami and Safia gained a mutual respect for each other.

That Homeless Guy Eight Hangs Out With

Okami and Grold have a... surprisingly peaceful relationship. Eight brings home another alien stray and Okami is bracing herself for another loud ball of energy like Opal or snippy, sarcastic creature like Safia, so when he introduces her to this quiet, polite, half-dead guy... she's pleasantly surprised. The two of them actually get along well, and though Okami would never admit it she enjoys his company when he's quiet, and doesn't even mind listening when he softly delves into some historical theory or another. Yeah, she'll keep this one.