


1 year, 5 months ago


Haunted Mansion
Eric Damiano

01 — Profile

Name Grold
Nicknames N/A
Age Roughly 19
Gender Male ( he/him )
Height 20"

None Currently

Species Crisalli
Orientation Straight
Role Interdimensional Zombie (basically)

We can't forget the past. If we do, we'll spend our whole lives repeating it.
  • Green gems in ears

  • Scar on left side of neck

  • Smooth, dull fur that has has an almost brittle texture

  • He was just living his own, peaceful life and now... well, the plot got 'em.

02 — Personality

Loyal, Supportive, Intuitive

Grold cares for others a great deal. He feels as though his efforts are best placed where they will help build others up, and therefor spends most of his time trying to help those around him be the best that they can be. He is very loyal to those he loves, and will stay by their sides in spite of bad decisions that they make. Much of his loyalty stems from his intuition, as he can usually discern between good friends and bad ones.

  • History

  • Telling stories

  • Mysteries

  • Watching other succeed

  • when things aren't explained well

  • deception

  • arguments

  • traveling dimensions

03 — Background

Early Life

Grold was Safia’s closest friend for years in their dimension; and probably her only friend, since she was very hard to tolerate. The two had gone to the same school together and bonded when none of the teachers seemed to like either of them— Safia for the fact that she excelled too quickly and spoke out too frequently, and Grold because of his love for the “useless” history of their world. Grold always loved the concept of other worlds and the idea that theirs had once served as a pit stop for dimensional travelers… however this was seen as a useless passion. Not many others understood his love for history, and the whiplash he got from the teachers for choosing something as useless as portal creation to focus his efforts on was intense. The one person who would always listen to his curiosity was Safia, and in turn he always listened to her rants about their society. When she was accused and tried for murder, it didn’t sit right with him; he had listened to her anti-throne rants for years, and it didn’t make sense for her to murder Syma. So, when she escaped, he investigated.

Only days after Safia’s escape, he ended up discovering Vixquen’s whole plot. However, he was also discovered by Vixquen herself. She instantly ordered her guards after him. Grold, in a panic, decided to pull the same dimension-hopping gimmick that Safia had in order to escape.

The Void

Grold's escape plan worked. However, his portal was rushed, and even though he had practiced portal magic for years he could not match Safia’s strength. He ended up trapped in the Void between dimensions in a comatose state. He was stuck for about six months before finally crashing on Earth, completely drained of any crisalli power. He was found by Opal, who reunited him with Safia. Grold explained Vixquen’s whole plot to her. She was angry, but immensely glad to see Grold again. She has since helped him rebuild a life on earth, the same way that she had over the past few months.


Nowadays Grold lives on Earth near Opal, Eight, and Safia. He has no idea how re-entering the atmosphere of Mid-May would affect him in his condition, and is not eager to find out… so for now he is stuck on Earth, trying not to think too much about Vixquen’s increasingly violent reign or the tug of the Void on his consciousness.

04 — Fun Facts

  • Grold is a bit of a conspiracy theorist. He loves history and learning about what Mid-Way was like back when world-hopping was a commonplace thing. However, the majority of Mid-Way's residents do not share his passion, and most of the information about this time is burried beneath a twisted web of fact and fiction. Grold does his best to untangle it, but he certainly has some views that are not quite true.

  • After his time in the Void, Grold has become somewhat bonded with it. He can feel it sometimes, the “call of the void” taking on a very literal sense for him. It is unknown if this will have any affect on him if he ever tries to answer the call.

  • Grold was studying to become a teacher before he left Mid-Way. He has always had a passion for history, and he wanted to be able to pass on his passions and support his students.

  • Grold loves the rain. He finds it calming.

05 — Relationships

Best Friend

Grold and Safia are extremley close. For years he was the only one who would listen to her headstrong thoughts, and she in turn would listen to him ramble about history. He respects her thoughts and her ability to speak them so loudly, though he was always worried about where her mouth would eventually lead her.


Grold and Eight have a mutual friend through Safia. There is a lot of respect that goes both ways between the two, as they both understand how importaint the other is to Safia. Grold is happy to oblige any time that Eight asks for stories about Mid-Way, and he greatly appreciates the lengths that Eight goes into to make him feel welcome on Earth.


Grold and Opal are developing a close friendship. They have not known each other for long, but they are bonding over loss and gain in ways that many of the other characters cannot understand. grold enjoys explaining his theories about Mid-Way's history to Opal, and her tid-bits about her planet make him curious about the place she is from.


Grold and Okami are forming an almost strange friendship. He began to spend a lot of time with her after he escaped the Void and they get along... surprisingly well. Okami seems to tolerate his presence more than she does Safia or Opal, and Grold is glad for that. He is glad to be around someone who isn't looking for what he used to be. Okami is simply content to sit with him while he is silent, and Grold is tired. Sitting in silence is nice.


Grold never had the same venemous dislike for Vixquen that Safia did. In fact, he was fairly impartial to Vixquen's entire regime besides a quiet dislike for her handling of Mid-Way's history. He felt as though she was trying to cover things up... which he would later find out was more true than he would have ever expected.

Now that he has seen first hand what Vixquen is capable of, Grold is terrified of the queen. He now knows just how much she is trying to hide, but he fears what standing up to her will bring upon them.

Grold had this chaotic child in one of his classes back when he was working to become a teacher, though it wouldn't be until much later that he really got to know her.

(This portion of the story will be expanded upon in the future)