


1 year, 5 months ago


Levi didn’t have a good childhood, He was constantly abused and neglected by his parents. And he didn’t even have any friends as he felt like he was the village loser. Levi turned a bit insane due to the abuse he suffered. Levi looked up to bounty hunters and cops and that’s all he wanted to be. When he turned to age, He left his home and became a police officer. Levi’s dream came true. But he still felt alone and was slowly losing hope. Other cops and bounty hunters would pick on Levi for his small size. And he always felt like he was under a lot of pressure. One night, When Levi was working a night shift, He bumped into a pink red panda named Ahmya. Ahmya and Levi were at first hostile to each other, But in time became close friends. Levi finally made a friend, Only problem was Ahmya’s reputation with cops and bounty hunters wasn't that great. So every night Levi would take a night shift just so he could see and talk to Ahmya. One time while sneaking out together. Ahmya told Levi how she was ordered by Queen Regina to recruit guards for her army, and she was able to convince Levi to join Regina’s royal guard. Levi quit his job, But is now a cop and royal guard in Regina’s kingdom. Levi was happy about his job, But it he was still constantly bullied and teased. The only guard who didn’t pick on him was his best friend Ahmya. Levi fell in love with Queen Regina. And it distracted him from his job most of the time. Regina noticed his lack of work and realized Levi had a crush on her. She found this as a perfect way to manipulate and trick him. Regina made Levi general and second command in everything in the castle. All the guards were shocked and thought this decision was foolish. Levi was honored and happy that the Queen had that much trust in him, But in reality. Regina just wanted to tease and see how loyal he was. When Levi found out about Regina’s crime and said nothing about it. She realized how loyal he really was, And shared many of her dark plans and secrets with him. Levi, Of course, never realized how cold heart was. But he still listened to her as he still had feelings for her. Levi sees a light in Regina, It’s just clouded by anger.