


1 year, 5 months ago




The healer in grief




Mountain rapterian


Supporting character

Alive/On the run








Hidden in the mountains of the winter kingdom is a small village of more large and fluffy rapterians that can withstand the harsh winters.

Sensor was born with blurry bad eyesight, however.. His parents were supportive and so was everyone in his village. They did this to show Sensor’s disability didn’t make him an outcast of the village and to make sure he felt secure and safe. Because of his disability, his other senses are enhanced and way stronger, which is why his parents gave him the name Sensor. However, no one knew that Sensor was born with a power. He could see the spirits of the light forest. Weird winged light creatures would approach the small kitten and follow him everywhere. Sensor could only make out light figures though and assumed them to be his villager friends with light fur. He would greet them as he did to everyone else and even start conversations with them. Everyone noticed this and tried explaining to Sensor there's no one there, which only confused the kitten. He knew he wasn’t insane and could see their figures and even talked to them. How come he was the only one who noticed? As Sensor grew older, he started realizing that these figures were not alive and he would eventually figure out he could see things others can’t. Sensor liked how the spirits kept him company and would talk to him. But as he grew older he became more uncomfortable and felt a bit lonely that he was the only one who could see them. Sensor would continue talking to the spirits which would make others around him more confused and nervous. Others eventually found him weird, and stopped hanging around him and would avoid Sensor. Sensor picked up on this, and became more upset at his ability. Despite him shouting at the spirits to leave him alone and growing more aggravated with them, they didn’t stop and continued to follow him. Sensor lashing out only made others avoid him more. His parents stayed supportive, but as time grew they became more concerned with their son's behavior. They tried helping him by telling Sensor the spirits weren’t real, but it only made Sensor grow more upset. He knew he wasn’t insane and was tired of everyone thinking he made it up. But despite his efforts, no one believed him and Sensor felt so alone. Sensor eventually figured out how to enter the spirit world in his dreams. Even though he hated his ability and was annoyed with the spirits following him, entering the dreamworld in his dreams was one of the things in life that made him feel at peace and happy with himself. It was calming and quiet, and Sensor would sometimes sleep in just to be there. Sensor happens to find another rapterian kitten with the same abilities named Vallen. Vallen had contact with the corrupted realm while Sensor had contact with the spirit realm. Vallen and Sensor would meet up at the two borders and grew to be great friends. They would talk and play for hours in the dream realm until the morning came. As they grew older though they strayed apart. One day, Sensor woke up to panicked voices in the village. Sensor ran out of his cabin to see what was wrong to find C.H.A.I.N.S. attacking. Suddenly, the spirits all started talking to his ear all at once and it overwhelmed Sensor. Sensor tried calling for his parents, but was only answered by scared and terrified screams. Afraid and startled, Sensor ran off into the forest to get away from the chaos. Sensor got away from the panicked scream of his village, but couldn’t get rid of the voices in his head. Sensor curls up and screams for it to stop. Begging for someone to help. He suddenly hears footsteps, but before he can make out what it was. Sensor is swooped up into a cage. Sensor is confused and can barely make out what is happening with his poor eyesight. He cries for his parents to help him, but the only response he receives is someone shouting at him to be quiet. When he doesn’t stop, he gets electrocuted. It eventually makes him stop and he’s taken to C.H.A.I.N.S. base. Along with other captured rapterians, Sensor was supposed to be trained to be a military weapon for C.H.A.I.N.S. But they soon found out about Sensor's disability. Instead of being forced to train like the others, They experimented and tortured Sensor with their new formula, project. R. A formula that can turn any animal into a raging rapid killing monster. He was subjected to horrible experiments, and everyday Sensor slowly lost more of his sanity. To make things worse, the spirits didn’t stop with their voices and constantly pestering him. The only peace he had was his contact with Vallen in the spirit world. Sensor would tell Vallen about the horrible things they did to him in C.H.A.I.N.S. and Vallen did his best to comfort him. It only helped a bit though. One day while crying and curled up in a corner. Two rapterian kittens walked up to Sensor and greeted him. They did their best to try and comfort Sensor and make him feel better. The kittens were two siblings named Briar and Lace. They were Sensor’s only friends in C.H.A.I.N.S. and everyday after training they would visit Sensor and try to make him feel better. It didn’t help much, but Sensor felt more comforted he wasn’t alone and had friends who got him through it. That was, however, about to change. One day, Lace told Briar and Sensor he had an escape plan and he was tired of all the abuse. Sensor was terrified and hesitant while Briar was determined as Lace. Despite Sensor trying to convince them not to, afraid he would lose them, he agreed and agreed. However, during their escape plan. Sensor was caught due to his bad eyesight while Briar and Lace got away. Sensor was then taken to a certain laboratory, and before he could ask what was happening. Sensor was forced to drink a whole vial of Project. R. They only gave Sensor small tests for this formula, but never a whole vial full. The pain was unbearable. The formula made everything hurt to the point Sensor could barely even stand. All he could do was cry and beg for someone to save him. Briar and Lace eventually came to his rescue and saw the damage they did to him. Sensor wouldn’t answer them when they tried to call his name. Not knowing what else to do, they pick him up and drag him out of the laboratory and the military building. This would end up backfiring. When they finally did escape. The rage finally fully sinked in, and when Sensor woke up. He was in so much pain that the rage just got worse. The first person he sees is a concerned Briar trying to help him. Lace was away looking for any help or healer for Sensor. Sensor could barely see with his sight and was in so much pain, plus the spirit’s voices became louder and louder. Sensor attacks Briar and severely injures her. When Sensor fully recovers, Briar is unconscious and there's blood everywhere. Sensor could barely make out Briar’s unconscious body and realizes what he did. Sensor constantly apologizes and tries to wake up Briar, but is caught by Lace. Lace sees his sister and the blood on Sensor and immediately knows what he did. In a rage, he attacks Sensor and calls him a monster. Sensor is still very panicked and confused at this point, and the voices in his head aren’t helping at all. He tries to explain, but nothing seems to work and Lace keeps on clawing at him. Sensor does the only thing he can do, run. Sensor runs to the forest, desperately trying to get away from Lace. But Lace was trained to be a military rapterian, and was way more experienced and faster than Sensor. He tackles Sensor and they both end up stumbling into a ditch. He doesn’t let Sensor explain, and starts clawing at his eyes until they are nothing but a bloody mess. Sensor falls unconscious from the pain, and Lace leaves him in that ditch. When Sensor wakes up, he’s in a healer den surrounded by very panicked and concerned rapterians. When Sensor fell into the ditch, he fell into the sakura border. They do their best to clean the blood off his eyes and try to avoid an infection, but there was nothing they could do for his sight. Sensor was forever blind. He was devastated by the news and tried to process everything that had happened to him. Luckily all the project R has drained out and Sensor stopped feeling the constant physical pain. But he would never emotionally and physically recover from that experience. The voices didn’t stop, but were more quiet now. It took a while before Sensor could find his way back home, but when he did. He wasn’t greeted with the welcome back he hoped for. Lace and Briar made it to the village first, and told everyone what Sensor did. They casted him out and forbid Sensor from ever coming back. But before he left, Sensor asked where his parents were and was hit with the terrible news his mother died from the depression of losing her child, and his father saw him as a monster and couldn’t bear to look at Sensor anymore. Heartbroken and defeated, Sensor left and fled to live in the serenity kingdom. Sensor found his interest in herbs and healing and turned into the kingdom's local healer. It was the one thing he was good at, even with his lack of sight. Sensor eventually grew a bond and love for mostly everyone in the village he lived in, and felt like he could finally start anew again. He mentored Stacy, Ren and Willow and basically thought of them as his own children. He loved each and everyone of them and grew very protective of them because of his traumatic past. But his whole world turns upside down again when Alex brings home Willow’s dead body. Sensor is horrified and is heartbroken he lost another family member. He felt like a failure and blamed himself for Willow’s death. Sensor was in grief for a long time, and he noticed more and more friends of his going missing. Sensor became more concerned and worried he would lose more loved ones. He then remembers before Willow died, she was suspicious of Regina’s behavior and how her kingdom was run. Sensor starts believing those suspicions, and one day while Stacy and Ren are asleep. Sensor runs off to the winter kingdom to find out what’s really going on. Sensor uses his ability to talk to spirits on where to go and what he couldn’t read. Sensor eventually makes it into the castle, and is horrified to find Regina is the one that killed Willow. However, Sensor is caught by Levi and Ahmya. He does his best to get the info and escape, but is stopped by Regina and taken as prisoner. The voices don’t leave Sensor alone, and he grows more depressed that he’s losing so much, and could potentially lose so many loved ones because of Regina, and he can’t do anything about it. However, Radiation and Arron sneak into Regina's castle and find Sensor. They free him, and Sensor explains Radiation and Arron everything. Sensor finds out Ren, Stacy, Alice and Delta also break into Regina's castle. They however are all caught by Regina and her guards, Levi and Ahmya. Sensor runs off with Arron, while Radiation sacrifices herself for them to escape. She’s thrown into a river off a cliff, and Arron and Sensor assume she died and want to avenge her. The kids escape but get seperated and Sensor is left with no choice but to stay with Arron. Arron is heartbroken about Radiation, but now his mission was to protect Sensor and not let Radiation’s sacrifice be for nothing. Sensor is turned into a fugitive since he’s one of the only ones with the info Regina killed Willow. He now hides with Arron’s outlaw group and he and Arron are trying to figure out how to convince everyone Regina’s a murderer, but who would believe these now fugitives and criminals?

"Why does everyone i love eventually leave...?"


design notes

  • Always wears bandana
  • Large compared to other rapterians and a normal domestic cat.\
  • Very fluffy fur

WORTH: Forever homed

Sensor has always been a calm and quiet kid. Despite having a sad past, he's very respecful and quiet and well collected.

He's very compassionate and has a lot of empathy for others, one of the reasons he chose to be a healer. He does not settle in for violence and always tries to solve things a better way. He's can be very paranoid and nervous exposed to loud yelling or being rushed to do anyting. He's more of a fatherly figure and a lot of people see him as a kind father they never had. Even with his calm and sweet demeanor, Sensor is willing to fight for what he loves and defend for what he thinks is right.


Childhood home

He loved this village when he was little. But he was taken away as a young kitten by C.H.A.I.N.S. and by the time he returned, he was banished for attacking Briar.

Former home

After being banished, Sensor moved into to the serenity kingdom for a fresh start. Everyone knows him and loves him there, most see him as a father figure. Sensor hopes he can one day return.


Adoptive daughter(dead)


Adoptive daughter


Adoptive son