King Flame



1 year, 5 months ago



King Flame

King Flame

Voice claim: Dracula | Castlevania

Gender. Male

Age. 35

Residence. Volaria castle

Species. Magma rapterian

Occupation. content

Status. Alive

Role. Side character


A spark neglected makes a raging fire

King Flame is the ruler of the kingdom volaria. He’s a feared warlord and ruler who is entertained by his arena. Prisoners, Criminals or just unlucky subjects are forced to fight in King Flame’s arena for his own and his kingdom's entertainment. When King Flame wants to make things more exciting, He forces the fighters to fight his champions. His strongest fighters in the arena, Fighters who fight his champions don’t survive. King Flame wants his kingdom to be the strongest and superior out of all the other kingdoms in sakura.

Which is why his kingdom has the best source of weapon and armor supply. Although there hasn’t been a war in Sakura in centuries, The other kingdoms worry King Flame might start one just for his own personal gain. Despite the other subjects suffering and King flame being a cruel ruler. The only person who he has ever been kind to was queen Crystellia. They were best friends as children. King Flame didn’t have a good childhood. His father was abusive, His brother that he was close to went missing, The same happened with his mother. The only friend he ever talked to was Crystellia. They would sneak out of their kingdoms every night so they could play together. But when both of their parents died and the two heirs had to take the throne. Flame and Crystellia couldn’t spend as much time as they planned anymore. However, They still keep close contact with each other and King Flame even grew to have a crush on her. Sadly he has never confessed and Shards only sees them as friends. While King Flame has at least one friend, There is one person in Sakura he can’t stand. Bloodtail. Bloodtail, also being a ruler of a kingdom full of fierce and killer rapterians, King Flame saw her as competition. However, Bloodtail saw his little jealousy adorable and would humiliate him to show how little she feared him. Because of this, these two are enemies and while Bloodtail could care less about Flame. Flame hopes one day to challenge her and defeat her in battle.


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The arena
Torturing his subjects for the fun of it
Being feared


Rule breakers
Being humilated


Queen Crystellia [ Crush/Best friend ]

Best friends since childhood, Flame and Crystellia have always been close and are both allied with their kingdoms, both supporting and helping each other in any way. Crystellia was the only one there for Flame when he dealt with his troubled childhood. She would often meet him at a willow tree and would heal wounds he gained from his abusive father. When he was given the crown of king at such a young age, Crystellia was always there to support him and be by his side. Despite their friendship, which soon turns into love, the two had to rule their kingdom and distance themselves for a long while. Which strayed Flame further from sanity, till he started tormenting his own subject. Crystellia is completely unaware of the pain he has caused and still visits him occasionally.

Bloodtail [ Enemy ]

He hates her with a burning passion, as she has zero respect for him and doesn’t show him any fear. What’s worse? She doesn’t try to hide it and makes it very clear Bloodtail only sees him as a pathetic king. They have gotten into constant fights and arguments. And after Flame forced Alex to fight in his arena once, Bloodtail challenged him and defeated him in combat. He is embarrassed and humiliated from it. For revenge, after Alex was framed for murder. He made his kingdom set on trying to hunt him down, trying to intimidate or annoy Bloodtail. Little does he know she could care less what he does.

Alex [ Enemy ]

He hates him with a burning passion, despite Alex barely ever interacting with him. He knows he’s the most loyal to Bloodtail and is her adopted son. It angers him if anything happened to her, he would take over as leader as he is as strong and just as skilled as her. Flame captured Alex and forced him to fight in his arena, only to be met with surprise as Alex defeated every opponent, and was leader defeated by Bloodtail. He finds him being framed as a perfect opportunity to get back at him.