Queen Media



1 year, 5 months ago


Queen Media

"I will give up everything to protect this kingdom!"

Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Age 35
DoB ?
Sign Libra
Species Winged rapterian
Height 9.5
Alignment Christian
Occupation Queen
Hometown Serenity kingdom
Hey! what's wrong?
Are you okay? You been really stressed these last few weeks..
... I'm fine! Everything will turn out alright eventually!
Are you sure?
... Yes.. I'm fine.. (3
Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Polite Sassy
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Lone wolf Team player
Language English/Every language
Archetype Hope
Leading trait Positive and hopeful
Biggest flaw Stress

Design notes

  • Has fluffy and wavy fur.
  • Wings are bigger than her body.
  • Huge.
  • Soft features.
  • Strongly built.

Queen Media’s creator was a human college student named Evan. Evan loved inventions and his dream was to be an inventor and engineer. He left home, studied for years and finally he got accepted into college and could complete his dream. But that all changed when his two siblings and friend, Vivian, Jason and Octavia went missing. Evan was devastated when he heard the news. His grief and worry created a great distance between his dreams. He started failing classes, didn’t get sleep, and stopped studying. Everyone was worried and some of his classmates tried comforting Evan, But nothing helped. There was no evidence of what happened, No clues to why they disappeared, Nothing. To make things worse, No one seems to care. Evan never found anything online, on the news or any police investigations about his two siblings. And when he filed a report, The law would brush it off and say they might come back. All this didn’t make sense to Evan. If someone went missing, There should be posters to warn everyone if they saw them or atleast a news report. It was even more strange how Jason’s girlfriend and Evan's close friend, Octavia went missing as well. But there was nothing. It was like they didn’t exist. Evan’s siblings, Vivian and Jason, were always close and supportive of his dream. They were always there when he needed help and there to make it through the bad times. How could they just go missing? Even if they went somewhere, they would have told him. They told each other everything. Vivian was an agent who rescued injured animals and people. Jason was a pilot who worked for the military and Octavia was a security guard who worked at night shifts at the building Jason worked at. All these jobs from the government or law enforcement, They had to know what happened and are hiding the truth, It all made sense. It was like Evan forgot his dream, Everything he worked on and wanted to achieve was pushed to the side. All that matters is finding his family now. Evan tried hacking into security files, Sneaking onto government property and eavesdropping for more info. But everytime he would always get caught and was threatened to keep his nose out of it or he would be locked up in prison for privacy break in. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t seem to get closer to the truth. One day while Evan is walking around his college building, He sees a rapterian kit alone near the garbage cans. Amazed that he sees a rapterian for the first time, Evan walks closer and notices the injuries on the kitten. It was starving to the point you could see its bones and had torn off flesh. Evan could tell it was a rare rapterian because of its torn apart wings. Evan was surprised it was even alive. As Evan looks around, He sees an older rapterian lying limp on the ground. Evan realizes what happened and he knew he couldn’t leave the kitten to die. He didn’t care what people said about rapterians, he couldn’t leave her behind. Evan takes the kitten in. When Evan brings the kitten and thinks of a way to take care of it, That's when he has an idea. An idea on how to save his siblings and the kitten.


Evan replaces the kitten’s torn off parts with robotic parts he found from his storage. The kitten looked completely different now, And thanks to Evan it was able to survive. Evan takes care of the kitten, Loves her, Feeds her and almost told everything. Evan named the rapterian Media because her patterns on her fur reminded him of an odd circuit and because he loved computers. When Media was now a teen, Evan's plan was ready. He knew how to save his siblings. As months go by, Evan has a plan that ends up taking 1 year to execute. After nights of no sleep of building, Planning, collecting. He was able to give the rapterian robotic abilities and after a whole year, He finally did it. He turned Media into his own A.I. cyborg. Her ability was accessing all over the web and she can track things in just a few seconds. Whenever Evan looked at Media, he was reminded of his sister Vivian. She loved rapterians and did a lot of research about them. She didn’t care if everyone hated them, She adored them and dream of having one of her own. Evan would remember when Jason and Vivian would play in the playground, pretending to be scary rapterians when they were younger. Whenever He looked at Media. He would get flashbacks and feel like maybe there was a part of Vivian still with him. Despite being a cyborg, Queen Media was still programmed with a personality and could feel emotions. Evan made her to have a similar personality like Vivian since she was inspired off of his sister. Vivian was kind, Very positive and a happy personality that made everyone around her smile for just being herself. Media acted just like Vivian and Evan grew attached to Media. Media was always there to help him get back to his classes and to be emotional support for Evan when he needed it. At that time, Media’s only job and mission was to always make sure Evan was safe and happy. But that's not why Evan created her, She was created to find his siblings and Evan couldn’t lose track. Media knew who Evan’s siblings were and that he missed them. But never fully understood the situation, Whenever she asked, Evan would just brush it off or ignore her. One late night. Evan decided it was time to find the truth. He used Media’s abilities to hack into the government security files. It took awhile, But eventually he did it. He was able to download their data and files and save it to a hard drive. Evan did it, After so much time he did it and it was all thanks to Media. Media didn’t fully understand the situation, but was happy he was proud of her and to see Evan smile for once. But this happiness didn’t last. The government catches on to Evan’s plan and hunts down for his arrest. Evan found this out by seeing his face on the news and he knew they would come after him. This leaves Evan forced to leave his small dorm and most of his inventions behind. All he took was some food, Media and the hard drive with all the info they needed. When the cops get to his door, Evan sneaks out a window and makes a run for it. He didn’t know why they were trying so hard to stop him from finding his siblings and friends, but whatever it was he couldn’t let his siblings and friends life just fade away like it never even existed in the first place. Evan was able to survive on the run because of Media, she would shut down security cameras, Steal food for him, and do whatever he could to make her creator happy. Media was clueless about the situation, But listened to her creator’s words when he said don’t let any law enforcement see you. Even though it was because of Media he survived, it was also her fault he was tracked down. The government was able to track down Media and planned to ambush Evan. Evan started catching on to what they were doing when Media would start randomly glitching and shutting down. Evan knew he couldn’t hide for long, Eventually they would find him. Evan tries his best to explain the situation to Media. When Media is told the whole story, Media started breaking down. She never meant for this to happen, She just wanted her creator to be happy. As Media cries, Evan sighs and hugs Media. Evan tells Media he will be taken away from her and she needs to take care of the hard drive. Media is devastated. Even as a robot she could feel nothing but pain. Media knows that there's nothing she can do and she knows listening to Evan was the only way. Evan asks Media to promise him that she will never let humans capture her or get the hard drive. Media’s not sure if she can keep the promise but she nods her head assuring Evan. As she nods, Evan grabs the harddrive from his pocket and plugs it inside Media memory core so it will never be lost. As the two make their promise. Media can hear sirens nearby and Evan walks away. Media watches him walk off and begs him to come back but Evan yells at her to stay. This stuns Media as Evan has never yelled at her before. But Media does as she’s told and watches her creator walk away from the alleyways to the police cars surrendering while Media is forced to do nothing and watch it all happen. Was this punishment for not being good enough? Did her owner do this because he looked down on her? Does this mean she will never see him again? She didn’t know. Media breaks down crying. She blames herself, it doesn’t matter what Evan says, She’s a monster in her eyes. But Media stops as she hears police yelling and walking towards where she was. Media panics and flies off before anyone could grab her. She didn’t know where she was going, she couldn’t use her ability or they would track her down. She felt completely useless and weak because she couldn’t do anything. Time passes and she doesn’t know where she is going or how long she has been flying. She just had to stay away from them or Evan’s sacrifice was for nothing. But Media couldn’t hide forever. Because of her wings having no time to rest, Her wings eventually malfunction and Media crashes into a forest.

The new queen

Media tries scanning the area, But the location was identified and Media couldn’t seem to find out where she was. She’s tired but she had to go on. She may have robotic powerful parts for stamina and doesn’t need to eat as much, But she’s still a cyborg and alive. After walking around the forest searching for any food or shelter. Media spots a village of cabins and pine trees covering the village as if it was supposed to be hidden. When she sees the village and her system detects signs of life, She immediately runs for help. But as she’s running Media starts glitching and completely falls unconscious. Rapterians that lived in the village could hear metal sounds and find Media. No rapterian has seen someone like Media before. Everyone was confused and in shock no one really knew what to do until Ren and Sensor came to the scene and dragged Media to the medical den. Media wakes up in the healing den and is greeted by Ren and Sensor. Ren and Sensor never worked with metal before, But they were able to heal Media back to health and in just a few weeks, she was back to full recovery. During her healing, Sensor and Ren were the only ones she really bonded with and talked to. Because no one had seen anyone like Media before which made everyone scared to talk to her or even get close to her. She created a close bond with them. When Media finally healed, She was able to walk around the village and talk to others. At first everyone was unsure of her, but everyone started getting close to her when they saw Media’s natural happy personality. The village ended up loving her because of how different and unique she was. The kittens would pester her a lot and were amazed by her. After spending so much time in the village, Media eventually found out she was in sakura. The mysterious land the government is hunting but can never seem to find. Although she was happy and around so many friends, Media missed home and her creator. Despite her being homesick, she knew she could never go back. The government would find her in seconds. The government can’t track Media down because Sakura is surrounded by a barrier which prevents any contact with the outside world. It seemed Media could still see all over the web but the government couldn't, which meant she couldn’t be tracked down and to them she completely disappeared from the face of the earth. Finding this out gave Media more relief and she realized maybe she belonged in Sakura. As time passes, Rapterians start seeing how capable and powerful Media is. She was the only one who could contact the outside world without being tracked, Had giant wings bigger than any rare winged rapterian and cared for Sakura a lot. If anyone was protecting Sakura from harm, it was her. This particular night only proved that theory. One night, Everyone was sound asleep except for Media since she doesn’t need to sleep. Media was just thinking of her past when she suddenly heard noises she recognized from home. The sound of an engine that belonged to a vehicle. Media froze hearing this, There's no vehicles like that in Sakura, Only the winter kingdom train. Media flies away from the village to find the sound. She can still hear it but it was coming from outside the border. Media was afraid to walk outside as she didn’t want to risk Sakura in danger, But Maybe Sakura already was in danger and she was the only one who could save them. Media shoves her fears aside and walks out of the Sakura border. Her worst fears are correct, There were two excavators tearing down the forest near the border. They were hunting for rapterians, Humans have been for years. Media watches the two excavators tear down trees as small little creatures run off in fear. She didn’t want to get captured, But she couldn’t let them find the border. Something inside of her sparks, It wasn’t determination or bravery. It was more of pure rage, The military has taken her home and her creator from her. And now they might do it to so many rapterians if they found the border. Media can’t hold the anger inside anymore. Everyone knew her as happy and positive, But deep inside she was suffering and holding so much anger. She didn’t want to shove her problems into everyone's face. But seeing the military again made her completely let go of that control. Media flies to the excavators and starts tearing them apart. Before the humans can find out what's happening Media attacks them both. She doesn’t kill them, But causes bad enough injuries to where they would need to be in the hospital for a couple of months. Before they run off, Media stands there, Threatening them that she will kill them if they ever tell anyone what happened or come back. The humans beg for their life and agree to her deal and she lets them go. Blood all over her paws and broken metal parts everywhere. Media drags a excavator part back to the village and by the time she gets back it’s morning and everyone wakes up to see Media with blood everywhere. She was questioned about what happened and Media told them everything and showed them where she destroyed the excavators. Of course the rapterians were thankful she protected them but everyone was mostly shocked seeing Media never showed her dark scary bloodthirsty side. The village starts seeing that Media is very powerful and is capable of protecting Sakura. Some of the elders talk privately to Media about being their leader. This makes Media’s dark side completely go away as if nothing happened and Media goes back to her loving personality and happily accepts. She would love to protect Sakura. She didn’t want to ever go through losing Evan again. Protecting these rapterians was like her second chance. Media accepts ruling over the southern side of sakura aka the serenity kingdom. Her name changed to Queen Media and because of her lovely personality, Everyone loved and respected her. Media was also the only one to become best friends with the red tribe leader, Bloodtail. Queen Media seems like a nice and kind queen who only wants good! But is she really..? Or is there something much darker and buried secrets beneath that lovely smile?

  • Her kingdom
  • Her subjects
  • Nature
  • Rules
  • Crime
  • Betrayal
  • Her subjects threatened
  • Water
  • Writing letters
  • Flying
  • Reading books
  • Scrolling the web
