Queen Crystellia



1 year, 5 months ago



Name Queen Crystellia

Called Queen of the rainfall kingdom

Gender Female

Species Rapterian made out of rose quartz

Occupation Queen

Role Side character

Voice Mipha/BOTW

Design Notes:
  • Fur looks fluffy but it's all rose quartz crystals
  • Huge
  • Shiny
  • Wears daffodils for fashion

Queen Crystellia is the ruler of the Rainfall kingdom. A lovely kingdom filled with flowers and crystals. Queen Crystellia is one of the few rulers everyone actually likes. She’s sweet, Kind, compassionate and always willing to help someone in need. Her kingdom is full of refugees or survivors from the harsh environments of the winter and Volaria kingdom. However, Even with her loving personality, Crystellia has received lots of threats. She was even kidnapped when F.A.N.G. was a threat to sakura.

Because of this, Crystellia is extremely paranoid and can barely sleep or be alone without someone guarding her from her anxiety and paranoia. She’s aware of how nice and gullible she can be and worries if this will put her in danger or even kill her. Crystellia is also King Flame’s best friend. She doesn’t like how he treats his subjects or runs his kingdom, But she still cares about him as they were childhood friends. She also always feels safe near him. She cares for him deeply and sees him as a brother.

  • Crystellia was best friends with Queen Regina's mom, Queen Primrose. She was devastated when she died and now has a solid relationship with Queen Regina.
  • She's terrified of F.A.N.G. and heights.
  • She's unaware of King Flame's arena.
  • She usually hangs out in the kingdoms garden.
  • She has a rose on her throne to honor her friend Primrose.