


1 year, 5 months ago


Age 17

Gender Female

Species Rapterian

Occupation Healer apprentice

Status Deceased

Quiet Caring Protective Polite Respectful

Willow was usually always quiet, yet sweet and caring. She adores her adopted family and has a polite attitude with everyone around her. She has a soft quiet voice and never shouts or gets aggressive at people, you would have to make her very angry to do that. Despite being a caring and lovable soul. Willow is willing to do whatever it takes to help others in Sakura. She’s against judging rapterians from eye color and anyone being abused for being born different.


Willow grew up in the sakura orphanage. She was a quiet and shy kid during her time in the orphanage. She didn’t really play with other kids and try to make friends. She instead wasted her time in the orphanage garden and planted all kinds of beautiful flowers. Willow always dreamed of being a healer and helping others. So when she finally came of age and left the orphanage, she became a medical nurse for a small village. It didn’t take long for people to start and like her. Everyone started loving her because of how quick she could heal somebody just by the touch of her paw. But they also loved her for her loving personality and loved how friendly Willow was. This caught the attention of the main healer, Sensor. Sensor noticed her skills and Sensor offered Willow to be his apprentice. Excited to finally be offered to be trained by a pro healer, she accepted and left her old village to be trained by Sensor. She was a kind and compassionate soul who was willing to help anyone in need. Sensor and her had a close relationship the more they worked together. Willow looked up to Sensor like he was a father figure. When Sensor chose Stacy and Ren as apprentices. Willow was promoted to the healer’s assistant and helped Sensor train the two young ones. Ren, Stacy, and Willow grew a close sibling bond and acted as if they were one big family. Sensor treated the three as if they were his own children and the three looked up to him as a father figure. Things started to be going well for Willow and she felt like she finally had a family after being raised her whole life never really having one. But that was sadly ruined as Willow got a bit too curious. Willow became suspicious when Primrose passed away leaving her adopted daughter, Regina to take over. The once lovable winter kingdom turned to a living nightmare when she took the crown. Villagers starved, Had their children taken away, Arrested and punished for defending themselves. It disgusted Willow, But sadly there was nothing the other rulers could do since it was Regina’s kingdom, Not hers. It angered Willow that Queen Media couldn’t do anything about this. Whenever she walked past the kingdom, It broke her heart seeing so many suffer. Willow became angered and confused on why no one would do anything to stop this. One day while searching for herbs, Willow happens to find her way into the winter kingdom. She hated being there, so she didn’t want to stay there for long. But just as she was about to leave, Willow happened to find Ahmya and Levi talking about Regina’s plans. Willow tries not to pay too much attention as it wasn’t her business, All until Ahmya mentions the sakura border and Regina’s plan to break it. This immediately catches Willow’s attention and she becomes more concerned then she already was about Regina’s rulership. Ever since she heard that, Willow couldn’t pay much attention to her work as a healer. It bothered her so much how nothing was being done about this. Sensor, Ren and Stacy noticed the change in her behavior but never had the chance to talk about it. One night while all the other healers are asleep, Willow sneaks out of the healer’s den, Planning to sneak into the winter kingdom castle. Willow thought a lot about it and had her doubts. But something in her heart told her if no one was going to do this, She would. Willow succeeded in sneaking into the castle and made it to Regina’s secret chambers. The info that Willow found changed everything. Regina was planning on breaking the border that protected Sakura for so many years from the outside world. The reasons were unknown. Willow is shocked by this. Why would she do this to sakura? What reason or power would she ever gain from this? Questions ring around Willow’s head. But before she could do anything. Regina walks in on her. Regina snaps at Willow. Regina is clearly panicked that her plans are about to be ruined by some small healer kid. Willow is terrified and tries to think. She didn’t have time to read the rest of the info or try to answer her unsolved questions. She needed evidence and needed to escape. Regina snaps at Willow and is about to attack her, but Willow grabs the scroll that holds the border information and slips past Regina and escapes out an open window. Regina doesn’t sound the alarm or even yell for any guards. She instead goes after Willow herself. Regina chases Willow all out from the snowy forest till the snow disappears meaning she’s out of the winter kingdom. Willow becomes tired from the running and stops to take a small breather, But just as she stops. Regina tackles Willow and pins her down. Willow doesn’t give in though, She can’t give up now. Willow fights back against Regina and the two both struggle to grab the scroll from one another. But Willow is no fighter, She’s only practiced on healing others not hurting them. Willow is weak from the fight, and Regina sees this as a chance to attack back. Regina tackles Willow and Willow falls into the water. Her head falls on a sharp rock in the river and the impact instantly kills her. Regina is shocked and terrified realizing what she did. But she knows there's nothing to fix what she has done. Levi helps Regina hide the evidence, And Willow’s death was blamed on her close friend, Alex. Ren, Stacy and Sensor are heartbroken from what happened and blame themselves for never talking to Willow about what happened. Willow is now a lost spirit who can’t seem to be heard or seen by anyone. The only spirit that is helping her is Alex’s former mate, Frost. The two are now trying to figure out why Willow can’t go to the afterlife realm. In the meantime, Willow watches over Sensor, Stacy, and Ren as she still cares and misses them dearly. Willow doesn’t hold a grudge against Regina and understands it was an accident, But she does hope that she can be stopped.

Voice · Doll - Bloodbourne