


1 year, 5 months ago


Akioria (Ack-key-cure-or-ria) Ria for short




Date of Birth




Akioria is competitive and very challenging. In her eyes. Fighting is a skill you must be proven worthy of. You earn your talents for battle and any little slip of failure can be proven unworthy to her. She grew up seeing the world as high ranks and lows(Normal people vs mutants/rapterians) so she can be carried away with how things are done and how everything is a task to prove you are a great warrior. She seems very annoyed at everyone and can give out the silent treatment. But when you're close to her, she’s actually a very kind and caring person. It’s like she switches personalities from strangers to close ones. (Like Xavier who she can’t stand-) She will comfort you, in her own weird rapterian way. She tries to be supportive but it can just come off as weird at times.


  • Being with the ravens
  • Watching the night skies
  • Being with Rudy and Kedesh
  • Missions
  • Proving herself


  • Yelling
  • Arguing(Because of the past with her parents)
  • Comments on her wings
  • Charles Xavier
  • Anyone she loves in danger


  • Akioria is norse! It's a bit hard to understand her sometimes
  • She knows sign language, every rapterian does
  • The raven in the ref is Cassandra, her second in command of the crows
  • She can glide a long distance with her wings
  • She lets River Lily play with the crows

Design Notes

  • Large fluffy tail, takes effort to lift up
  • Very fluffy and wavy fur
  • Space stars and sparkles all over fur
  • Ussually keeps masks on
  • Always has ravens and crows following her

Akioria and Akarrian lived in a small cottage in a foggy, misty dark part in the woods of sakura. The village near the cottage was a few miles away and there weren’t many markets nearby. No one really cared to check the dark part in the woods, not sure even if anyone lived there. Their parents were.. Complicated. Their dad would always go out and come home drunk while their mother cared for them. She was loving and sweet while their father would try, but they usually remember him drunk. Their parents argued a lot due to this. Aki and Ria are born rare winged rapterians, despite their parents never being winged ones themselves. When they were born, their father was pretty upset while her mother was thrilled and happy for them. She was happy to have such rare and extraordinary children while their father just grew nervous. Their father grew up in a MRCF facility and saw terrible things. He grew tired of the torture and escaped and met his mother. So naturally, he was afraid of MCRF finding out about his children and subjecting them to the same torture.

He tried talking their mother into teaching the children how to hide their abilities, but she refused and said they shouldn’t learn to be afraid of their abilities and should embrace it. Besides, they were at the sakura border, who’s going to care about their wings. It was a subject that came up often, and it caused a lot of arguing, screaming and yelling. But the answer was always the same. Akioria and Akarrian could only hopelessly watch as they threw stuff and screamed terrible things at each other. Their father became more paranoid, and tried calming himself down by getting more drunk. But it didn’t get any better. The sakura drinks made things worse. Their father would come home very drunk then normal, and when their mother confronted him. He clawed at her eye. Akarrian and Akioria were shocked, never seeing their parents come in physical contact like that before. Akioria begs for her mother to stop as she tackles him and claws him back. The two get into physical trouble and both end up hurting each other pretty. Bad, despite Ria and Aki’s plea, they didn’t stop.


Every night would soon get physical and when the two twins tried to sleep all they could hear was constant screaming, stuff breaking and crying. They ended up giving up and didn’t try to stop them anymore. During all of this, Akarrian did his best to stay positive and happy for Akioria, and for a while it worked! Sure their parents were screaming at each other, but at least they had each other’s back, right? Akarrian and Akioria spent most of their time outside since their parents made their home unsafe. Akarrian and Akioria would practice their flying and try to chase the birds. They would spend all day watching the river flow and stay up all night in the night sky. Akarrian would always suggest new games to play and places to explore. Despite being in a bad situation, he still stayed positive. He had to stay strong for Akioria. Playing outside so much, Akioria and Akarrian discovered something strange. Even when they chased them down and tried to catch them, owls, crows, sparrows and even eagles would follow and play around with them. But the kids just took it as plain innocent and were just having fun. Crows seem to be very attracted to Akioria and Akarrian seem to be somehow connected to the owls. Again, being so young and naive, they didn’t think any of this was weird or special. The parents would still argue and nothing would really change. Whenever they did start arguing, Aki and Ria would just run outside to stay out of it and play with the birds. The outdoor foggy forest became their little getaway. For hours they would play together and chase all the different kinds of birds, then when it got late they would fall asleep and wake up just to do it again. However, after so much arguing. Aki and Ria’s mother would snap at them to come inside and to hide their wings. Akarrian and Akioria guessed that she was so tired of arguing she decided to just agree with their father and hide their abilities. Despite them being hesitant, they did as they were told. It was upsetting, they loved flying and using their flight to the fullest advantage. It was sad they had to give it up just because of their drunk dad. Little did the two twins know things were going to get only worse. It didn’t take long for the owls and ravens flying everywhere around the cabin to be noticed by the you know who, MRCF.

Wait a minute, they only go after mutants right? Why are they going after rapterians? and how did they get into the border? Or these were at least questions going through both the twin’s heads when the incident happened.. Akioria and Akarrian were both called by their mother to meet her outside. Her worried voice had them both nervous. They did as they were told and walked outside, only to see some agents outside of their cottage. Their mother held them close, and that's when they knew something wasn’t right. Her father was right behind him, but the twins didn’t know what he was doing. The MRCF agents explained the whole situation to the parents. They both have horrified faces. The twins still don’t understand until one of the agents suddenly grab Akioria and drags her away from her mother. Akioria cries out for her mother. Her mother cries for Akioria and tries grabbing her daughter but more agents keep her away from her. Akioria just starts screaming and crying in fear. Suddenly, one of the agent's drop Akioria. She immediately turns around to see Akarrian biting into one of the agent's arms. Akarrian shouts for Akioria to run and she does what he says. She runs deep into the foggy forest and Akarrian quickly follows behind. They were of course worried for their parents, but right now they had to focus on getting away. Birds quickly follow Akarrian and Akioria and it just makes them both more worried. But you can’t run forever, now can you? Akarrian and Akioria stop at a dead end and the agents surround them. Akioria curls up terrified while Akarrian gets in front of her, ready to fend for her. Suddenly, their mother shouts, waits and walks towards the twins. Akioria is relieved to see her mother and runs to hug her. Her mother hugs her back, but she’s not smiling. Akarrian knows something suspicious, but before he questioned her. She snaps at Akarrian to keep his guard down, still hugging Akioria. But Akarrian doesn’t stay down and just gets more aggressive, making the agents more hostile. Akioria was not even thinking and just wanted to stay close to her mother. But suddenly, her mother whispers i'm sorry into her ear. Before Akioria could ask what she meant, her eyes widened. She heard something that Akioria will forever remember.


“Snap” Was all she heard, a surge of pain runs through her. She’s confused. In a state of shock, it takes a moment to process what happened. She falls to the ground as blood drips down from her back. When she looks back at her mother, she sees a bunch of blue feathers in her grasp. Akioria’s feathers. Just from that, Akioria realizes what happened. Her own mother took her wings. Akarrian is in shock and is terrified at what he has seen. Akioria looks back at him, expecting some help. Anything, but.. There is no help. Akarrian just.. Runs away. He left her.. He left her with her mother and the agents. Akioria breaks down in tears, both from pain and begging Akarrian to not leave her. The agents grab onto Akioria and drag her away. Ignoring her screams of pain from her broken wings. Her mother just.. Walk away. Akioria was of course sent to medical attention to stop the bleeding on her back. Based on the results, there wasn’t anything the nurses could do. Akioria would never be able to fly ever again. Akioria was sent to a facility that was meant to look like a foster home. Turns out her father told her mother that they only go after the twins if they have the ability.. So what does their mother do? Take it away to spare them less torture. Akarrian was supposed to be next.. But he already ran away in fear. Akioria spent years there, thinking about the betrayal her mother and brother did that day. She grew to have a hatred towards them, what love she once had was all erased when they wronged her that day. Everyday as every year went by, she thought about her revenge. Her “foster home” was a place with the “cured” mutants to be contained and researched on. If they discover a second ability, they are taken away to be experimented on again. Akioria was considered “cured” since her mother already did the job for her. She was filled with other cured mutants. But that's the problem.. She was filled with other cured mutants.. She’s not a mutant. There was never a problem with her, and now her life is ruined because of it. Akioria couldn’t even make any friends due to speaking Norse and almost no one understanding her. But that wasn’t the reason she didn’t interact with the other kids. It was because of the shame. She felt useless, shameful and weak.. She ended up hating herself. Even if the other kids were also “cured.” It was just so different to her. Akioria hated the life she had, all she wanted was her life back. But.. She knew she would never get it back. So why even try. Akioria has an idea, but it’s not the best one. After so much time there, Akioria figured out how everything worked. Even certain poison for exterminations unless a mutant got too.. “Out of hand.” Akiora is able to sneak one of these poisons and get away without anyone seeing her. Akioria looks out a window, glancing at the stars. Then.. She drinks the poison.

If Akioria couldn’t have her own life back, she wasn’t going to live this one. That was the plan.. But fate works differently. Akioria collapses on the ground, expecting to die right there. But suddenly, she feels a cold breeze of wind. When she opens her eyes, she’s up in the air. Akioria eyes widen in shock. She never thought she would feel the breeze of flying again. But she was happy after so long she got to again. But wait.. How is she in the air? Akioria looks down to see thousands and thousands of crows carrying her. The form of thousands of crows creates a giant crow, helping Akioria fly. They bring her to a cave, back to sakura. Akioria is confused, why was she here? Why did the crows decide to even help her? But somehow, she can feel each Crow’s emotions. No, not just emotion. She could hear what their simple “caw” meant. Akioria realizes they took her away before her other ability could be discovered. The crows could hear her in distress, and went for her rescue. Akioria ability was having a special connection with ravens and crows. They treated her like she was their mother, a queen. Now that she is gone, Akioria realizes she is free, free to have her revenge. Not on her family she had planned for so long. On the MRCF, for what they did to her and so many other innocent children. For months, Akioria stayed in that cave with the crows. Learning her new abilities and training herself for combat. The crows helped her survive. They brought her food, helped her with combat skills and comforted her when she was upset. The crows were really her only family, and the only one who wouldn’t betray her. Wasn’t very long as well till Akioria discovered she could summon space such crystals as well. She’s not good at it and doesn't know how to control it and it only happens when she’s in great distress. Akioria ended up creating a sword from a piece she broke off from her space crystals. She had a sword, months of training. Now it was time for her plan. One by one, Certain MRCF members went missing. Sometimes they were kidnapped by the crows for Akioria to kill. Or some were caught in a dead end and ended up meeting her face to face. For months, she would track down agents, kill them. And leave them to rot. Eventually, The X-Men caught onto this and tried tracking the killer down. The only evidence at the crime scene were blue feathers and small crystal shards. Remember that Akioria was trained by crows, and is still a young naive teen who didn’t have any education. Her plans weren’t flawless and she left many traces behind. The mysterious killer was called the raven hunter. Because every murder was left with only blue raven feathers. Akioria didn’t care for the X-Men and didn’t think it would be that much of a problem. Until.. She actually gets caught. Akioria is walking away from one of her kills, when a mysterious figure calls her name. Confused, Akioria turns to see Charles Xavier. Only hearing his name from gossip a few times, she didn’t know much about him. She just glares at him, still confused and calmly says leave me alone. But he doesn’t. He reads her mind and can see all of her past. He mentions her brother's name. “You know Akarrian?” He asks. And that's when things get out of hand. Akioria snaps at him to shut up and Charles replies that he can help her. But in the middle of his sentence Ria interrupts. She snaps at him, saying if he really is a hero. He would have helped her and all those kids stuck with her. But he didn’t. Akioria is already upset and the crows can see that. They start calming her down and it works. She chooses not to fight. But just when she starts to walk away. Charles stops her and tries getting into her mind. It gives her a massive headache and she holds her head in distress. The crows notice and try to attack Charles. But someone jumps in the way. They protect Charles. The ravens are frozen in shock, and so is Akioria. It’s Akarrian. Her twin brother.. The one who left her as bait and to be tortured. Akarrian begs for Akioria to let him explain. But Akioria doesn’t need to listen. He already showed her everything when he left her. In rage, Akioria tackles Akarrian, The crows try to help her, but are then attacked by white snowy owls. But Akioria didn’t care, as long as she got her long awaited revenge. But suddenly, Everything freezes around Akioria. She’s confused and everything around her turns white. Suddenly, a red fur cat walks over to Akioria. Akioria takes her sword, and is about to defend herself. But the cat just tells her she’s not here to hurt her and understands her pain. Akioria is confused, but lowers her weapon to listen. This cat seemed different, she didn’t annoy Ria as much like Charles. She actually seems to understand. Akioria calms down and decides to listen to the red cat, who introduces herself as Jean grey. Jean grey reaches her hand towards Akioria. She promises she won’t let those monsters hurt her again. Akioria actually decides to listen to someone else other than her instincts for once. But just as he reaches for her hand. Ria’s head starts aching again and the white fades back to reality. Charles tries taking control again. Before Jean grey can tell Charles to stop. Akioria is already overwhelmed and runs off. The ravens follow her, and so does Aki. Akarrian begs for her to listen but all Akioria can hear is the massive headache of voices in her head. Akioria doesn’t fight her brother, she instead stops and starts crying. She claws at her own ears, begging the voices to stop. Akarrian stops, seeing his sister in distress. Akioria curls up, still in pain. Akioria takes off her mask and looks at Akarrian, she asks him, “Why did you leave me? You said we would always stick together.” Akarrian sighs, he doesn’t justify his action. Instead, he grabs Akioria and gives her something she needed for so long. A hug, and a “I'm sorry.” Akioria stays silent for a moment, but sighs. She couldn’t be angry at him forever. She says I forgive you and I missed you. Finally, after so long the siblings were back together. Akarrian leads Akioria back to Jean. She gives Akioria a friendly greeting while the other X-Men members kind of glare at Akioria. Akioria agrees to come to the mansion with them to stay for shelter. And ever since then she has stayed there. Jean decides to take Ria as her apprentice, because it turns out Akarrian was also training with her. Aki’s story was different then Ria’s, but what was important is that the two found each other again. They are still trying to catch on and heal their relationship, but for now they are just glad to be together again. Akioria has met Jean’s family, but is shy and nervous around them. She doesn’t feel a part of the family, even though she sees Jean as a mother figure. She’s trying to right her mistakes, but still acts like herself. Timeline: 2006: Akioria and Akarrian are born and are raised at the cottage 2009: Akioria has her wings taken from her mother. The MRCF takes her away. 2012: Akioria is experimented on and tortured by the MRCF. She can’t handle it anymore and drinks poison. However, the ravens take her away and save her and raise her 2014: Akioria hunts down and kills MRCF agents. One of her missions involved space, and Akioria steals a jet to fly up there. However, being still very young and naive, Akioria ends up crashing into Xandar. Akioria is panicked and knows she could be stuck on this planet for the rest of her life if she doesn’t do something about her ship. To fix her jet, Akioria steals parts from other xandarians. Akioria is however caught and despite her trying to get away, she’s tackled by one of the officers, July. Akioria is arrested. Akioria is now more stressed and panicking about how she can’t fix her jet stuck in a cell. July hears Akioria, and has a lot of sympathy for her. She helps Akioria escape by letting everyone think she is just transferring the prisoner. She even offers to help with the ship. Akioria grows a soft spot for her, and while they fix the ship they talk and bond a lot. When the two girls fix the ship, Akioria and July promise to keep close contact and Akioria goes back to earth. 2016: Aki and Jean get news of the “raven hunter” and end up tracking them down. Charles is about to get attacked by the hunter when Akarrian steps in, only to find out it’s his twin sister, Akioria. Akarrian tries to reason with her but Akioria isn’t having it and is about to attack Aki. Jean steps in and saves him and tries reasoning with her, it almost works until Jerk Xavier steps in and gives Akioria a massive headache. She runs off in distress and Akarrian goes after her. Akioria claws her own ears to stop the pain but it just makes it worse. Akarrian hugs her and tells her how sorry he really is and that he will never leave her again. They makeup and Akarrian takes Akioria back to the X-Men. Akioria ends up being Jean’s apprentice and Akarrian and Akioria train together. 2016(X-Men): Both of the twins are at the age of 9 now. They train with Jean and everything goes well. They practice learning their abilities and have grown a strong connection with the X-Men now. However Akioria hates Charles and they argue a lot, usually Akarrian has to jump in to calm down Ria. They go on a few missions with Jean and Scott. Akioria meets Magneto’s apprentice, Percy and fights with them. They became rivals after that. 2017: Akioria and Akarrian get closer to everyone in the mansion(Except for professor jerk xavier) Rudy is a protective big brother to the twins and they act like protective siblings around Lily. They also meet Cable and Chariot and become close as well. But both not knowing english that well and being norse, they sometimes have a hard time connecting with the others. They get closer to Scott and Jean’s family and try to connect with them, although Akioria feels left out while Akarrian stays positive. 2018: (Dark phoenix/Infinity Wars) The twins are now in their teens. The X-men get news of the space crew and go to help them. Jean brings Aki and Ria with them. They fly into space. Akarrian can breathe with his mask and helps Kurt, Peter and Jean save the space crew. They bring them to the ship but one of the crew members mentions their captain was left behind. Kurt and Jean agree to go save them despite Akioria protesting. Kurt saves the captain and teleports to the ship, leaving Jean. Akioria snaps at Kurt that he just left her but Akarrian defends his friend, telling her it’s not his fault. Jean absorbs the phoenix power and Kurt teleports her to the ship. Akioria and Akarrian are both worried for jean. But she wakes up and assures everyone she is okay. They fly back down to the mansion. Akioria keeps on questioning if Jean is okay but she tells her she actually feels great. Akioria believes her and lets it go. At the celebration. Akarrian, Rudy and Akioria are just hanging out and talking until Akioria hears a giant explosion sound. She follows the sound to find Jean knocked out on the ground. Akioria and Akarrian are now very worried and concerned. Akioria tries to wake up Jean. However when she touches her red sort of fire surrounds her paws. It doesn’t hurt her though. Jean is taken to her room to rest and Akioria stays in the room with her. River lily asks her if she’s okay, but Akioria assures her that Jean just needs rest and everything will be ok. (She actually doesn’t know) Akarrian is with Charles, Raven and Hank and follows them as they try to figure out what’s wrong with Jean. Charles jerk uses cerebro to get inside Jean’s head. But Akarrian sees this as wrong and protests against this, no one listens to him though. Meanwhile Akioria sees Jean in distress in her sleep and tries to wake her up. Akarrian, Raven, and Hank see that Charles has lied to her and Akarrian now is starting to see why Akioria hates him so much. Charles passes out when Jean wakes up. Scott runs to Jean’s room asking what's wrong and sees Akioria trying to comfort her. She tells Scott that she will hurt them and he responds that I will take that chance. But Jean doesn’t listen and sets Scott to sleep. Before Akioria can ask what she is doing. She just says she has to trust her and follow her, so she does, leaving Aki. Jean finds her fathers house and confronts her father. Akioria is standing next to her a bit nervous the whole time. As her father says she died with his world, Jean is more upset and Akioria does her best to comfort her. But Akioria now hates Jean’s father for leaving her and orders her crows to throw him out the window. The X-Men team follows Jean and Ria’s location. Akarrian is only there with them to save his sister, he’s having second thoughts about Charles and considers him a man with no “honor.” Scott begs for Jean to come back while Akarrian and Akioria hug. However they are all interrupted when the policeman comes in. Akarrian and Akioria assume they can just easily explain to them this was a mistake, until Jean flips the police cars over. Akioria and Akarrian are shocked and get more nervous when the battle happens. Akioria doesn’t want to fight the X-Men but once she sees Storm try to throw an electric bolt at Jean she jumps in to protect her. Akarrian just hopelessly watches, not wanting to fight the team or Jean. Raven steps in and Akioria stops fighting, but stays close to Jean. Raven tells Jean to stop and Akioria thinks it’s going to be okay, until Jean throws Raven onto a wooden stake, impaling her. Akarrian and Akioria are both frozen in shock and fear. Akioria is about to run to Raven’s aid but Jean flies off, taking Akioria with her. Again, leaving Akarrian. Everyone grieves for Raven while Akarrian is just traumatized that his mother figure just killed his close friend. River lily and Rudy are upset and Akarrian comforts them. Jean and Akioria land on Eric’s island and Jean asks Eric for help. Percy is with Eric but doesn’t get hostile yet. The whole time Akioria is just traumatized and because she’s scared, she stays close to Jean. The military comes for both Jean and Akioria’s arrest. Jean snaps and controls the military helicopter, trying to kill the soldiers. Akioria knows what she's doing is wrong, but doesn’t say anything. Eric and Jean fight with control for the helicopter. Percy is about to attack Jean to defend Eric, but is tackled by Akioria. The two end up fighting until Eric gains control. Eric prevents Jean from killing them and he snaps at Jean to leave, Percy by his side defending him. Akioria snaps at him and defends Jean. Jean leaves, again dragging Akioria with her. Akioria and Jean are met with the Shi’ ar searching for the phoenix power. The Shi’ar explain Jean’s new power is stronger than she knows, and they've been searching for it. Akioria is aggressive and doesn’t trust them but Jean is easily manipulated. Meanwhile at the mansion Hank and Charles argue about Jean and Akarrian sees the whole thing. He sees on the news that the government is now hunting Akioria and Jean, and he grows more worried for his sister. He tells Rudy and Lily about this, and they are worried as well. Akarrian can’t sit down and do nothing anymore and leaves the mansion in hope of searching for Akioria and Jean. Meanwhile Hank comes to Eric, telling him that Jean killed Raven and they both go to kill her, Percy following Eric. The X-Men come to stop Eric and the battle starts. Akioria can see the X-Men fighting outside and attacks Charles. She blames him for Raven’s death and for Jean’s suffering. But Akarrian ends up seeing the fight while looking for Akioria and Jean and stops Ria from killing Charles. They both get into a fight, but both stop when they see Eric and Percy go after Jean. They are both scared for their mentor and go after them. They run in to fight Eric, but are shocked to find Jean ripping his helmet apart and throwing him into the building walls. Percy and Akioria see each other again and both give each other hostile glares. Akioria and Akarrian both run to Jean and beg her to stop this. Charles comes in with Kurt and Jean throws Kurt into the train, knocking him out. When Akarrian sees Kurt in pain he runs for his friend's aid, leaving Akioria again with Jean. Charles tries to tell Jean to stop, but she makes him walk up the stairs and tries to kill him. This is actually the only time Akioria doesn’t beg for Jean to stop her from killing lol. Jean reads Charles' mind and begs for the lead Shi’ ar to take her power away. They agree and grab Jean, but instead drain her life force and energy. Akioria realizes she was right to not trust the Shi’ar and they will kill Jean to get her power. In order to save Jean, she throws the lead Shi’ ar off with her space rocks. She tries to wake up Jean who is now unconscious but everyone, including Aki and Ria gets electrocuted and captured by the government agents. They are all locked up and being transferred to the mutant containment facility. Akarrian is locked up with Kurt while Ria is with Jean. The Shi’ar attack the train and kill most of the guards. One of the guards lets the mutants out and Akarrian helps fight them off while Akioria tries to wake up Jean. Akioria breaks down crying and tells her how much she needs her and how the X-Men changed her life. Jean goes inside Akioria’s mind and she tells her that she’s sorry for dragging her into this mess and that she always loved her and Aki. Jean wakes up and saves everyone before the train crashes. Jean uses her power to the fullest advantage and kills most of the Shi’ ar guards. The phoenix starts killing her and Akarrian wants to do something but stays near his injured friends. Akioria runs to Jean and hugs her. She begs for her not to go and that she needs her. But Jean says she loves her, and the phoenix kills her. Half of that power flew into Akioria’s feathers because she hugged her. Jean fades away from Akioria’s arms and Akarrian runs to her, hugging her and comforting her as she breaks down crying. They go back to the mansion and Lily is hit with the terrible news Jean is gone. Everyone is depressed, the most affected are of course Lily, Ria, Aki and Scott. Akioria blames Charles for what happens and hates him more than ever, but she stays at the mansion for her family. Lily needed her more than ever, and she was going to look after her for Jean. What's more messed up is 29 hours later the blip happens, Aki and Ria fade off. 2023:(Endgame, the return) Akioria and Akarrian come back 5 years later. Everything has changed around them. The X-Men are out of the shadows now and known to the public. They are grieving for Jean still, but are trying to stay strong. 2024:(Wakanda Forever) Akioria gets a call from one of her close friends, Finn. He asks her for help to help him protect a scientist named Riri. She agrees and meets Shuri, Okoye and Finn. They successfully dodged the FBI, but are stopped by Namor’s army and get kidnapped. Namor shows Shuri, Akioria and Finn the underwater world and tells them his background and why he hates the surface world. Akioria is almost intrigued and agrees with him. Akioria, Finn and Shuri are saved by Nakia, and return to wakanda. However, Namor attacks. Akioria wants to help defend Wakanda, but Shuri tells her to protect her mother and Riri. She’s upset, but agrees. Namor makes it to Riri and queen Romanda, and throws the water bombs at the throne room. Causing the whole place to flood. Akioria was the farthest from the blast, so she was still conscious. Akioria quickly grabs Riri and helps her make it to the shore, but when she gets to queen Romanda, it’s too late.. And she’s gone. Akioria realizes she’s dead and stares at her body horrified that she didn’t make it in time. Finn and Shuri run in to see Romanda is dead, and they both show anger towards Akioria. This only makes her feel worse. She already blamed herself for Jean, now the queen of wakanda. Akioria stays to help fight Namor to avenge Romanda’s death. She stays on the ship while Finn and Shuri fight Namor. However, While fighting and winning each battle. Something grabs onto Akioria tail, and she’s dragged into the water. Akioria struggles and is losing breath, but is able to make out who it is. It’s another rapterian, Akioria is shocked as she knows rapterians have gone into hiding. She’s confused on why there's one working for Namor. The rapterian almost successfully drowns Akioria, but she uses the phoenix’s energy to blast the rapterians face. They let go, and Akioria swims back to shore. Akarrian heard of what was happening and came to help Akioria finish the battle and fly her back to the ship. Namor and Shuri make an alliance, and no one seems that mad at Akioria anymore. Riri even thanks her for saving her life. Akioria however still feels like it was all her fault, but keeps it inside. Akioria makes it back to the mansion and everything seems fine, but she still wonders who was that rapterian working for Namor. Art by CNWolf 2025:(Thor: Love and thunder) Akioria is depressed about Jean. She has everyone she cares about around her but she still feels like her death was unfair and she needed somehow to avenge Jean. Plus, she still feels horrible about Queen Romanda. Akioria finds out about Joko and Thor (Her space crows tell her everything) and finds out Joko is a Shi’ ar. Akioria has flashbacks to what the Shi’ ar did and thinks Joko existing could only end in chaos, like how she lost Jean. Akioria leaves a note on her dorm, telling Rudy, River lily and Akarrian she will be back, but is going to space. So like the really smart naive young rapterian she is, Akioria steals one of the X-Men ships and makes it to space. Akioria follows Thor’s team most of this movie. They get word of this and try getting away from her, but are shocked to see just because she’s pretty young, she’s skilled and a good tracker. (After all, her hero name is the Raven hunter) While tracking Joko on one of the planets she landed on, she gets word that July is dead. Akioria is pretty upset and becomes more depressed and in grief, as she really cared for July. When Thor’s team goes to get Zeus’s thunderbolt. Akioria catches up to Joko and tries to kill him. He however escapes and before Akioria can chase him, Vesta stops her and they get into a bit of a scramble. Akioria yells at her in a norse language, and Vesta is shocked that she knows her language. They agree not to attack each other and get into contact for a while, they are wary and don’t trust each other yet, but grow closer to each other. Akioria eventually goes off on her own again to kill Joko. at the end of the movie. Thor fights Gorr In order to save the Asgardian children. Akioria finally catches up to them, and fights Joko. During their fight, Akioria tells Joko he’s a disgrace to his species and that his species took everything from her. Akioria brings her sword out for a duel while Joko defends himself with his spear. But when they clash their weapons together. The phoenix force blasts onto Akioria. Only, it doesn’t hurt her. A red force surrounds Akioria now. Joko and Akioria are both shocked. The energy from Jean’s death and the phoenix energy submerged, making Akioria absorb that instead of taking damage. Akioria attacks Joko with this newfound energy she found. Throwing red blasts at the poor Shi’ar who keeps jumping out of the way. Akioria gets more irritated and snaps at Joko how his species took everything from her. She breaks down explaining what happened to Jean, and Joko takes pity for her and tells her he’s nothing like his species. He explains his dreams, and how he should have been dead. Akioria realizes she messed up, and Joko is nothing how she imagined him to be. Akioria apologies for chasing his group the whole time. Thor loses Joko and adopts Gorr’s child, and Akioria feels horrible for how she was to Joko. She however, makes a new friend. Vesta! They both go back to earth on Akioria’s ship. When they make it to earth Vesta and Akioria make close contact and say their goodbyes. 2025: Post: Ant man 3/Thor: love and thunder: Akioria returns to the mansion but is greeted with terrible news. Her little sister, River lily is dead. Akioria's world feels like it has completely shattered, she starts mentally losing her mind, from the grief and from the phoenix slowly driving her more insane. Akioria has lost so much now. Her home, her wings, July, Raven, Jean, Joko, Queen Romanda.. and now. her little sister Lily. Akioria never really has expressed any of her grief or heartbreak to anyone and kept it secret, which made her mental health worse. One day Akioria completely snaps and loses it, and runs away turning into a vigilante. Akarrian follows her to protect and support her. 2025: Akioria and Akarrian have their birds attack cities and hurt innocent people. This turns them into fugitives and they are forced to go into hiding. Akioria and Akarrian run into Saber and Akioria becomes close with him and sees him as a father figure. She’s now hiding away with Saber and still hurting innocent people as she slowly loses her mind. Finn, Saturn and Kedesh go to hunt the twins. However, Akioria still visits Vesta regularly since she’s one of the few she can rely on and trust. Akioria visits Vesta one day and explains all the pain and how much she has lost. To try and take her mind off it all, Vesta decides to use her magic showing stories of Asgard. At first it shows stories of how it was back then and the culture, but Vesta starts losing control of her illusions, and it shows skeletons and all the death in Asgard. Akioria can tell something is very wrong, the illusions then shift to Vesta using the eternal flame. Now Akioria is the only one who knows Vesta is the one who destroyed Asgard. The illusions stop and Akioria is outraged and surprised and asks Vesta questions of what she saw. Vesta is surprised and doesn’t know what happened and it takes a few moments for the two to process everything. Akioria shares the phoenix magic she has passed down from her mentor Jean. They both become closer from this, and Akioria is the only one to know Vesta is the one who destroyed Asgard. Few weeks later Akioria finds a friend she hasn’t seen in years, Heather. Akioria is happy to see her again but Heather is confused and doesn’t remember her. Akioria is confused and mentions that July is dead. When Heather responds that she doesn’t know who July is, she gets more upset and just thinks Heather is being a jerk, since that’s what Akioria remembers her being like. Akioria gets upset and walks off, mentioning she’s going to see Vesta. Heather recognizes Vesta as the one who messed up her mind and made her turn insane. Heather tracks down Vesta and is about to attack her, but Akioria notices Heather and tackles her, pinning her down while Vesta uses a calming spell to calm Heather down. When Heather finally calms down, she explains she really doesn’t remember Akioria or July, and Akioria finally realizes this isn’t the same Heather she remembers in the space prison. They come on good terms and all become a trio of friends :)

Rudy/Force [ Older protective brother figure ]

When they first met, Akioria was very quiet and distant. In fact, she did her best to avoid Jean and Scott’s family. Did she want a relationship with them? Of course! Did she feel like she actually belonged? No.. Besides, Akioria was different from the mutant students. She’s a rapterian, not a mutant. And she didn’t think anyone would forgive her for the crimes she did in the past. When Rudy would try to interact with her, she would just silently glare at him and walk away. However, Jean encouraged her to try and make friends around the mansion. So she did (Only so Jean could stop bugging her about it) and happened to bump into Rudy. It was pretty awkward since Rudy was used to Akioria ignoring him and Akioria didn’t really know how to socially interact. However, Rudy and Akioria actually began to bond and by the end of the day they became very close. They were like siblings since both of their mentors are together. Akioria loves him like a brother, but can get annoyed when he acts like the big protective brother since she can handle herself.

River lily [ Little sister figure ]

Akioria loves her more than she will ever know. Akioria was like her older sister, being adopted by Jean and Lily being Jean’s actual biological daughter. However, Jean started giving all her time to Akioria and started ignoring Lily. Akioria noticed this and tried to talk to Lily, but she always ignored her and just became more distant. When Jean died. Lily betrayed Akioria by telling everyone in the mansion that Akioria is a former killer. Feeling hurt and betrayed, Akioria confronts her and asks her why she did this. Lily snaps at her and tells her she took all Jean’s time away from her and she doesn’t see her as a sister. That was the last time they spoke. When Akioria came back from hunting Joko, she got the news Lily died when she was away. This broke Akioria and she blames herself for Lily’s death, even though she wasn’t there. Losing Lily was Akioria’s breaking point and the reason she turned insane.

Jean grey [ Mother figure ]

Jean grey took Akioria in as an apprentice when she joined the X-Men. Training and doing missions together made the two close, and Akioria became an adoptive daughter to Jean. Akioria was very protective of her and was willing to attack anyone who did her wrong. Akioria spend most of her days with Jean since she didn’t feel like she belonged at the mansion. However, after the incident in space. Jean gained the powers of the phoenix and went insane, and she dragged Akioria and Lily along with her. Akioria was forced to watch Jean hurt innocent people and even kill her aunt figure, Raven. Akioria did all she could to save her, but in the end Jean grey dies, leaving Akioria heartbroken and alone.

Harper [ Close Friend ]

Akioria was sent by Charles Xavier to be her guardian while Harper searches for answers on who killed her father. Akioria was just annoyed and thought she had more important things to do. Harper was energetic and positive and would already talk to Akioria like she was her BFF. At first, Akioria was just annoyed and wanted her to stop talking and leave her alone. But Akioria actually grew fond of Harper and became very protective of her. Harper is actually one of the few close friends Akioria truly trusts and feels safe around. She will gladly beat up anyone who tries to hurt her.

July [ Friend ]

Akioria and July met when Akioria crashed on the planet xandar. Her ship was completely wrecked in the crash, so Akioria started stealing metal parts so she could repair her ship. She was however caught and arrested by a xandarrian officer, July. Akioria met Drax and Heather in prison and Heather and her became brief friends. July overheard Akioria panicking on how she will get home with her broken ship. Feeling sorry for her, July helped Akioria escape and helped her leave xandar. It made Akioria see July as a friend and they promised to keep close contact, however Akioria finds out July was killed by Thanos years later and becomes depressed about her death.

The calling
Amazing devils

"The crows see your skills as pathetic and pitiful. Come back to me when you're ready to prove to me you're worthy of a warrior."
"i walked into the river, To ring those embers from my broken heart and broken liver"
"You'll never get your dinner if you don't know how to get along"
"A fox somewhere is hiding, that light i thought was blinding brought me here"