Nitta Aina



1 year, 4 months ago


Nitta Aina

Rōmaji NameNitta Aina
ApellationsWatashi (Self)
Aina (Gita, Haito)
Aina-chan (Yuu, Nyuu)
MajorArt (3rd year)
Part-Time JobModel
HobbiesSandbox Games
SpecialtyCostume Making
Favorite FoodMapo Tofu
Older Sister
Image Color  #04B05E  
Voice ClaimAoru

Nitta Aina (新田愛菜) is a third-year Art student at ??? University. She is a member of the jazz band catpurr^^capture.


Aina is the drummer of the jazz band catpurr^^capture. She found out about the band through a recruitment poster and ended up joining after showing Gita her drumming skills. Aina also helped design and produce the band's show costumes.

During her childhood, Aina's parents had many fights in their home. She was close with her much older sister who would take her to walk around the city to avoid getting caught in their parents' quarrels. One day, her sister ran away from home, never to come back. Not long after, her parents had a divorce, and Aina moved to live with her mom. She doesn't bear resentment for either of them, and would still make contact with her father once in a while. Despite that, she never hears from her sister anymore until this day, to which she grew to care less about.

Currently, she is majoring in art in college, specifically in the sculpting course. She also works part time as a fashion model and micro-influencer on social media. She often skips her classes to roam around the campus, much to her professor's disdain.

She was the first among the band member's to know about Yuu's death as she was around the scene when the tragedy happened.


Aina is amicable and sociable, attracting many friends with her easygoing nature. To people around her, she's fun company, often lifting the mood and making the atmosphere livelier. On a more personal level, however, she is deeply dissatisfied with life, finding barely anything worth the effort. She struggles with feeling fulfilled in the things she does, with drumming as her only exception.

She is a hardworking perfectionist, wanting to produce the best possible result in things that she does. Even so, she is impatient, and therefore would quickly give up if she makes a mistake or if she sees that the end result wouldn't be up to her standards. This has a bad impact on her school grades.

Aina finds passion in drumming, seeing it as her salvation. She likes to improvise and add her own flair to her drumming, and therefore she finds comfort in jazz. When the jazz club was forced to be inactive after Yuu's death, she was the most determined to bring it back.

Aina dislikes being burdened with emotional baggage. She doesn't have much faith in people and would interact with her friends with minimum attachment. She also has a habit of dismissing her own emotions and other people's, which can make her come off as unempathetic. Nevertheless, Aina is quite moody, and she would act upon her feelings while finding other excuses for it.


Gita Gumilar
Aina sees Gita as blessed, growing envious of her ability to boldly march to her own beat and the conviction in her interests. She copes by teasing and sucking up to her a lot. Knowing Gita plays an important part in bringing the band back, Aina tries to get on her good side, often compromising and half-heartedly doing as she says.

Ishikawa Yuu
Outside of a few greetings, Yuu and Aina didn't talk much outside of the band. Yuu's distant but cheerful manner raised a red flag for her, causing her to be uneasy and cautious around him. The fact that she would find him talking to his supposedly deceased mother alone in the off-limit rooftop, and him later asking her not to tell anyone definitely didn't help her opinion of him. She decided it is none of her business and it'd be best not to pry, though. After learning about his death, Aina wonders if she is somehow partly responsible, but she quickly pushed her worries aside. She appears not to be as emotionally affected as the other band members.

Aina initially only sees Nyuu as means to an end, taking his existence as an opportunity to make the band active again. Aina doesn't think of Nyuu as a replacement to Yuu, nor she does think of him as a human person. Nyuu's inhuman nature makes Aina think of him as oddly soothing, though, and she grew to be fond of him. They became close quickly. Aina would often hang around him, ask him to practice together, and would confide in him her worries about the other two band members. The contrast between her behaviors around Yuu and him baffles Nyuu, but he thinks it would be best to keep it to himself. 

Seo Haito
To Aina, Haito is the definition of a total loser. She would playfully make fun of him for being so touchy-feely, to his chagrin. They would often clash, though Aina doesn't take it that seriously. Rather, their frequent banter has made Aina think he's quite amusing. Prior to Yuu's death, Haito is the band member she was most close with, but after, Aina's lack of sensitivity eventually caused a real rift between them.

Aina doesn't feel particularly close with her family, but not necessarily distant, either. She used to look up to her older sister, but after she ran away and disappeared, Aina was left confused and angry. Over time, she became apathetic about her sister, and she became nothing more than a funny story to tell at parties. Even so, her sister's leaving seems to have affected her ability to get attached to things or other people.


Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?

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