Mark Lotorius



1 year, 5 months ago


Name: Mark Lotorius 

Species: Procyon lotor (raccoon)

Age: Twenty-something

Background: Mark is an upstanding guy with great people skills and work ethic. Despite this, he can't ever seem to keep a job, and the more he loses, the harder it is for him to find new work. However, he gets by and has shared an apartment with Axl Martenelli for a couple of years now. Since Axl's main source of income is the checks his father sends, Mark does his best to cover the rest of their expenses (although compensation for property damage is a common black hole for their wallets). 

Mark is a very tidy guy, and he likes to keep things organized. This is somewhat difficult to maintain under the same roof as Axl, who could care less about cleaning, so Mark handles all the chores. Outside of playing games or watching movies and shows with Axl, Mark has very few hobbies. In the past he was into collectables, but he's given that up in the years since. It makes a lot of clutter, and Mark isn't a big fan of clutter.

Mark and Axl have been friends for a long time, and Mark is adamant that Axl was a lot more active when they were kids. The two actually boarded together in juvie for a year in highschool, but Mark doesn't like talking about it, and few people are actually aware he was ever in juvie. Mark has been trying hard to convince Axl to get a job, and the two have recently applied for a job at Musteloidea.

Likes: Rubix cubes (or some off-brand, non copyrighted version lol), chips and salsa (or any food that requires dipping), coffee (but he can't have it in the apartment), and puzzles. 

Dislikes: Pizza (he used to love it, but it's like the only thing he can eat anymore), confronting Axl, mess and clutter, and fighting games. Axl is way too competitive for them to be fun.