


6 years, 1 month ago


  • Left home because of his abusive mom. Tries to prove he is not as useless as his mom claims.
  • Meets Cinder and K.B, wanting to help them out to get inside the City, but ends up being captured by the guards during the process.
  • Meets Adrian in the prison. Befriends him, and helps him to escape.
  • Follows Adrian, trying his best to be helpful to get Adrian to reach his goal of taking down the leader of the City, Lucent. He believes if there's no leader, the Inners and the Outsiders could finally work together and live in peace.
  • However, Isac is being manipulated and used by Adrian, without himself realizing this. At least not yet.
  • After Adrian loses his powers (for a time) Isac has to protect him from all the enemies Adrian has made on the Outside. These encounters force him to get better at fighting.
  • Buys a sword from Paul so he can protect Adrian more efficiently.
  • After Isac realizes Adrian's abusive behavior he tries to stand his ground but ends up being forced to consume the Ink Adrian now possesses. Adrian is now able to hurt Isac whenever he wants and when he feels like Isac is not obeying him.
  • After some time, he feels like the body is moving on its own. He fights this and ends up throwing up the ink. The ink forms a replica of Isac. Scared, he takes the opportunity to escape Adrain.
  • After being on his own for a while, he meets Clove. They click and bond over similar goals of helping out the Outsiders.
  • Isac ends up protecting Clove from bandits and other dangers from the Outside as Clove provides vegetation and food for them to survive.
  • His goal is to create a safe place for the Outsiders where they can get food and safety from the cold.
  • To achieve this, he has to ask Cinder for help. Her burning touch skill will be essential for thawing the ground for plants to grow. But does Cinder trust Isac after working with Adrian...