


1 year, 3 months ago


an old world 'cretin' who desecrated his family's resting bodies for  research, and was cursed by their spirits to live an immortal, painfully  boring existence, slowly withering away without magic power. 

he  has been around to see the land grow more sparse and unforgiving. as  expected, he finds his long life quite droll. he spends his free time  learning various things, most notably taking a liking to alchemy. he  feels confident enough to find various things that change the area and  people around him through potions, while the world he once knew as  vibrant and beautiful has grown more harsh. 

he has become so  skilled that he can transmogrify things at whim without the magic he  once wielded (and lost, of course), through his alchemic potions.

he  is bitter, quiet, and harsh. due to his ghastly appearance, avoids  others if it can be helped... he doesn't enjoy using such a 'disguise'  (his old visage) that does little to properly change his appearance into  something less detested... the age of the 'beast' has long passed, and  orcs are currently hunted for sport, or enslaved for labor. he feels  little guilt, as these other creatures do not live long, and will die  with dignity, unlike him

-  his skin and muscles on his head have worn away from being subjected to  the elements, however he covers most of his body, so it still looks..  um... somewhat fresh, in comparison to his skull.
- despite his  appearance he is actually still sensitive to most things. feeling bone  is not nearly as unpleasant as it looks, but he worries about how  unprotected it is. (not that anything would happen, but having his brain  out seems uncomfortable, for him)
- is acquainted with Naiad and tolerates him, since the elf will often fetch herbs on his behalf.
- rarely pulls his hood down to show his skull when wandering these days. then again, he doesn't wander often anymore.

uhhhhhh i still need to do the skelly/'real' version but i'm lazy and it really doesn't matter lmao