


1 year, 4 months ago


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Name Mochi
Age 14
Species Lunchbox lion
Occupation Royal chef
Height Smaller than a cat
Gender Male
Theme song Link


    Mochi is very naive and positive. He believes there's light in the darkest corner and that everyone can be good. He does all he can to try and comfort someone when they are upset and need a hug. He’s always willing to go on an adventure and explore new things which sometimes makes him reckless. He wants to be friends with almost everyone and always willing to give someone a hug or have their back. What makes him happy is sharing the food from his basket tail. He loves seeing the smile on peoples faces, especially when they like his food


60403575_eSPLC8N3hf24Z0P.png?1675036133   Mochi never really remembered his parents or where he came from as a baby lion cub. Mochi was an orphan wandering all over sakura. Some rapterians were kind enough to take him in and give him shelter, but it turns out they just cared for his tail and the supply of never ending food. Mochi eventually stumbled into the winter kingdom. He was amazed at how beautiful the kingdom was with the snow and red roses everywhere around the castle and cabins. Mochi eventually stumbled into Queen Regina while she was taking her morning stroll in her rose garden. Regina didn’t really pay too much attention to his presence and was just a bit confused on what animal he was. Mochi kindly asks Regina if he could stay in her kingdom, and Regina says yes so he could leave her alone. Regina figured his tail would be useful in the royal kitchens, so she let Mochi have a job as a chef there. Mochi didn’t mind this and found he had a talent for cooking and baking food and not because of his tail. Even though this kingdom was very corrupted and slowly falling apart under Regina’s rule. It all seemed to fly over Mochi's head.

wbQJUvX.png  When Regina would have an emotional breakdown. Mochi figured all she needed was some food and would offer her food so she could feel better. There's only a few that have treated Regina with such kindness, and it made her kinda grow a liking for the lion cub. He became an unofficial therapy animal for Regina. He was always there when she was crying and would offer her food and hugs, and surprisingly. It would make her feel better which made Mochi smile. One day while Mochi was traveling on his own, he stumbled across Captain Sapphire’s ship. Mochi thought how cool it would be to make pirate friends and wandered into the ship. Because he came in unnoticed, he startled the ship's guards Callist and Astro, which caught the attention of Captain Sapphire. Instead of being hostile, Captain Sapphire was kind and polite to Mochi. Although a bit weirded out by his tail, she didn’t see him as a threat at all and left him alone. Mochi would visit the captain’s ship often and would always offer them gifts and food. The crew found it odd at first, but eventually got used to him. Mochi sees Sapphire as a mom he never had and cares a lot for her and her crew.

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Important Notes

  • Pink basket He has a pink basket as a tail filled with supplies of never ending food
  • Food Most of the food that comes out of his tail is food you would see in a small cafe or bakery
  • No mane Being a small lion cub, he doesn't have a name and instead has a scruffy fluffy neck fur
  • Stickers He has stickers everywhere for fun. The black crown sticker represents him serving Regina

Design Notes

  • Chubby
  • Soft fur
  • Very small
  • Round features
  • Mochi is a very talented chef
  • Mochi puts on food stickers on his fur for fun, he made a black crown to show he works under Regina's rule
  • Mochi looks more like a chubby cat than a lion cub
  • Mochi is completely naive about the fact Regina is a evil ruler or what she did to Alex



Regina showed enough kindness to let Mochi into her royal castle. Mochi seems to be the only one Regina doesn't snap at and yells at because Mochi is very supportive of her. He's alway there to comfort her and hug her when she has a mental breakdown. He has become a unoffical therapy animal.


Captain Sapphire

Sapphire is like a mother figure to Mochi. She's very caring and protective of him and makes sure no harm comes to the sweet lion cub.

Code: PinkyDoggy
