


Basic Info


Male (he/him)




8' 5"


A buff minecraft spider. What kind of spider? Idk

Arcan likes to stay in his own space, often claiming entire caves to himself and weaving his web wherever he wishes. He gets angry when his webs are ruined, touched, or destroyed. 

He's usually docile toward humans until they enter his cave. Outside, he'll just sit and stare at them with his eight angry eyes until they leave. But in his cave, he'll lunge at them and bite, or try to wrap his victim in a web. He won't even attack outside at night unless provoked or another creature is near his territory.

Being that he has five times the health, speed, and attack of a normal spider, Arcan turns out to be quite a challenging foe. Although it may look like it, Arcan doesn't have much aggression. He doesn't attack often, but when he does, his bite will sting and possibly kill. His aggression lowers when fighting against weaker, smaller enemies, and if it stopped attacking, he'd likely leave the fight. 


In his story, he makes friends with an ocelot kitten who came across his cave in search of shelter. The little kit was bold and hissed at Arcan. He attacked the kit, almost to death, but the spider hesitated when he saw it bleeding and hardly able to stand. Unsure of what to do, he crawled back into his web and watched the kit pant on the ground. Arcan found that he couldn't tolerate seeing the suffering creature, so he decided to put an end to its suffering. That is, he fostered it and took it into his own care. When the kit passed out, Arcan felt confident enough to approach it and bring it into his web. Seeing that it was still alive, he went out to find some herbs for the poor thing. Before the spider came back, the kitten woke up immediately terrified. It flailed its limbs around desperately trying to escape, further tangling itself in his web. It knew that when Arcan came back, it'd be fresh spider dinner.

Arcan had gathered plenty of bugs and healthy herbs and was hastily on his way back to the cave. Not far from it, he's alarmed by the faint sound of scared whining. He hurries up and mountain and crawls in to see the kitten, awake and absolutely terrified. When he saw it, he didn't know what to do. All he knew was that he didn't like noise. The confused spider puts down the herbs and covers the kitten's mouth, softly enough so that it would know he had no intention of eating it. It took a lot of struggling and squirming, but the kitten eventually quieted down, fearfully looking Arcan in each of his red eyes. Slowly, he took his hand away from the kit's mouth and watched it. He growled at his now tangled mess of a web. The kitten was frozen, seemingly waiting for the spider to turn his back so it could make its escape. The exhaustion was apparent by its shivering limbs. But Arcan was smart enough not to take his eyes off his prey- or the severely injured creature in need. He couldn't say he wanted to give it the shelter it was looking for, but he knew he wanted to save it. Neither could he blame himself for its injuries, but he did feel some remorse and care for the defenseless thing.

Food and water would be an issue later, but for now, tending to its wounds and stopping the bleeding was most important. The ocelot's sandy fur was tainted with blood, both dry and fresh. Luckily, Arcan's venom was slow acting, so he treated its bite wounds with the correct herb to help stop the spreading venom and suppress its reaction. The kitten was still wide-eyed and confused, tensing up every time the spider would touch it. 

Now it was time to eat. Arcan held a leaf at the kitten's mouth and hissed. The kitten very hesitantly took the leaf into its mouth, just to avert the spider's glaring red eyes. But alas, Arcan continued to stare, waiting for it to chew the leaf. He hissed louder, making the kitten flinch and swallow the leaf whole. It didn't dare cough up even a spec. Arcan, although a little worried that it would choke, was relieved. He then reached over to untangle the kit and crawled into his web- he didn't want to make it stay any longer than it had to. The spider curled up and closed his eyes to sleep. But when he heard a friendly trill, he opened his eyes and glanced over at the small kitten. It was standing on the web! Arcan blinked awkwardly and gestured for it to leave. Instead, the curious kit came closer, having to step lightly on the sticky web. He was beyond confused, and even a little uncomfy. But he wouldn't stop the kitten.


-weaving large, elaborate webs

-wrapping things in his web

-leaves, trees

-rain, thunder

-cats (they are oddly friendly toward him)


-humans and mobs trespassing in his territory

-repetitive noise


-wind (messes up his web)
