


1 year, 3 months ago



☆ Reba ☆






Gumi Tsureta Fishing Kit



"Gummy Exoskeleton"

Spotify Playlist


Theme by Circlejourney

Yeah, my head and my body had some relationship issues they couldn't work out, so they split.

Design Notes

☆ Reba's body is comprised of a tough gummy exoskeleton, an entirely powder interior (that's right, no organs,) and his hair is made of foam. The powder that makes up his insides is, essentially, one giant neural network (aka, his entire body is his brain.) He can tear the exoskeleton with ease when he wants because of this.

★ He can generate more of the gummy exoskeleton when the powder comes into contact with water, but the more he uses, the more exhausted he gets.

☆ His ears always droop downwards because they're actually too heavy to hold themselves upright. Same with his head, which is why he always has to have his neck supported (otherwise his head just flops over.)

★ Although he can't physically scar, Reba's body will remember injuries he sustains. Depending on how often he's injured in one place, certain spots and body parts will begin to experience phantom pains all the way to going entirely numb for certain periods of time. This can get better if an entire body part is replaced, but it only lessens it and doesn't get rid of it.


Reba is in a pretty constant state of minding his own business and tends to be more passive. Despite this, he is very helpful, usually going out of his way to offer help to other people, sometimes to a dangerous extent in battle. This is worse with people he cares about, being more than happy to self-sacrifice. But he’s very chill about most things, often underplaying injuries and not letting anything get to him (although he has a tendency to get extremely nervous and overreact or freak out in new situations or with things that are very important.)


  • Reba is immune to liquid based weapons.
  • Preparedness- he keeps both extra water and extra gummy on him just in case.
  • He's strong enough to drag most candies.
  • Good reflexes and a decent runner.


  • Puncturing, slicing, and explosions all can hurt him pretty bad.
  • Any open wound will continuously bleed until it is stopped, which can only be done with liquid.
  • Reba has pretty bad long-term stamina.
  • The more powder he uses, the more delirious he'll become and slowly lose any coherency or real ability to think.


☆ He always attempts to talk to sweets first, instead of killing them, as he detests the war and thinks it's extremely stupid. However, he will meet the first signs of violence with his own, and he does not hesitate to kill after this point.

★ Reba's combat relies primarily on evasion and the element of surprise, as it's hard to pull off his only lethal attack otherwise. He is very skilled with dodging around obstacles and attacks since it's the main thing he can do, just as long as he's got a good vantage point.

☆ To keep victims from escaping, he most often immobalizes them by tying them up, then usually drags them up extremely high up or pins them to the ground until they pass.

★ If given a big enough injury, Reba will enter a state of shock where he can't move, think, or really do anything but collapse. He'll recover quickly enough, but it lasts longer the bigger the injury. This shock can actually kill him if the injury covers a big enough area.


Gummy Cost:
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

The only lethal and violent use in combat. Using excess gummy, Reba creates a “bubble,” which can be left empty or filled with liquid to attempt to dissolve what is trapped. He attaches this bubble around either limbs, or more commonly, the entire head of other candies to suffocate (and/or) dissolve them.


Gummy Cost:
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

A non-lethal form of attack where using the excess gummy, he ties candies up, similar to a spider cocooning. He can stick the layers together to make them thicker and harder to break through.

Shielding +/ Armor

Gummy Cost:
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

By layering the excess gummy, Reba can create a shield that depending on the amount of layers is extremely hard to break through. This can be done either by layering up his own exoskeleton, making a bubble shield, or making a separate shield item.


Gummy Cost:
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

Excess gummy can be used to create a bandage for wounds or hold together other candies. The amount of gummy needed varies based on the size of the wound. Liquid between the gummy and other candy can, however, cause them to fuse in certain candies, or begin dissolving them; so it works better when the gummy is dried.

Sugar Rush

☆ During Reba’s sugar rush, the excess gummy can be generated at a fraction of the normal cost of his mass; meaning he can make much, much more of it.

★ He also has much more stamina and is much less likely to trip over the excess gummy he’s created.

☆ In generating the excess gummy, he doesn’t pay attention to how much of the powdered candy is left, leading him to be more likely to overuse it.

★ Once his sugar rush ends, he collapses from fatigue, along with the weakness, confusion, and delirium that he would normally see from however much loss of the powdered candy he used.



Although they only met once, when Reba was 7, she is the sole reason behind nearly all of Reba's ideologies about the war and fighting. (Though, he thinks even she's a bit extreme and chose to be kinder to others.) He would love to talk to her again, but since there's no way to contact her, he often just remembers her fondly as "K."


Morita... is intense, and Reba doesn't have the slightest clue how to go about talking to her half the time (not that it's ever stopped him from trying.) But she is very smart, and he admires both that and her determination (even if he thinks it's often misguided.) Nevertheless, he happily considers her a friend.


Out of the two sours, Reba gets along with him the best [note: easiest], and he feels a lot closer with Pelón solely because of that fact. And it's also really nice to be around someone who's chill about things no matter what, even when Reba's kind of freaking out.


Marzie's a sweetheart! And, y'know, willing to talk to him without fighting, that's a major plus. He'd love to actually become better friends with her, given the chance, though he'll just avoid killing her for now.


Not that he'll ever admit it, but Reba is frankly terrified of Rey because he's well aware that Rey is the only person that could or would have the desire to kill him (easily, anyway.) But they're not so bad outside of battle! Even if they're a bit rude...