


8 years, 7 months ago


Full Name: Jack Redd

Alias(es): The Blue Demon

Age/Birthday: 22 // August 7

Zodiac: Sun Leo// Moon Libra// Ascending Libra // Fire Ox

Voiceclaim: Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon

Species: Superhuman

Race/Ethnicity: Mixed Native American/White. ; Navajo/Spanish/French

Build: kind of built but with a layer of chubby-ish fat

Height: 6'0

Skin color: brown

Hair color: Black, bleached/dyed at the ends (usually purple or indigo, but alternates colors)

Eye color: bright blue

Body Mods: Jack has a large forearm tattoo on his left arm depicting a dark dragon-like serpent surrounded in flame, and a number of thorny vines with violet blooming flowers covering his right forearm. 

Gender: Two-spirited. He isn't entirely closeted about not being cis, but he doesn't really talk about it either.

Pronouns: he/they

Orientation: Two-spirited/Bisexual

Relationship Status: taken // polyamorous

Partner(s): Raiden, Valoka

Location/Residence: lives in a 2 bedroom apartment in Chicago with 2 roommates (superverse) // lives in a 3 bedroom in Bismarck with two roommates (T3)

Family: birth mother (deceased), birth father (deceased), birth younger sister (unknown??, 2ish years younger) ;; Adopted mothers, Adopted older brother and sister (Jason, 3 years older, and Abbie, 5 years older), adopted younger sister (Arianna, 4 years younger)

Occupation: drummer for Searing Sun (superverse), drummer for [tbn] (T3)

Education: high school dropout 

Abilities/Talents: can play guitar/drums/sing very well. trained in mixed martial arts, avid freerunner. 

Languages: English (fluent), Haitian Creole (conversational)

Powers: electrokinesis; healing factor via electricity absorption

> Sort of a cautious, logical person, who's often guarded where emotions are concerned.
> Often seems fatigued or exhausted. Sometimes has a standoffish demeanor as a result, even when he intends to be friendly.
> A fairly sociable person, but doesn't like environments that are too loud or chaotic. He prefers smaller social gatherings
> Jack's actually a huge dork once he brings down his barriers, constantly making nerdy references and doofy jokes. He's also a shitposting memelord.

+ Training! Jack is an avid freerunner and has some experience in MMA, but he wants to learn more. He also trains with his powers in an area far from his apartment so that he can keep getting better with controlling them.
+ Video games!! Specifically the Pokemon and Borderlands series are his favorites. His favorite pokemon are electric pokemon, specifically Luxray, and Plusle and Minun. His favorite Borderlands characters are Mordecai and Zer0 (yeah he's a sniper main what of it).
+ Cooking. Jack loves learning new recipes and often cooks for his partner(s) and roommates when he gets a rush of inspiration.
+ Comic books!! Jack is a huge Marvel/DC comics nerd, and always has been. He has a comic related metaphor or relation for any given subject.
+ His boyfriend...... They're the perfect foils for each other, and he loves spending time with him and being a sappy gay pair of nerds.

- People who tell him his interests are childish.
- Swimming/Open bodies of water
- Loud sudden banging noises. Exception being thunder. Sometimes.
- People who think all powers are good all the time and are blessings. Jack thinks his life would be better if he never got his powers.

> Video games and comic books. As mentioned above, Jack's a huge fucking nerd.
> Freerunning. Aka parkour, aka how to get around as a superhero when you can't fly or drive.
> This isn't really a normal hobbie, but.. vigilantism. With superpowered goons running around and generally shitty policework, somebody's gotta do something.
> Jack is working towards making a doofy video game let's play channel on the side of all his other stuff. He's not sure how it'll work out, but he'll enjoy it regardless.

> Jack's powers have the setback of hurting him when he was submerged in water. His powers also have a slight side effect of leaving him tired most of the time, unless meeting a certain level of electrical charge/intake. Because that level is kind of expensive to keep up, he takes the drowsiness instead.
> The type of superhuman that Jack is has a genetic predisposition to develop superhuman abilities at random when the subject is exposed to extreme stress. Jack's powers activated when he was the victim of a bombing when he was 16, losing his partner in the time in the process as well.
> Jack has hearing damage from the explosion that triggered his powers. It's not awful though, and he tries not to bring it up.
> Jack has a vigilante alter ego locally known as 'The Blue Demon,' due to the horned resin mask he wears to protect his identity. He didn't choose the title, it was given to him.
> Jack has PTSD from the incident that triggered Jack's powers. He often has nightmares that make it hard to sleep.
> Jack dropped out of high school shortly after he got his powers. He moved out of his mothers' house when he turned 18, rooming with two of his bandmates who are dating.
> Jack wanted to be a neurologist before aforementioned incident shifted his life views.
> Jack's parents died when he was 3, and he got adopted shortly after. He doesn't hardly remember his parents, or his birth family home in Phoenix, Arizona. He has a younger sister who was an infant when their parents died. He's never met her.
> Despite being a great singer, Jack is very self conscious about singing in public, outside of backup vocals for his band.
> Searing Sun, Jack's band, has one recorded album, two EP's, and gone on tour once, mostly through the midwestern and southern states.

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