Aito Nakamura - REVISED



1 year, 3 months ago


There, showing a grin so wide, is Venus wrecking everything that’s good and kind?



A weird spot of sun in the everyday darkness.

Aito Nakamura

So basically, we're both different from everyone.
That means we gotta stick together!

Aito is the first Kaiju character properly introduced in the story of MAFRA. He befriends Ari Park after bonding over similar experiences of feeling alienated by other people due to their past experiences. Aito is also the adopted child of Aera Gyeong-nam and Kai Dong-geun.

Aito is an Octopus Kaiju and often has his tentacles out, usually only one tentacle on his lower back. It often makes him look like he has a tail. He has semicircle or almond-shaped eyes and has shark-like teeth. His tentacles are predominantly purple, with light blue undersides. He often wears hoodies and sneakers.

TOOBOE - Tablet (English Cover)

Hey, never forget my face, the fact that I remain.

alias | 'Aaron Nakamura'

species | Octopus Kaiju

gender | Cisgender Male

pronouns | He/Him

age | 15

birthday | 25 October

ethnicity | Japanese-Indonesian

occupation | Student

status | Alive

height | 152 cm/4'9 ft

Impetuous and silly, and always looking for the bright side of anything, Aito is just a fun-loving kid who's living his life to the fullest! It doesn't bother him that people might think he's weird, nor does he care that there are people against him. A brave mindset that easily spreads to anyone he spends time with. He also loves to joke, though he may inadvertently press on some off-limit topics. Thankfully, he does care about being considerate to others, and hates seeing anyone be in a bad mood.

likes and dislikes
  Fried food, specifically fried chicken, sausages, and tofu.
  Action games, usually fighting games.
  Hot girls, you can probably guess his type.
  Lizards, he just thinks they're cool.

  Pink, it's too girly-girl for him.
  Glitter, it gets in his eyes!
  Boiled dumplings, except the ones his mom makes.
  Organ meat, it's like eating sand!


"Have you seen my son?", a mother cries out at the crack of down. Her baby boy has gone missing from his crib. Tears fall as her husband goes out to search, clutching stained clothes and bibs. Posters are pasted all over the trunks of telephone lines, only to be met with the mutters of indifferent Koreans.

Seeing his own face on those torn posters, bigger than the crusty polaroids he's used to, should he return home? The garbage bags are softer today, and it doesn't smell as bad either. He's got a little less than 50k left, this should be enough for a few more days. Soon, it turns into weeks. Soon, a new father would lift him from the streets.


An ear-piercing crash, teeth as sharp as knives, a singular eye staring down on human paste. One of the most violent transformations to date, a toddler's tantrum amplified twentyfold. Yet, even the harshest storms eventually pass, and what is left of tentacles and teeth is a rejuvinated boy. That click, did you feel it? Have you ever felt it? It's euphoric, hell turns upside down when it embraces you whole.

A tree rises from a once-dead stump, its leaves start to flourish and now provides shade to weary animals. From a boiled seed blooms a bundle of sunflowers, what was once thought to be a rotten egg hatches a lively chick.

Aito, how lucky you are. How lucky you are to keep smiling.

Share those smiles to as many people as you can.

Ari Park

best friends

"She's awesome actually, I dunno what ya'll mean by her being weird? A little mean sure but like, it's funny! Ya'll are just weak, man."

Kai Dong-geun


"Eh, they just be doing dad things and stuff, I don't blame 'em. Pretty cool that they let me around HQ without a card though!"

Aera Gyeong-nam


"Man, mom's so awesome. Super nice, her cooking's great, and as someone who's had a mom before, she's way better than my last one."

And now, seeming well-behaved, see the mad devil start to sway...     I know you’ll dance away until you’re bored and drained.


scent | Fruity - Orange, lemon, apple, muscat, vanilla

voice | Megumi Ogata

zodiac | Scorpio/Ox

alignment | Chaotic Good

  • In class, Aito is known to give out fully-accurate leaks for tests!
    The only subject he can't give spoilers for is Biology, for...obvious reasons.
  • Aito can speak Korean, Japanese, and English fluently. Though, Indonesian is still a struggle for him.
  • He gets overwhelmed easily with rhythm games, especially ones like DDR or Just Dance.
  • Aito still likes to mix shampoos in the bathroom, which is why his hair smells like a lot of weird scents at once. His dad isn't the biggest fan, since Aito also uses up their own shampoo.

code by Leporidactic / layout by Togo / artworks by username, username .