
1 year, 3 months ago


A quote, title or tagline. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


[ About ]


Ruby is a lanky vessel with patches on her chest and right arm. She has a a sharp mask and her horns turn darker towards the tips He mainly wears just a pair of pants.

Quisque at iaculis nisi. Vestibulum sit amet velit quis ligula lobortis volutpat.

Mauris tincidunt tempus massa quis tempus.

[ Personality ]


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Ruby is a outgoing and enthusiastic bug who loves to talk - her favourite topic being fauna. Their love for chatting with anyone they meet sometimes gets them in trouble, though. He also loves the Stagways and rides them as much as she can!

[ Basics ]

GENDER Non-binary
AGE Mid 20s
OCCUPATION Troupe member

[ Story & Trivia ]

Ruby is a vessel, born small and weak. They stayed a long time in the Abyss as they were unable to climb by themself, and eventually managed to ascend to the surface after a long, tiring climb. She was found by Cassius, who took care of her and tried to heal her wounds to the best of his abilities, and gave her a name: Miof. The two quickly bonded and became extremely close, but Ruby still remained weak and sickly, relying entirely on her sibling. As time went by, it became clear that Ruby could not molt properly. Once the two siblings reached the City of Tears, Ruby had gotten sick due to the rain, and was almost constantly unaware of their surroundings.

On one, tragic day, Ruby had slipped and fell onto the roofs of the buildings below, dying almost instantly. His corpse was picked up by a small secondary troupe, and he was revived - at the cost of developing chronic pain. Ruby had no memories of the accident, and was adopted by two of the members, Climea and Vey. With her two new dads, she left Hallownest and happily grew up, innocent and unaware of her tragic past. He returned to Hallownest after the infection was sealed, and met once again with Cassius - promising to make up for all the time lost.

[ Relationships ]



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sed venenatis ante. Vivamus pharetra mi eu rutrum efficitur. Nullam vehicula nisi eu lorem vehicula tincidunt. Integer auctor ut nunc id volutpat. Mauris tellus neque, iaculis id pharetra ac, rutrum ut tellus. Proin dictum a tortor sit amet luctus. Morbi id suscipit orci. Quisque quis pretium enim. Aenean tincidunt libero at felis luctus faucibus. Ut malesuada dui eu mi dignissim, eget rutrum elit finibus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sed venenatis ante. Vivamus pharetra mi eu rutrum efficitur. Nullam vehicula nisi eu lorem vehicula tincidunt. Integer auctor ut nunc id volutpat. Mauris tellus neque, iaculis id pharetra ac, rutrum ut tellus. Proin dictum a tortor sit amet luctus. Morbi id suscipit orci. Quisque quis pretium enim. Aenean tincidunt libero at felis luctus faucibus. Ut malesuada dui eu mi dignissim, eget rutrum elit finibus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sed venenatis ante. Vivamus pharetra mi eu rutrum efficitur. Nullam vehicula nisi eu lorem vehicula tincidunt. Integer auctor ut nunc id volutpat. Mauris tellus neque, iaculis id pharetra ac, rutrum ut tellus. Proin dictum a tortor sit amet luctus. Morbi id suscipit orci. Quisque quis pretium enim. Aenean tincidunt libero at felis luctus faucibus. Ut malesuada dui eu mi dignissim, eget rutrum elit finibus.