Nolche Ten



6 years, 29 days ago

Basic Info

Common Diminutive




Theme Colors

Green, Brown

Illustrative Weather Type

Starry night


Nolche was the final member to join the group, and was a sellsword before joining the team. Nolche underwent the "perfected" version of the operation that enables the operational mode in the team's members, and so he receives all benefits of the mode other than the mental link even without switching to it, but his side effect is that his emotional output is decreased, and he has a receptiveness/obedience to orders even when not in operational mode.
He works as a jack-of-all trades for the squad, in that he can perform most tasks well as long as they don't involve interacting with people who aren't on the team. Off-duty, he mostly just gets roped into whatever the other members are doing, rather than taking his own initiative.


  • Hypercompetent at things that require strength or skill, but not those that require interpersonal abilities
  • Tends to take things literally and does whatever is asked of him
  • Doesn't express his feelings very well, in that even when he feels strongly, it comes out "muted"
  • Lacks an interest in social interaction, and thus keeps to himself unless it's requested otherwise
  • Acts without first deliberating and does what others ask without first questioning what they really want
  • Never asks for help unless he's physically incapable of doing a task on his own or it requires skills he does not have
  • Fails to take social cues often; his words tend to be blunt and lack tact
  • Has good command of language, but doesn't usually speak up unless he's been spoken to first
  • Yesac: Nolche's curious about him, so he tries to observe Yesac without being too aggresive or open about it. Yesac doesn't make it hard, since he has an unrelated interest in Nolche. They hang around together often, but Yesac makes the bulk of the conversation. Yesac avoids ordering him around too much, so when he does, it's entirely deliberate, and usually in goodwill or to pry information from him in a roundabout manner.
  • Lal: He appreciates her tendency to boss him around since it gives him things to do without having to put too much thought into it. He doesn't find it to be a very charming personality trait, though. Her attempts to help him have fun make his days unpredictable and at times, enjoyable. Sometimes he discreetly avoids her to have some peaceful down-time. Her orders to him are usually rather conversational, and have a broad range. She tries not to do it deliberately too often.
  • Dunne: Nolche admires the way he puts up a front for the sake of others, rather than himself. They hang out casually from time-to-time, and while it's comforting most times, it can also be a little frightening to Nolche that he can be read so well. Since Dunne actively tries to avoid giving Nolche any orders, even out of goodwill, Nolche has a little bit of a soft spot for him.
  • Sheneb: Nolche is fine with how he shies away from attention, but looks down on how he lies to others seemingly out of habit. Nolche's not great at spotting lies, but has caught Sheneb doing it a few times without bringing it up, so he has trouble trusting Sheneb at times. Since they both avoid initiating conversation, they don't speak much. Thus, when Sheneb gives orders, it's deliberate, though it's usually small things like "give me some space."