Matthew the Spider & Da Hat



1 year, 6 months ago


Matthew the Spider and Da Hat



  • "Matthew"
  • "Buddy" - Da Hat
  • "The Artist" - himself
  • "Matt"
Da Hat:
  • "Da Hat"
  • "Matthew's hat"
  • "Hat"
SpeciesMathew: Dremra

Da Hat: Flatcapr
GenderMale (both)

Pronouns: He/its (both)
AgeMatthew: 18

Da Hat: 36
OccupationMatthew: painter

Da Hat: Matthew's carer
ReligionN/A (both)




N/A (both)

  • Cotton (Matthew)
  • Da Hat (Matthew)
  • Matthew (Da Hat)

  • Cheapskate (both)
  • Glaze (both)
  • Cotton (Da Hat)


Mental Disorder

Eye colour



Voice claim


Matthew: Pan, Da Hat: Aroace.

Matthew: Autism/ADHD, Da Hat: N/A.

Green (both)

Matthew: 7 ft (when standing on hind legs), Da Hat: 60cm.

Dremra Town (both)

Matthew: Andy Richter, Da Hat: Patrick Warburton.

Matthew: Mosquito Lasagne. Da Hat: Doesn't eat.



Matthew and Da Hat are an artistic duo living within Fabric Fair. Matthew is a respected member of the village, known for repainting peoples dens, amusing them with his peculiar metaphors, and having the uncontrollable urge to activate any explosive it sees. However, he has grown a fear romance due to a traumatic experience with a cannibalistic female spider.

Da Hat assists Matthew with: using words on the tip of his tongue, keeping him focused on tasks or the point of a conversation, and ensuring that no matter what he stays far away from dinamite. As much as Da Hat seems fed up with the spider, his main priority is keeping Matthew out of harms way, while Matthew's main priority is to be Matthew and to cheer Da Hat up.


Matthew is a grey and orange Dremra -- a centaur adjacent spider -- with yellow horns, 4 humanoid arms and 4 spider legs. He has 6 eyes (with two being black dots), a blue clown nose and long hair like fur. Matthew wears a teal and blue-striped-turtleneck sweater with a web pattern. Da Hat is a teal flat cap with a blue brim, two green eyes and a pair of holes on his sides for Matthew's to fit through. Da Hat's face can fold into his brim like the hat he's based off.



Cotton the SockPuppet

Matthew frequently showers Cotton in affection and cuddles without care for the risk of being BWUAED. Viewing Cotton as his adorable pet, Matthew always allows Cotton to enter his home, BWUAE the fridge and sleep in his bed. Though, there are times where the Dremra can get annoyed with Cotton, such as when he falls asleep during while he's trying to explain the mythos lore he wrote last night instead of sleeping.

Da Hat absolutely hates Cotton for constantly eating their fridge, eating their train return tickets, brining Matthew explosives, eating every child within a 20-mile-radios and overall being Cotton. Da Hat's attempts to hide his passive aggressive and give Cotton a chance, usually end in him exploding (in both ways).


Matthew's species, the Dremra, are an eccentric species of spider critters known for their love of art. Particularly ones reminiscent of their webs or fur, both to mark territory and to develop a strange kinship with their art. They reside within their town, Fabric Fair, a carnival built to show off their craftsmanship, architecture and web-ventriloquist skills to the natives of Chement. Said ventriloquism is what allows them to tame the Cottons and use them as drones, pidgin messengers and weapons. However, Cottons are more commonly kept as pets decorated with different sock patterns for the sake of cuteness or to compete in "Cottontest" pageants. The Dremra even tried creating their own Cottons, those being their sentient hats who are far weaker than the Cottons as a trade off for their greater intelligence. The Hats are usually kept as friends or assistance.

Their favourite foods are bugs and insects of any kind, acting as the pest control for Chement. Which is why atop the town are massive interconnected telephone-pole like structures build to lur in and capture bugs attracted by the smell of tourist food. Despite this, a few taboo and somewhat psychotic members have the tase for the flesh of chement's other species. They have their own hidden groups underground. However, worry not, for this town has their own law enforcement in the form of the sheriffs. Said sheriffs mainly resorted to detain criminals with web lassos, but if needed, they'll sick an attack Cotton on them. They also wear shields-like knee armour to defend themselves in combat. The Dremra generally try to scutter away from fights, but if cornered they may resort to biting the attacker, injecting them with lethal venom guaranteed to kill within minutes.

Next to Fabric Fair is the Dentown, a large den housing a cosy village where the dremra reside. Within the village houses the great Baboon King himself. This giant and his crown wife often visit the town from their homeland: the Island of Every Story Ever Spun. This was where this species originated thanks to the great Mama Jama. The Dremra there are known for documenting the history of the entire world as opposed to artistry, but if there's one thing that both islands of Dremra have in common it's their shared love for fiction. As over the centuries they've written a fast mythologies of many fictional gods and legends, but the Dremra themselves aren't religious.


Matthew the Spider is my persona and self insert character in Child of Aether. He has zero plot relevance and would only appear as either an easter egg in the background or a secret NPC.

If Child of Aether was a video game, Matthew and Da Hat's only appearance would be a 1/100% chance to spawn in the AfterAfterlife (the respawn area) painting on the table next to Cotton. Interacting with them would lead to only Da Hat communicating as Matthew is too deep into his painting. Once you leave the realm and come back, Matthew and Da Hat will be gone.


