Cane Hurri



1 year, 2 months ago



69379983_HjImQyIVMxMLN09.png"...I trust you with all the light in my soul, your radiance!"

A flightless Angel raised in the Cloud Centre by Miss Hurri, and a devoted admirer of the kingdom that cast him out. Though, Cane is meek and well-meaning, his sheltered upbringing turned him very neurotic and narrow minded. Fearing one's not resembling Nimbi, Angel or God.

After barley escaping the ceremony genocide, the trauma and guilt had shattered the small worth he once saw in himself. Cane despised himself for running when his kin was dying, when his friend cried out to him, when his mother was struck downHe sought his Goddess of Light's guidance in hopes she'd save their fallen kin, but if he wants to protect the venerable, he'll have to gain that courage himself.


Cane is a teenage Angel with the form of a frail, black boy with red fathers, a large nose and glowing white curly hair. His eye lids are darkened from all his sleepless nights and his hair is intended to resemble the Nimbi Emblem.

Cane wears typical Aether attire (a cyan tunic tucked into blue shorts held up by a halo belt) to strengthen his kinship with the Angels. He also wears a blue bowtie like most Nimbi to show the love for his mother.

Design notes:

  • He's looks younger than he actually is and has mostly rounded shape language to make him look more sympathetic but has his large nose and sharp limbs as to not overly cutesy.
  • His hair is white to make him appear more celestial and to have it be the main focus when looking at him.
Cane Hurri
Sunny's "Assistant"
The Cloud Centre














Even as hatchling, Cane had always been fragile and meek. No one, not even the Lord knew why he was he began to scream and cry upon being thrown off the roof of his house. All the other children remain calm and spread their wings to fly, so why couldn't Cane? (in truth, the Angels didn't understand what "autism" was.)

Regardless, without flight, Cane couldn't navigate the kingdom and had to be cast out into the Cloud Centre. Fortunately, his time in the cramped angelic orphanage was very short lived, as he would be taken in by a Nimbi, that being Miss Hurri.

For the next 13 years, Cane lived under Hurri's watch at all times. He mostly stayed around her since the other Nimbi always glared at or belittled him for being a "broken servant of the Lord". He only felt safe and loved around Hurri anyway. She thought him how to read, how to behave, and the many many dangerous things he had to avoid: Strangers, hights, open windows, pipes and so on.

Everything else like cooking, bathing and cleaning she did for him. Cane never wanted to leave Miss Hurri and would start quietly sobbing when she left for work and had to stay in Terry's apartment for the day. But Terry was nice and something very important, Tyler, Cane's only friend.

Tyler made his life so much more fun. It was through him that Cane became so infatuated with the Aether to begin with. This mystical kingdom with stunning architecture and incredible traditions; all ran by Angels just like him?... He felt attuned with the kingdoms people and wanted to be part of their kingdom again some day. Through his many birthdays, all he asked for were more of Aether's historical and mythological slabs. Cane had to know everything he could about this kingdom.

Through them he was told so much. How the Angels won the Battle of Steve and obtained full authority of their enormous garden. The God's victorious battle against the Helliconda, or the rouge angel, or the Ancient Avian. Alongside their many many wars with the vile Demons who ruled over the terrifying Kingdom below the Aether.

Cane's mind had been filled with even more wonder; he began to embrace his identity as one of these celestial beings by dressing like them. He began to pray to the Lord and Mistress Sunny on a nightly basis.


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Fusce gravida a odio id condimentum. Cras accumsan pharetra ex. Cras mattis, nunc et elementum ullamcorper, est eros aliquam nibh, rhoncus egestas ante justo quis magna. Etiam quis lectus et tortor commodo tempus. Aliquam elementum condimentum dolor non bibendum. Duis diam leo, blandit ultricies urna eu, condimentum iaculis odio. In viverra tincidunt sem a scelerisque. Maecenas in rutrum neque, vitae laoreet orci. Fusce nec ex ac mauris aliquet luctus at quis enim. Proin vitae justo ac urna placerat congue. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum convallis turpis in accumsan facilisis. Maecenas non mauris vitae ligula accumsan dapibus. Nullam quis dolor ut nulla iaculis pharetra. Cras eu ipsum turpis. Quisque interdum id elit in laoreet.


Hurri: Mother

Time known each other: 13 years

Though she's over-baring, Cane loves more than anyone in the Afterlife. She always knew how to calm the fears she instilled in him and always did his basic necessities for him. What's not to love?

Tyler: a Memory

Time known each other: 10 years

Cane's only childhood friend. He loved Tyler dearly. He was so caring, so funny, such a happy soul... and now, he's dead. It's all Cane's fault...

Sunny: Goddess

Time known each other: 5 months

Cane worshipped her in his youth. Aether's History told him how honourable and good natured she was, but now that he's aiding her, she keeps belittling and pushing him around. But she's not doing anything wrong, she's Sunny! This must be Cane's fault.

Danny: Friend

Time known each other: 5 months

Cane looks up to Danny. Sure, his roughness and impulsivity gets on Cane's nerves, but he's so friendly and practically fearless. It feels so safe around Danny... if only Cane could be like more like him.

Glaze: Mentor

Time known each other: 5 months

Cane's was bound to be nervous around an Elemamental, but with Glaze he's mixed. She tried to kill him, but that was his fault. She's a hero, but she sometimes does bad things. She protects him, but she's really intimidating...

Mell: Friend?

Time known each other: 2

Cane knew the Demons were evil, Aether's history and genocide told him so. So when their princess wanted to make amends, Cane was angry, very angry. He was forced to cooperate with a mindless murderer... who turned out to be just like him.

Lord: God

Time known each other: 15 years

The very God who created him then cast him out of the Aether for his disability... So, of course, Cane loves and worships the Lord as mush as his daughter Sunny.

  • Aether's history, culture and mythos
  • Companionship
  • Jazz
  • Crossdressing
  • Tomato Soup
  •  His original name was Tyler T. Timothy, his current name is an awful pun.
  • Cane was created as a background Angel who later became his own character.
  • Cane's large nose, curly hair and bowtie make him look like a clown (it wasn't intentional, but it's kind of cute).
  • Cane plays saxophone, he's decent at it.
  • Cane enjoys having Hurri and Danny mess with his hair; they also both nickname him "curly".

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