1.3 - Jennifer



1 year, 2 months ago



23 - AFAB - 01.3



Jennifer, also known as 01.3, is a side effect of "The Valtis Project" held at Hawkins National Laboratory. She is one of the two artificially made superhumans, but since her powers weren't satisfying enough, Brenner let her go into the world when she turned 20. Jenny made some friends in high school, but the thought of her sister being locked up in the laboratory was enough to stop her from letting go. Since she was never made to hurt anyone, because her power was mostly healing, she worked as a nurse in the lab and quickly took the role of that empathetic, lovely friend outside of her prison too.


Jennifer is rather short, her skin pale, but not as pale as her sister's. She has short, dark hair and red eyes with a yellow glow in them, she usually lies about wearing contact lenses. Her body is covered with various scars and burns, but they are healing nicely and are barely visible now.


"I have to go back. I have to save her." 

  • People
  • Music
  • Helping others
  • Spicy food
  • Experiencing small things
  • Strangers
  • Her past
  • Being alone
  • Darkness
  • Being used for her powers

Steve Harrington

Steve quickly caught her attention, desperate to find love in the dark times. Their bond was strong, even if made rather fast. Shared trauma did its thing, and they rushed into a relationship that was rocky at first, but both of them love each other enough to work everything out.


There is a lot of guilt covering the topic of her sister. Jenny never wanted to leave her behind, but it was the only way of escaping her hell. Even after knowing Valtis was never mad at her and came to her for help after escaping, Jennifer still blames herself and wishes things turned out differently.