1.2 - Valtis



1 year, 2 months ago



23 - AFAB - 01.2



Valtis, also known as 01.2 or Project Valtis, is a super-human being created at Hawkins National Laboratory. Due to her highly destructive powers, she is kept under the laboratory, living below everyone, isolated and mostly alone. She was raised like a rabid dog so she quickly became one - Afraid of human contact, responding in violence before making sure the thing she is scared of is actually a threat. Valtis possesses strong psychic abilities and can channel into the "Other Side" (don't confuse it with Upside Down!), keeping in contact with whatever lives down there.


Valtis is rather tall. Her skin is always very pale due to a lack of sunlight. She has short blonde hair and often wears them loose since nobody taught her to do anything with it. Her eyes are greyish (or silver), but she isn't blind - She was born with them like that. Her body is covered with random scars and burns from the abuse she endured under Brenner's care.


"Demogorgons? It's humans you should be afraid of." 

  • Stranger Things Monsters
  • Nature (Both fauna and flora)
  • Snakes
  • Big, open spaces
  • Her friends and boyfriend
  • White color
  • Tight rooms, small spaces in general
  • Physical touch (except her boyfriends)
  • Silence
  • Isolation

Henry Creel

Valtis met Henry inside her "room" (or cell), he used to visit her often, manipulating her into a relationship later along the line. At first, there weren't many emotions between them, but they quickly grew inseparable. Now they are openly dating and rather good for each other, learning how to live outside of their prison.


Even though they got separated quickly when they were young, their bond was stronger than anything that was put between them. Jenny is probably the only person Valtis always trusted and never had any doubts about her intentions, even after they met outside of the lab. Her sister was the one making sure she never comes back to the lab, and for that, Valtis is forever grateful.