Adam Sucre



1 year, 2 months ago


Name Adam B. Sucre
Nickname(s) Bee boy, Goggles, Can'tPinMeDown (Penstagram)
Gender Male - he/him
Age 26 years
Orientation Heterosexual
Species Witch-Demon Tribrid (6th generation)
Track(s) Construction and Beast-keeping
Occupation Freelance Artificer and Beast-handler
Residence Musicbox Sanctuary
DON'T TOUCH, I'm working on that!-- I don't need your help, I work best alone!! Buzz off!!

Angry, stubborn, fast, and handy, Adam has the blazing personality of a firebee-- without the actual fire! This witch is usually found patrolling the Tangled Forest just east of Maulingwood, communing with its beasts and fiercely guarding his territory. If it feels like every creature is staring at you, watch out! It means Adam has his eyes on you, and the closer you get to the forest's centre, the more likely you'll see him face-to-face. He protects what he loves with a fiery passion, and Titan help you if you get in his way of that.

As a person, Adam can be a bit loud and off-putting but has a gentle soul under layers of impulsivity. He takes pride in his masculinity, including its negative traits. When feeling anything a little too strongly, he tends to mask it with some degree of anger, giving him a reputation for being grumpy and unpleasant. On the flip side, he can be aggressively playful in nature, finding fun in teasing and roughhousing with his close friends. He is gruff and competitive but also dedicated and loyal to those close to him. Adam is happiest when given work to do, and can often be found building and repairing structures or helping keep animals under control. He is entirely responsible for the upkeep of the MusicBox Sanctuary and its construction. Despite his grumbling and groaning, he will happily fix and build things, especially if his aunt asks.

Adam has a funny speech pattern that typically involves repetition of some kind. He will often say the same word twice, or rephrase his sentences directly after he's said it once (EX: "yup yup!", "nope! no way!", and "I'd rather die!- rather die SLOW!"). A lot of his words are contracted or abbreviated, putting a lot of apostrophes in his dialogue. He also sometimes uses outdated slang or phrases from varying time frames.

  • Physical labour
  • Making things with his hands
  • Flying fast and doing things quickly
  • Creatures and beasts
  • Firebee honey (a lot)
  • Honesty
  • Staying still
  • Slowness and Indecision
  • Illusions
  • Water and getting wet
  • Wearing long sleeves
  • The cold

Book smarts
Street smarts
The Eclipsing

In the dead of night, whilst sleeping in the apprentice's barracks, Adam was quietly awoken by his auntie Giselle. Confused and bleary-eyed, he questioned her but was quickly shooshed and begged to be silent. He'd get the full explanation later, but all he knew then was, "something terrible is coming, and we have to leave before it's here". It didn't take much to convince him- he trusted his auntie, and he'd grown tired and wary of the Eclipse coven long ago. The two snuck around the Eclipse Coven's castle, visiting Giselle's office and picking up a map of the Whalefall Continent. With the map, Adam pointed out the perfect place to go- east on the other side of the continent. With powerful plant and beast-keeping magic on their side, they could tame the forest on the outskirt of Maulingwood for themselves and be safe there.

Thanks to his unfortunate reputation and closed-off attitude, Adam had nothing and no one to leave behind. He could freely run away with his aunt and regret nothing. And so he did, travelling treacherous, untouched paths and avoiding coven scouts until they'd reached their new home. He built two houses in a clearing they'd made, and with the forest's foreboding nature, no one would ever find them there. he thought. After a few instances of brave travellers accidentally walking into the sanctuary, Adam used his magic to turn the forest's creatures into sentries, so he would know if anyone stepped even a foot into the woods.

Post-Eclipsing (present)

(WIP) Adam and Giselle Are still hiding in their sanctuary to this day, offering rare help to those who seek them out. Adam has more work than ever, building new things and keeping up with what breaks or needs upgrades. Honestly, as much as he grumbles, he couldn't be happier. He enjoys feeling needed, and the settlement would fall apart without his expertise.


Design Notes
  • The patch of brown on the bridge of his nose isn't an effect! It's bee fuzz, the same kind on the base of his wings. He also has it on the tips of his ears and in a diamond on his back where his wings connect.
  • Adam is in a generation after Giselle, and did not inherit the insect wing ears. He has normal pointy witch's ears instead.
  • There are identical scars on his palms, from where he'd grabbed a cursed sword by the blade in combat.This cut goes through his gloves, as they were his only pair.
  • The bandage on his jaw is optional- he just gets dirty and banged up a lot.
  • The goggles are for him to wear while flying at high speeds or working with things that spark. He is more than often wearing them.
  • The clip on the left side of his bandanna is actually holding the fabric to the neck of his vest- to prevent it from getting in his face too much whilst flying.
  • Adam is in the 6th generation of a tribrid family tree! His ancestors were a bug and biped demon, who's children had families with witches. His family is full of witches with flying insect qualities.
  • Adam's Voiceclaim is Tramp from Disney's Lady and The Tramp.
  • His palisman is a "Centi-bee" named Champion. When on its staff, it's notoriously difficult to tell what it is, since it resembles a honeystirrer with wings. In reality, this is because Champion curls up very tightly to create the "dipper" shape.
  • Champion hatched from a palisman carved into the shape of a cocoon-- a tradition for witches in the Sucre family.
  • Adam likes getting to know Sanctuary members through spending time with them while he builds their individual house. Each house he builds at the sanctuary is unique and made just for them!
  • In the cold, Adam feels the urge to hibernate, and will get sleepy. Being in the cold for too long will cause him to fall asleep and be essentially comatose until warmed up. He does not fair well in winter and uses potions or enchanted jewellery to stay warm if he can't actually hibernate.
code by jiko