(Bubble) Wave



6 years, 20 days ago

Basic Info


Wave (Wave isn't her full name. Her full name is Bubble Wave but sins she's a pirate, that name seems too silly for her. Only her family and closest friends know her full name.)




risky, cheerful, friendly and an asshole at the same time (explained later), stubborn, narcissistic, overly ambitious


Wave was born in Ponyville, but doesn't live there. She is always somewhere in the sea or on an island away from other ponies, but even when she's at home Wave lives in her ship it means too much to her and she never leaves it.


Wave is a pirate. She is very ambitious, and because of that often over estimates herself quite a lot. Wave is also very stubborn and almost never changes her mind, so even when she knows that she is wrong, she's too ashamed to admit it, so she will still fight for her opinion, which makes arguing with her completely useless. Because of her stubbornness and determination she never gives up but has a weird perspective when it comes to friends. If you become friends with Wave when you meet - no matter what you will do she will try her hardest to remain friends, but if she doesn't like you from the start - there is no way to redeem yourself, so prepare for her constantly bullying you for every little mistake.

EG's bio

EG Wave is a coin collector. She has the largest, and only, collection of different coins in CHS. Her main goal is to have as many ancient coins as she can. By far Wave has only one, so it's VERY important to her. She prefers a fair trade, but if people refuse to give her the coins she extremely wants, Wave will steal them. She is to stubborn to just give up on them. Because of that, she has a bad reputation in town, but her friends can forgive her flaw, although they don't agree with her choices.

Cutie mark

Wave has a bit for her cutie mark. She got it when her family's ship landed on a treasure island. While grown-ups were digging the treasure Wave was wondering around the seaside. There she found her first coin, and it made her so happy, she realized that's what she want's to do - look for treasures. The coin she found that day is special to her, she keeps it to this day.


Reference image: This

Value: 700p