

5 months, 6 days ago


Gender Male
Orientation Demisexual
Birthday 17.12
Affiliation None
Gender Female
Orientation Heterosexual
Birthday 31.12
Affiliation None
Height Difference
38 cm
203 cm
165 cm

Age Difference
2 years

Big spoon
Little spoon
Lends clothes
Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names
Uses pet names
Affection through words
Affection through actions
Confesses first
Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs
Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car
Can't drive
Can't cook
Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA
Loves PDA
Has more relationship experience
Has no relationship experience
How they met

Peter and Olivia both come from an orphanage, except that Peter run away from it shortly after arriving and Olivia waited patiently till she got adopted at some point. 14 year old Peter learnt how to live alone, changing places, raising his own money mostly by theft. One day he followed a rich man home knowing he bought many expensive components planning to steal some of them. It turned out that components belong to a 16 year old mexican girl. When she entered her room and saw a teenager searching through her belongings, Olivia imediately grabbed a pan and beat him thard with it. Realizing it's just a poor, lonely and highly intelligent teenager she decided to help him with wounds she made herself. From this point they started to meet regularly, learning that they have similar morals, interests and goals in life.

Their Relationship

Their relationship is a very calm, loyal and passionate one. They are both intelligent and good in their area of knowledge, Pepe is one of the best weapon engineers in Night City taking personal commissions from anyone interested, and Sombra is an excellent netrunner. Despite them both being busy most of the day, they always find a moment to sit together and enjoy some good food or cuddles. They are very physical in showing affection, though since Peter is rather clueless in emotions, Olivia has to be the one initiating intimate situations, which Peter follows with pleasure.

They are in a relationship since 20 years by now and they know each other fully, Olivia knows how to deal with Pepe, how to calm him down or has enough patience to explain social cues to him. On the other hand Pepe is very soft and caring towards her, she is the only person he can show emotions to and only person he trusts fully. After 20 years of partnership with help of their now adopted daughter Carr, Pepe decided to propose to Olivia, she immediatelly accepted and on the same day she hacked into government files to change her surname to Peacock without organising a wedding.

They happily live together in harmony, Peter takes care of their house, cooks and cleans their rooms, since he is very sensitive to tidiness of his surroundings. They both have a solid income so their life in a megablock is rather wealthy.

How Pepe feels

Pepe is deeply in love with Olivia and she is already an integral part of his life. He can't imagine his life without her and if it wasn't for Olivia, he would remain single forever. He never felt anything so strong to anyone except for her. Peter is highly protectve over her and takes care of her eating habits and rest after hard work. Even though he can't express it fully he is very grateful for her patience and love.

How Sombra feels


  • They love going on long rides.
  • Their favourite place for dates are Badlands.
  • Living together since Pepe turned 18.
  • Pepe always makes sure that Olivia eats food during the day..