



General Information

Full Name: Sergio "Scraps" Solis

Nickname(s): Scraps(given by himself), Trash Kitty, Mummy, Cryptid Cat, Trash Goblin, Scrappy, TP, The Void.

Age: Physically 18, biologically is 85 years old.

Gender: Cisgender Male

Pronouns: He/him

Place of Birth: Veninax

Date of Birth: October 29th, 1989.  

Star Sign: Scorpio


Species/Race: Human(formerly), Umbra Videns(demonoid reaper species. Means "Shadow-Seers" in latin.) Mexican-American.

Occupation: Vigilante & Soul Protector

Status: Deceased, then resurrected as one of the undead.


Height: 5'2" ft

Weight: 130 lbs

Skin Color: Tan(while human), Dark Purple(umbra)

Hair Color: Black(human), Dark Purple(umbra)

Hair Style: Medium length with thick curls, usually unkempt and messy.

Eye Color: Chocolate brown(human), Yellow with purple irises(umbra).

Clothing: An old greyish-purple hoodie with dark jeans, and bandages covering most of his body.

Accessories: None

Features: Has cat ears and a tail, canine teeth, yet goat-like pupils in his eyes and horns on top of his head. Rumored to have multiple eyes underneath bandages. A dark smog usually floats off of the parts not covered by the bandages. When he was a human, he had dimples whenever he smiled.


Weapons: His claws, horns and tail.

Skills: Can jump higher than most, can run on all fours, can climb a lot of surfaces due to his claws, and has great stealth especially at night.

Abilities: Night vision, toxic fumes, can see and communicate with other members of the undead, and limb regeneration(though he can only heal one body part at a time.)

Last Resort: Unwraps his bandages to cause any enemy to faint or freeze up with fright by witnessing what's underneath. Can also go into a primitive, feral state when gravely wounded. 

Strengths/Feats: Catlike reflexes, can lose a limb and be fine, higher strength & durability than most people(but is beat by Pixel and Glitch), and a great fighter in dark settings.

Weaknesses: Sensitive to bright lights with vision being overall weakened during the day, while he can regenerate it can take quite a bit of time depending on how badly he gets disfigured, weak point is his head and his heart as they can't be regenerated, and can't ever reveal his true form since it can cause permanent psychological damage to whoever witnesses him.


Family: Arturo Solis(older brother), Estrella Solis(grandma, deceased), and Dulce Martinez(adoptive sister, deceased).

Love Interest/Crush: Marigold Fitzgerald(girlfriend, deceased)

Friends/Allies: Glitch, Pixel, Serenade, Venus, Yeti, and Graham.

Enemies: Rai Hayashi, Dr. Reznya, Ethan Lockheart, Detective Vic Nightingale, The Los Diablos, Mama Mae, Dolly Dearest, Carlos Juarez, and Margorie and Mortimer Fitzgerald.

Other Information

Personality: Mysterious, friendly, reclusive, secretive, intuitive, creative, philosophical, self-critical, melancholy, empathetic, wise, a tendency to be morbid.

Likes: Art, pumpkin spice lattes, herbal tea, vintage horror movies, insects & arachnids, catnip, taxidermy, sweaters, balls of yarn, the fall season, halloween, romantic comedies, horror literature, scented candles, marigold flowers, and video essays.

Dislikes: Getting wet, feeling left out or overlooked, crowded places, fireworks, firearms, the smell of cigarettes, collecting knick knacks, modern day horror movies(ya just can't beat the classics), being the center of attention, being patronized, people asking about his past, fleas, and whenever his bandages get tangled.

Hobbies: Drawing, knitting, going on night walks, visiting the cemetery, listening & emotionally supporting other people, scavenging in the garbage, chasing a laser pointer, afternoon naps, and graffiti art.

Goals: To help prevent as many people as he can with their mental health issues, making up to Marigold and his brother, and keeping his team safe.

Habits: Gets distracted if a bird is nearby, often accidentally makes himself sick by drinking products that contain dairy(he is lactose intolerant), purrs softly whenever he's relaxed, though he hates it when people point it out, often scratches his head or flicks his ears, tail puffs up whenever he's scared or angry, always puts his team's trash away to keep their space clean.

Fears: Losing or failing anyone he cares about, growing too attached to someone only to outlive them, and dogs.

Trivia: Umbra Videns come in a range of colors, and depending on what color they are indicates how they died previously in their human life. Purple is death by suicide, and purple umbras usually look after or help guide living souls who are deeply struggling with mental health.


"Nothing lasts make sure you remember to cherish who and what you have in your life now."

"Life is what you make of it. In my case, my life's shit but that's ok since I am shit."

"Immortality is bad enough already...but I HAD to come back as something that can contract fleas."

"Believe it or not I'm actually not really a cat person. Never been a fan."

"Solo mi suerte..." (English: Just my luck...)

"Estoy rodeado de idiotas!!" (English: I'm surrounded by idiots!!!)